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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Being an MD, O2 Sent me an offer Blackberry curve with unlimted texts 600 free call minutes and a shed load of other stuff £25 a month. which is the same as the lump of junk I have now.
  2. really Dick ? yep just got bored with it then a month or so back just fancied a pint Was it to do with Bob Calvert oops
  3. Jasper 1975 same year my XL125 built, thats an old un
  4. Got Mine Chad, Great job done mate nice one,
  5. My Postman dare not come to my house if he thinks there is some one in!so I hide
  6. I will start with this. songs about motorcycles
  7. http://www.wynn3.com/pj1%20paints%20and%20tyre%20weld.html
  8. Wow not had that before looks tasty though. This is also tasty
  9. I loved smoking Rothmans but quit in 2000 cus I wanted to. Like drop of the above from time to time makes a change from ale thats the only reason.I could drink a bottle a day but that would silly. The days of swilling shed loads down all the time saddly missed to. But it was one hell of a party But after a week of working outside in the freezing cold and no work or driving the next day, sod it ay have a little drink.Happy Christmas Hope your not geting to hot downunder, + + =
  10. Get as many cans of PJ1 as you can and use it you want get a better finish more EU shiyt!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. dot4 mmmmmm tasty ! sounds pretty gross.My scotch as hint of unleaded............unless drowned with anti freeze.
  12. This will keep me quite for couple hours. Note the quality scotch hence the Schweppes
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