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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. A situation that is trying to kill you or "take you out" so to speak? Its a trial that won't "Feel good" at the time? (ie: water being in your nose is painful and agitating, it takes a while to get completely out when logged deep into the nasal cavity).
    I thought of the following scripture in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9:
    "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
    *in conclusion, even though you felt you were going to die (ie:drown), you won't when its all said and done? "NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS". pray on what I've said

  2. p.s. I was just thinking about the "sippy cup" thing. You weren't elevated because it seemed like you were worried about your situation/circumstance (not having money and the kids needing supplies). I feel like God is saying, "Seek me first" then everything else that you need (including the wants) will be added. (Matthew 6:33-34)..If you take care of God's business, he will automatically take care of yours! AS connie has mentioned, keep doing what you're doing (giving your time, being submissive, helping/encouraging others in God,). Because God sees all and knows all! HE IS YOUR SOURCE! YOU SHALL NOT LACK!!
    ...okay, before I get in 'preach mode' rofl I just wanted to add that my sweet sis!
    signing off finally-lol

  3. WOW!! GOD IS GOOD!! I use that phrase too much lately!!lol...but its definitely true!...Because of your obediance, God is making a way for you! I totally agree with the "asking people for money/help thing". With me, I hate it when people hold things over your head, making you feel bad for asking in the first place! But GOd, being the god that he is, will always put the right people in your path that will give out of the kindness of their hearts!! Inspite of our error, we are made perfect when we confess our sins. Thats what you did, and GOd totally blessed!!!
    thanks for posting, so encouraging

  4. that disturbed me!!Lol...I wonder who's face was on the cat? Who did the cat remind you of? I personally don't like cats, I feel like they're agitating pests (just me) so if I were to see a cat I definitely would think its someone being a pest, frisky, and just plain unlikeable. Just my thoughts

  5. you know Daph,
    Someone said the exact same thing you said..that closure is finally coming. This is the season of "restoration and new beginnings", and reconciliations have already happened to people that I know around me--kinda freaky!!lol...I just had two other dreams last night about coming into contact with my ex--so by the "mouth of two to three witnesses, a word is established" and because I had 3 of the same dreams in the different forms (Genesis 41), God is showing me that He's making it happen!...Like I said, you brought up some interesting points and I DEFINITELY want to be in God's will at all times (not out of order!!!) And about the guy who resembled my ex, in real life a guy friend of mine reminds me of my ex alot (mannerisms), but there are some aspects that make me say, "he isn't my ex" (as far as personality) and I'm glad about that!!! I don't know if that meant anything, but I just wanted to throw that in.
    desiree kiss

  6. I've had that happen to me plenty of times!! I will be singing a song or hearing it in my dreams and I will wake up to it knowing that that's what God wants to tell me currently!! In heaven the angels rejoice and sing before the throne all while saying, "HALELULIA" to God on his throne and worshiping him. Singing and jubilation is the natural thing to do in the kingdom! God tells us to "make a joyful noise"..and to come before his presence with singing.

  7. I was going to wait to answer, but I decided to go ahead and put my thoughts out there!lol...
    When I read your dream, the very thing that came to my mind was "nothing is as it seems". To me, yellow is a very vibrant color but the vibrancy didn't go well with what was showcased: swinging doors and hard beds (which to me would seem uncomfortable) Since your husband brought you and the family to the house, do you think that your husband is uncomfortable about some things right now and vice verca concerning you two but he wants to show to the outside world that everything is "bright and sunny" when its not? The house is somewhat "out of order" in disarray, so I wonder if there needs to be some sort of internal "spring cleaning"?

    I also am reminded of a story called the "yellow wallpaper". In summary, the story is about a woman who was reserved and had some self-esteem issues (possibly emotional ones) but her husband (who was a doctor) insisted upon committing her to a "sanitarium" (ie: house for the insane) This woman was locked in a room 365 days a year, week after week, in solitary confinement. She was chained to a bed (I know awful) and all that she did to entertain herself was to stare at some "yellow wallpaper" and imagine different scenarios. Eventually the yellow wallpaper came alive for her and if she wasn't crazy before, by the end of her stay she became crazy!!! I say this to say: Are you allowing some things with your husband to be 'blown out of proportion'? Are you allowing what he says or does to "drive you crazy" in a way? We can't necessarily control other people's actions and what they say/do to us, but we CAN control our own actions and mindsets to not "react" to others but to respond to them in a holy/beneficial way.

    You said that the house was "dirty and unclean" and to me that sounds like you're "questioning" something. You were going to "tolerate" the unsatisfactoriness (new word-lol) even though you were against it? I think about the parable of when Jesus spoke about the Pharisees questioning God for mingling with sinners and healing on the Sabbath. The Pharisees would ceremonially "wash" everything as ritual, essentially showing that they knew all the "right things to do" inorder to be saved, but Jesus said their hearts were "unclean" and "wicked". Jesus went on to say (paraphrase): how can you wash a cup on the outside but leave the inside of the cup dirty? That means the cup isn't really clean. Salvation is not what you do on the outside (the works: like paying tithes, going to church every Sunday, reading the bible, saying all the right things so someone can THINK you're saved), but its about your heart and only God knows the heart. Jesus said only those that are "pure in heart" (right motives, dedicated to him (reverance),etc) will go to heaven. It's what's going on in the inside that comes out that makes one saved, not vice verca. Jesus called the pharisees Hypocrites for their actions! With all of this said, I wonder if you're questioning someone's motives (maybe your husband) and his/her's salvation (fruits)? One of Mia's favorite things to say is: "you shall know them by their fruits". A bad tree can't bear good fruit and vice verca. Salvation is in the fruits (ie: walking uprightly before God, uncorrupt conversation, fruits of the spirit,etc) and if those supposedly "Godly" fruits go against someone's lifestyle, I would question that person's authenticity too!!lol..Salvation is definitely a lifestyle! ...okay, I am through preachin, but I hope some things resonate with you. Please pray on what I've said
    smooches galore

