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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. The girl who gave the prophecy is someone that is not saved in real life but she knows the word--so what you said makes sense. I have been thinking about "prophets" alot lately, I don't want to be easily deceived by those who aren't authentic or hearing from God! I wonder why she told my friend something but not me? I was just observing.

    I do know two people who could possibly like me, but I think this dream may be geared toward men that I will possibly meet in the future? I don't know though (one may try to stop someone else from liking me or vy for my attention too-its crazy!) I THINK TOO HARD!!lol
    thanks again

  2. Here are two strange dreams I had last night (kinda got me thinking). Let me know what God tells you:

    Dream #1
    One of my old friends (who I don't hang out with anymore in real life), invited me to play a game with her at a gym/auditorium. There were lots of people on the gym floor and we all would touch a white ball. (I don't remember getting involved at all in the game-just observing) The girl had on a dark purple jacket/shirt with black sunglasses on. She began prophesying to certain people in the large crowd. She prophesied to my current friend saying that "God wanted to connect/expose her to someone from her past"? (don't remember the exact words, but the first thing I thought about was her meeting up with one of her old boyfriends from the past; restore situation?) My friend (who was prophesied to and standing in a line of people in front of me) looked back at me (I guess as confirmation and seeing if I heard what the girl said). I smiled at her to try to get her attention, but I don't think she saw me. I just continued to listen to the prophesies.
    side note: I wonder if soon I will be getting a divine revelation-just like the other dream I had with the prophetess? ...hhmmm.

    Dream #2
    I'm at some event going on at someone's house in their basement. I remember sitting at a table and the television was on (I think a sport was on) I was eating food and two white guys are there. One of the guys had on a white t-shirt, khaki pants, and brown hair). In my peripheral he was doing stunts (jumping up in the air,et). The second guy (who was cute), was sitting beside me in a folding chair. I remember having my hair in two puffy poinytails on the top of my head and wearing a light blue shirt with white capri pants (I had this same outfit on in another dream recently), The guy who was doing the gymnastics was trying to tease me. I saw a bowl of chips on the table (RUFFLES?) and started playfully throwing pieces at the guy next to me, hitting him in the face. He threw chips at me too, flirting with me and smiling. The other guy kept trying to interrupt us by saying annoying things? what's up with this one?

    thanks for your help, I really appreciate it

  3. I was thinking that-I know that I am DIVORCED from my old self-HALELULIA. But this dream is also prophetic. Someone that I know, talked to me today and she was the person represented in the dream...I remember telling her, "it will be okay" -she's really going through right now! Once again, parts that are in my dream usually have double meaning and unfold differently in real life, so we will see! thanks
    p.s. I don't want to keep bugging you, but did you ever get my last email?

  4. One thing that I can say is that God can speak through anyone or anything--you just have to be open to HIS speaking. May I suggest that with you, God may be showing you that you need to rest in Him and have patience. I dealt with this delimma before: "God, how do I know that's you?" "what are you saying?" Satan doesn't know what you're thinking and he doesn't know the future (as some would believe) only God does, but Satan can see how you handle situations and facial expressions shown when a situation comes up, and he can later influence your actions; try to tempt you. Am I making sense?

    When trying to hear from God, anything he says will not go against his word-ever. That's why it IS important to know his word-because if you don't know, you can be easily deceived. Even if God does tell you to do something out of your comfort zone, it will eventually line up with his word and be "decent and in order." God deals with your spiritual man, and Satan is all about the flesh. Doing something in/of your flesh, is not of God. "In the mouth of two to three witnesses" a word is established. God brings confirmation to what He has or will tell you. Just be patient, and ask God to show you things; when He shows you, tell him to let you know that its him without a doubt. I know with me, I would ask God to show me stuff and he would but doubt/confusion (which is not of God) would creep in. When God shows/tell you something, rebuke confusion or doubt instantly when it comes in. Do you think Satan will let you have what God has told you to, on a silver platter?--I THINK NOT!lol...so, Satan will try to make it hard, but no weapon formed against you will prosper. Cast down every thought that isn't of God and continue to speak peace. Its a constant battle-but you've already won in JESUS NAME!

