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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BSA-Bobber-/130650706744?_trksid=p4340.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DPI.WATCH%26its%3DC%252BS%26itu%3DUCC%26otn%3D5%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D6631974576327540019
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1981-Chevrolet-Corvette-350-Auto-Coupe-/140705463080?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D5%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D6633273385672975883 I wan it but its sold
  3. Who else is on LSD? DOUBLE 99 please m8 Having said that it dose look dodge pot! holy sheyit
  4. Nice with 7 days left bet that will fetch some wonga.
  5. Mine was about 30 bob! cost me a tenner to tag the R100T on riders policy but mine all old sacks of
  6. Might be a good idea as the fuel is so poor these days unleaded only really as a 3 week forcourt sell by date and loses its octain fast. My big Yam want start if its been stood for a few months unless I drain the float bowls and run new juice in to them.The old juice that I drain out gose in the Norton that thing runs on creosote having said that I might soooooo wrong
  7. Its all very sad and sorry to hear about, But like I say to Anne I could drop down dead at any minute. Hence I am off up the shop for me ale, ok so that don't help but I am not going to sit here in me Hi viz doing sod all! I recon it might be ok in the Otherworld?
  8. Well I was out in the garden tinkering about with my bikes and to be honest it sounded like moto gp loads of bikes around going far to fast.(Sounded nice) what people need to remember is most have not riddern in a wile over the winter months and you can get a little jaded with your riding skills plus your brakes may have glazed over and not be so sharp they my need bedding in a bit. I wonder how many even botherd checking there tire pressures and just dragged the bike out and cained the living day lights out of it............I was in my van the other day in 30mph zone out in the sticks 2 bikes came by doing well over 30 kin mad it dose nobody any good and tars us all with a bad name. moan moan
  9. Nice one Stan thats good. Lord of the Hornets mmmmmm
  10. Made a nice job there Lee nice one
  11. "Plenty good I found I could balance a glass of wine on my oxygen and thread needle 25,000 feet wile flying in a sloooooow roll".
  12. Hagons fitted and ready to race.air minister
  13. Thanks its getting there slowly where is this? Stu
  14. Random Tregaron pic takern last Oct BM cleaning the motor looking good.
  15. I stopped to fill the Bandit up at Morrisons a wile back I had coverd a far few miles that night it was cold wet and Dark,They would NOT turn the pump on until I removerd my helmet the last thing I wanted to do with cold hands! so screw um any way! I will never shop or fill up there again...and don't expect a reply, I had nothing else better to do wile setting up a pc at work!!!!!!(doing me IT bit)
  16. This offer is unfortunately quite unavailable for most people using a bike for their shopping, here is the text of an e-mail I have sent to their headquarters asking about this.......... "Dear Morrisons, I am writing about your offer of 15p off a litre of petrol, when you buy £60 worth or more of shopping. This sounds great for everyone who visits you with a nice big car, but is, of course, of no use whatsoever to a motorcyclist who would never be able to fit £60 worth of shopping on their bike. I would like to suggest that you might like to offer a "Bikers special" whereby you receive the same discount for £20 worth of shopping, but you would be limited to just filling up a motorcycle petrol tank, far smaller than a car tank.. I think the net cost to yourselves would be roughly the same, and you would have the advantage of attracting the large amount of bikers who get sent out to do the shopping, we are always keen to support shops that do not discriminate against us."
  17. Well done streetfighter nice one now watch this 1.24mins better than telly its the drugs of the 70s lol
  18. Not bad, bit to much info I recon though.
  19. XS1100

    hi everybody

    Not the Phil Read? welcome
  20. The various Air Ambulance charities that operate in the UK are currently unable to reclaim VAT on fuel, unlike the RNLI that is an equivalent charitable service. There is an online petition (hyperlink below) and I ask you to consider adding your name to this. I believe any such petition that gets 100,000 signatures then has to be brought to the attention of the Government. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/29349 You never know if you might need this service.
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