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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. No good me having a facebook account I have no friends And twitter well my Budgies do that. Sad old weirdo
  2. Not as poor as this though http://gpsinformation.info/main/merryxmas.swf
  3. This old Volvo bus as been converted in to a Cafe and is parked up next to a Classic bike shop so plenty to do and see. looks like a nice place to ride out to if your that end of town. http://thejailhousecafe.com/index.html
  4. Most users ever online was 22 on Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:06 pm gmt So on the Friday 23 December 2011 at 21.30pm gmt say hi here stay logged in for 20 minutes Lets see if we can up it before 2012. what yer recon? regards @xs1100
  5. CLASS ! Shame she snuffed it but these are still touring
  6. cool m8 but I keep returning to these may be I need HELP ??
  7. now thats weird watching this any one seen it weird film
  8. Annes to busy painting weird pictures wile burning patchouli oil and drinking blu col anti freeze the weirdo!
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