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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Bloody thing! I was ready to smash me pc drives yer nuts!
  2. Nope high on bom bay mix some where!
  3. This will drive you nuts!! Have fun! The object of the game is to move the red block around without getting hit by the blue blocks or touching the black walls. If you can go longer than 18 seconds on any one test, you are phenomenal. It's been said that the US Air Force uses this for fighter pilots. They are expected to go for at least 2 minutes. Give it a try but be careful...it is addictive The Air Force Test http://members.iinet.net.au/~pontipak/redsquare.html
  4. Sorry To hear that Stu keep us posted regards Gaz
  5. But working on it My girl friend Anne now wife just after I bought the XS(a million years ago) beast of a bike!!!!!!
  6. This Bultaco sherpa was a real widow maker! Until the night before a big competion the kick starter shaft snaped off hence no motor and no spare shaft Well pissed off we fixed it sold it and bought the fantic 200 outfit which we still have 20 years later !
  7. Me getting rid of some swag out the cave
  8. Apparently, 10 days ago they laid off all their traffic wardens and wrapped up operations. Businesses and traders are up in arms about it. Apparently it's anarchy there, with people parking their cars all day in two hour bays, and fights among motorists breaking out due to the jams created by inconsiderately parked cars. The council acknowledge their grave error, and a Councillor said they would be re-instated. However, to re-instate the computer systems, set up a ticketing scheme, employ and train new staff, and overcoming legal issues, presumably surrounding those just made redundant, will cost in excess of £155,000 and take at least a year. The Police have refused to get involved, as parking is not a criminal matter, apparently! So anyone visiting Aberystwyth this year, park considerately, and not where you like, eh? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2001603/Aberystwyth-town-traffic-wardens.html
  9. From what I can remember it must admit 75% of the ambient light.Having said that some plod will not pull you if its darker and worn in daylight.
  10. In there day Norton won 32 TT wins most of them on the trot year after year no one could touch them! and that's why I have one in me shed!
  11. Or may be this site http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/maths/number/
  12. Good for sticking on your hard drive at work and watch the blue screen of death I will have a play a recon I can make a motor that will spin using these. Could enter it in next years zero TT now theres food for thought
  13. I see this story found its way on to the Yahoo news very sad story.
  14. No Mate But like Said in another thread this weird chick keeps turning up out of an old oil can.
  15. I found her in there the other day I said this ant no cave on yer Bike!
  16. Funny you should say that,I thought the same!
  17. I bought a 1200 Rizler Bandit for pulling wheelies and general stunting but flogged a few months back dunno where it ended up?was a right old rattler though
  18. I just bought 50 of um I will play at Levitation when they arrive.nerd
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