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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Ok so its been done before but there are more of us now so lets have a recap, I will start with Rothmans. I quit many years ago Rose what where them cocktale fags Again? And before all the nasty cheap brands took over. lamberts gross. Cravern A tasty
  2. Me I stuff bits of old MCN down me jacket best insulation ever!then you can have a read when yer stop at the motor way services and stuff yer head under the hand dryers!
  3. Nice idea but to be honest I would keep the lecky starter and bin the kicker.and not butcher the loom.them kickers where pain in the ass if remember right.and only realy there as back up for the starter and the 11 the kick starter is in the tool kit!
  4. Excellent ride another couple of hunderd and its the length of the UK 874 :)lands end to john o groats ,
  5. Yer good link tons of swag there,I went to a place In the Mojave desert California, that was similer only hundreds and hundreds of bikes and all outside no rust just faded paint work bet there still there.
  6. Not quite sure right now but I think its to do with the the rear brake lever stop.I will check on it though.
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