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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I am so glad I have a place to come to express my concerns, fears, worries, and thoughts on God (with scriptures included!lol)...Ironically you guys, I prayed that I would have peace before Mia even mentioned it. Thanks so much you guys, God has truly given me more peace this week...I'm feeling better and better each day!!!
    smooches, I love you greatly!
    desiree :yes:

  2. Just some questions: I wonder if your husband is goin through a "rainy season"(storm) right now in his life? I don't know if its good or bad but based upon what he said in the dream he said "he had no fear of the situation, and he felt it was kind of cool and he was awestruck" when the rain came in through the roof. The following thought came to me: "showers of blessings". I like the following scripture: "BE GLAD O PEOPLE OF ZION, REJOICE IN THE LORD YOUR GOD, FOR HE HAS GIVEN YOU THE AUTUMN RAINS IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. HE SENDS YOU ABUNDANT SHOWERS, BOTH AUTUMN AND SPRIN RAINS, AS BEFORE. THE THRESHING FLOORS WILL BE FILLED WITH GRAIN; THE VATS WILL OVERFLOW WITH NEW WINE AND OIL. I WILL REPAY YOU FOR THE YEARS THE LOCUSTS HAVE EATEN--THE GREAT LOCUST AND THE YOUNG LOCUST, THE OTHER LOCUSTS AND THE LOCUST SWARM...YOU WILL HAVE PLENTY TO EAT, UNTIL YOU ARE FULL, AND YOU WILL PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD YOUR GOD,"-Joel 2:23-26


  3. Dream #1:
    remember looking in a mirror and having a bright complexion. I remember that my I had a receding hairline and I was bald on the top of my head!! I tried to change my ponytail so that it would be covered--I kept thinking: am I getting old just like my father with bald spots?lol

    Dream #2:
    I am standing on a high step of a building with my ex. I remember having on a nightcap, red shorts and a purple shirt (sleepwear). We began walking down the steps and this BIG woman with a child ran over to my ex trying to tell him something. I think she was telling him a prophecy, saying the words: "THUS SAITH THE LORD". I walked away before she could finish her sentence (I didnt' want to hear anything that may have sounded disappointing or not for me to hear). As I began moving forward through crowds of people, my ex (who had on white) began looking for me. I saw him trying to get my attention/get to me through the crowd. When he finally reached me, he was genuinely happy as he looked into my eyes (his eyes were softened/relaxed). I guess he was excited to tell me what the woman had said to him. I and my sister were sitting in the room, and she told me that she had talked to my ex on Saturday. My ex told my sister his parents didn't want to give him any money. (He was struggling and his wife didn't want to give him money)

    What is goin on with this? Help please!

  4. I've just gotten back from a long trip and GOD kept me safe!! HE IS GOOD! He will finish the work he started in me, so I cannot die until it is finished!!! (phillippians 1:6) praiseGod
    have a great weekend

  5. Great stuff! I especially like the "literal" part you mentioned--Literal dreams can be exaggerated. I rarely have night visions, so when I have a literal dream, it seems a little "exaggerated". thanks again for the great teaching and thoroughness!

  6. MIA!
    Remember when we were talkin about people who may give you the right word in the wrong spirit? Well I think that prophet in the dream represented someone in real life who acted kinda "unruly" towards a personal prophecy they gave me. I questioned them because I was like, "wow, are they supposed to act like this?" Basically, I was concerned if I wanted to hold on to it or not. IT IS CRUCIAL WE GIVE WORDS OF GOD IN THE RIGHT SPIRIT!! THANKS!!

  7. Yes, I think it has to do with "casting my pearls before swine"--in fact, this is what I thought about with the dream. I'm careful what I say to people who may not "believe the same things" I believe in somewhat. I'm cautious about certain things (especially things that God has given me). The second question I have to think about!

  8. We thank you God that you're doing the work right now in this precious sister's life. We bind up every tactic of the enemy..."no weapon formed against her shall prosper". She will be successful and the blessings will overflow in her life! She will have more than enough! Thank you right now for it Lord! In jesus name
    Come back with a testimony!!

  9. Remember being in my college dorm room (a mixture of two college's from my past) with my sister, somebody else, and three of their friends (who I don't know in real life) I remember sitting on the floor and looking to my right and seeing a poster of my favorite artist Mariah Carey on the wall or side of dresser (can't remember) I remember vividly, she was sitting on an antique bed/couch with fancy upholstery. She had on a green corset evening gown, and she was holding a baby who had red hair. The baby was smiling at her (looked like he was laughing) and she was looking at the baby too, seeming really satisfied (had a big "kool-Aid" smile as well!lol) The baby had a light complexion. I wondered if the child was her child or a possible nephew? I thought: "this is such a cute picture...awww!!" I remember seeing clear tape on the poster; I lifted up a little bit of poster and looked on the other side and saw her as a little girl with two more little girls that appeared to be her siblings? Inside the room, I see this guy that goes to my current college. He's standing up in the middle of the room. He has on black (like he usually does), his head is bald, and his back is facing me as he's looking towards the door of my room. I believe in real life he's a personal trainer and he's someone that I WAS attracted to.

    *side note: I enjoy Mariah as an artist and smart business woman. She has longevity and I desire to be famous like her when I get in the business--I think that she's the epitome of a great singer and female icon.
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