    okay, enough preaching!lol...Just continue to be patient and open to God speaking in many ways!!
    glad you're apart of the group

  5. Had a dream where I was in church and the service was about to
    begin. My spanish friend Ruth, was in the pew in front of me, facing me
    with her knees on the seat (she had on white). She gives me her gray
    digital camera (which she has in real life) to look at some

    The pictures look like some post cards. In one picture, she's happy
    and a her face is bigger (fat) and her hair is blond (which in real
    life her hair is brown with blond highlights). She is speaking very
    well and clearly, and I am impressed to not hear an accent. I see
    another picture of a church and some words were written in white.
    One word in particular was 'DIVORCE'. Ruth began reminiscing about the
    photos and began to tear up. I had no idea that she was married.
    She said that her husband made her feel bad and her self-esteem was
    lowered. NOW RUTH WAS DIFFERENT-she had changed for the better; she
    was alive in christ so to speak. She was married from 2001-2008 (7-
    8 years) and she said her husband was a millionaire. She had a
    restraining order against him; they don't speak. I touched her hand,
    trying to console her: "Its okay", I said.

    It seemed hard for her to talk about her past. I was sitting beside
    a woman and my roommate, who had on black, was trying to see her
    pictures too, but I turned Ruth's attention back on me so that she
    wouldn't be distracted or hurt by my roommate being "nosey" and
    spreading her personal business. Ruth felt comfortable with me, so
    she continued looking/talking to me. On the last picture, it said: MIA
    SHERWOOD MINISTRIES (Mia had invited Ruth to leave her home country
    and come to Alabama)

    background: Ruth is a very sweet/pure person. She loves God and she
    desires all that He has for her. We have been through similar
    situations with our past boyfriends and we are both waiting on "our
    perfect matches". We constantly encourage eachother in God. She is
    from another country and has been in my state for a couple of
    months. We have really connected since the beginning and have grown
    close. She will be leaving soon. As for my roommate, My she
    professes to be a christian but she seems like a gossip/nosey. Not
    trying to judge, but she just doesn't seem authentic to me--I
    question her motives alot. About the 7-8 years part, I've personally been through a lot in those years (big transition) from moving to a new state, from dating/breaking up with my ex, and recently getting my life back on track with Jesus. WOW! God is amazing and I can honestly say that 2007-2008 have really been "breakthrough years" for me! Ive been tremendously transformed in God and have a new self-concept/attitude-I am closer to my destiny!!!

    okay, I'm through!!Lol Have any ideas? I would really like you all's

  6. I don't know about you all, but growing up, I've always had a favorite action heroine that I wanted to be. ROGUE from X-Men was my favorite. With her toned body, intellect, and physical prowess, I thought she was the epitome of what all women should be. (In addition, I loved her red hair with two white streaks-I've never seen nothing like it! With her telekinetic powers, she was definitely in a "league of her own") With the new movie "The DARK KNIGHT" shattering box office records, one can believe that there are still many comicbook hero fans out there! Whether you like Batman, Aquaman, Spiderman, or Wonderwoman, we ALL have a little superhero inside of us!!! If you could be any one, who would it be and why? (I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR ANSWERS!

  7. Hey
    was there something that you neglected for a while but are returning to now? It seems like the father would represent a strong force that is trying to discourage or deter your happiness. Its interesting what you said about the names: I wonder if God is letting you know that even though you're going through a tough time right now, HE still exists? He isn't far away, but he is right there to deliver you (the lady) out of the situation. Something is about to change and you're walking towards a divine encounter with HIM? The bible says that "just as a mirror reflects a man's face, so does a man's heart reflect the man" I wonder if there is anything in your heart (ie: agitation, worry, agravation,etc) that you are allowing others to see (pepper on your face) but its not necessarily affecting you? Get into that word, pray, and consecrate yourself (Joshua 3:5) (ie: fast) and see that God doesn't do a miraculous work (something amazing) very soon! Please pray on what I've said.

