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  1. i had a honda mtx80 when i was 16 till 21, then no bike untill 3yrs ago now ive got a yamaha virago 535 hope to up grade her maybe next year and i hope i ride untill im old and gray
  2. the sky was blue but so was i needed a red hot bath to defrost
  3. took the bike out for 4hrs with a friend today great ride out untill we stopped off at the jcb lake at rocester to feed the birds and take some photo's place was packed with families getting some fresh air. when i came to start her up battery had gone flat! we had to push her up the hill to attempt a bump start but i could;nt get enough speed up, by this time my face was bright red everyone stood and watch apart from one man who came to my rescue, with his help i managed to bump her and i made it home. phew! still feel like a right numpty though!!!!!!!!
  4. i also liked the bike but i liked the posh shed in the background
  5. 2catz

    hello world

    yet another big welcome sniff
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