  8. yes, somebody like Chris Brown (from what I've seen) is more my type!! Yes, my ex did break my heart and the Lord told me that he was "handling the situation"--again, reaping what you sow! IT IS Funny that my ex was in there with Chris Brown. I wonder if my ex will see me one day with my new man-that would be WONDERFUL!!!lol
    yes, Mia said the same thing: she thought it was odd for me to be dreaming about my ex...God definitely needs to show me what's up with that? I still pray for him (like I've mentioned before!)
    *that is sooo cool you're married DAPH-please, send me a personal email about any advice you'd like to give! Just a question: weren't you waiting for you man? SO cool that he came!

  9. I just decided to keep the ball rolling on my entertainment dream!!!Lol tell me what God tells you on this one, hope you're not tired of me yet!:):

    Had a dream with the following people: Chris Brown (entertainer that
    I think is the epitome of what my future man should be: goodlooking,
    funny, wholesome, talented, etc), Angela Bassett (my father's
    favorite actress), a deacon from my home church (who also hooked me
    and my ex up; a little untrustworthy), my ex-boyfriend, and some of
    my siblings. Everyone was inside my room; my father was mad for some
    reason. I remember looking at my senior book with Chris Brown and
    there were two nice pictures of me, one behind the other. (one
    picture was of me looking downward-glamour shot and the other was me
    smiling-my hair in extentions, pink sweater, etc-similar to ones I
    made with a professional photographer a few years ago at my first
    college in real life)

    My ex was looking at me and Chris Brown was singing his latest song
    called 'Damage' (some of the lyrics: "Damage, the damage that I
    caused you...I know I broke your heart...look at the damage.") My ex
    would get up and leave the room periodically. My father had on a sky
    blue dress (which he definitely wouldnt wear in real life-lol)
    and it had yellow, pink, etc flowers in it. He ewanted to speak to
    everyone there privately. I was afraid my father would "kill" my ex
    since he was all nochalant inside our home.

    After speaking with my father, my ex came back into the room and I
    asked him what my father told him. He said, "he says what fathers
    wouldl say..." it was kinda sarcastic (which I hate!Lol) (He was on
    the phone when he told me this) I got angry and proceeded to hang
    up. He said anxiously, as if trying to stop me, "desiree, you know
    that I love you alot." It seemed this guy was trying to play mind
    games and act as though he didn't really care but infact did.

    Lastly, the deacon at our church (yes, the one who was
    the "matchmaker" to my ex and me-lol), was sitting on our couch and
    tried to tell me secretly in the crowd: "you know he's [my ex]
    coming back." of course I didn't want to believe this.
    (*I had this dream a while back, and since then, my mom did tell me
    that my ex was in town.)
    Any thoughts?
    God bless
    p.s. I wonder what's the significance of my ex being in my dreams with other celebrities? Is he going into entertainment too?!

  10. thanks Daph
    I don't know what it is that he wants me to give up about my ex? he IS out of my life and I have been blessing others by my testimony of what I've been through concerning him, but I don't know. I will ask God to reveal it so that final confirmation can come!!! As always...I appreciate your thoughts

  11. Dream #1
    I was sitting in an auditorium behind Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher (yes, more celebrities- :D ) anyway, my father was sitting beside me. He tells me to give my tinkerbell blanket (a birthday gift in real life from my ex), to somebody that is in need. At first I am sad and disappointed because I love that blanket and don't want to let it go, but when I give it up, I am content afterwards.
    (side not: I believe I have a partial interpretation on this and know exactly what God is saying)

    Dream #2
    Dad had on a gray suit and speaking to a whole bunch of college and highschool students who were all dressed in purple attire. He was telling everyone about the "college experience" and he's spoke very highly of me and how I went to a certain college (one in the past) and accomplished this thing and that, etc. I smile because I know he is very well pleased with me! ATLEAST I HOPE SO!!
    thanks again for all the help
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