  8. Hey Vikki
    I have to agree with Maria on this one: Learning through the word of God. I've had many dreams in the past about "classrooms" and I always thought about "learning lessons". Being that I feel like God is my teacher, he was always my teacher in the dreams. I received later revelation that God would be the one to "lead me, teach me, and guide me" in his word--He definitely has done that!!
    when I read your dream about the "keys"--I immediately thought about the bible scripture pertainin to God giving Peter the "keys to the kingdom" (ie: spiritual authority and access) Do you feel like God is getting ready to lead you towards a leadership position in some way with lots of responsibility because you "know all the answers"? this is what I got. Please pray on what I've said

  9. WELL PRAISE GOD FOR CONFIRMATION!!! GOD is good! We will continue to pray for you that God will lead you where you need to go and keep you! Just continue to do your part and trust in God ("he protects those who have integrity"); so you don't have to worry about Satan's tactics propspering! (the plans of the wicked shall fail!)
    God bless you

  10. I had a dream last night that seemed kind of "dreamy" like. I remember being sleep in my dream, waking up, and then talkin to myself to do certain things when I awoke (possibly an out of body experience? dunno.) I dreamt that I was in a town with people that I really didn't know that well. I think that I was in the town tryin to find my ex boyfriend. I remember one specific scene where I was in a gym watching people interact, and then I walked outside and began floating in the air. I began to run while in the air and my arms were going back in forth. There were some dark clouds in the sky and there were a few areas where it was raining (tiny cloudbursts in different parts of the sky) but overall the sun was shining brightly. I began to smile. I even saw a beautiful sparkling rainbow began to form (it couldn't be missed; it was so wide). I immediately thought: COVENANT, so everything was okay. As I kept moving forward I kept thinking that going towards a certain point (my past; going deeper and further in the sky) wouldn't be beneficial. I remember seeing a tall tower and a bend, and the sky was a lot darker shade of gray towards the back of the sky. There was still a little sunshine and a rainbow but I was a little skeptical. Things just didn't look quite as good as before, and I didn't want to go around the bend and be "scared" of something unknown. So, I retreated and changed my direction. I just didn't want any unpleasant "surprises".-lol

    When I finally came back down to earth I saw a guy (who resembled my ex, mixed with someone else that I've never seen before) talking to two white women. We finally met. Even though I saw him in different spots talking with others, even asking "where he was"--the time just wasn't right before to approach him. The girls were mad because he had broken up with them. He saw me and finally gave me some answers that I had been needing. He brushed the other women aside. I remember the man having a green Ford Mustang. Once again when I saw him, I had to do a 'double take' because he looked completely different in the face (as I've mentioned before, I didn't recognize who he was). My ex (or someone representing him) told me that he couldn't talk to me because I had hurt him. I asked him why didn't he just talk about what bothered him? He said that I had never listened to him and I was appalled because I knew in my heart that I always did! I got hostile and said, "I listened to you when you talked about your grandmother". (who in real life died) He said, "That's different, you didn't listen to me about other things...like my skin" (I guess he had problems with his "self esteem" and he showed me his arm (which was unusually long) and I remember specifically seeing his elbow; it looked like he needed some lotion!lol...

    I was willing to talk things out; I was perturbed that the very things he was pointing out to me couldve been worked out! As I walked with my ex, I remember seeing another bald head guy sitting on a bench with his cell phone. He had on black and was sitting on his left side, appearing to be waiting on someone (I guess to pick him up). He sort of reminded me of my ex, and again, as I took a 'second look', I realized the guy wasn't my ex. WHEW! happy dance

    My ex that I was walking with got into his Mustang and drove away. He came back around the coldesac (which reminded me of the front drive of my college campus) and opened his passenger's side door--I THOUHT HE WAS GONE! I think he was expecting me to get inside the vehicle with him, but I didn't want to. He then said, "PICK ME UP" and closed the door, driving off again. :huh: I started walking and I finally felt peace and happiness. My hair was shoulder-length and flowing in the wind. I FINALLY received closure. That's all I really wanted in the first place.

    Sorry that its kinda long, but I would really appreciate the Godly insight. THANKS A MILLION! thumbs
    desiree huggins

  11. Just know that nothing is "coincidental" in GOD!!! God put us in the same path for a reason!! Keep holding on until God shows himself "Strong" in your life!! God bless you as well, and I appreciate your openness with your situation, it will help many. Remember Deuteronomy 28:13 "you're always on top, never at the bottom"--nomatter what it seems like!

  12. Lurdys
    I am perplexed about the part you said about "your ex being married because of a prophecy". Its kind of funny but right before my ex got married (so quickly as well), he said a prophet told his now wife that they were supposed to be together. At the time I was receiving lots of prophecy, so he knew that I would believe him! I later found out that he had gotten married for another reason (ie: baby) but he was too ashamed to tell me (of course he relayed the info to my sibling once he was married!) So, the "prophecy part" was essentially a lie and I wonder if your ex was lying about his prophecy too? I don't think noone gets married "quickly" these days just for love (In my opinion)...I mean marriage is a serious commitment-one that needs to be seriously thought about--not just jumped into. The funny thing is, my ex actually still has feelings for me--but of course we can't keep in touch. I would really ask your ex if his reasons were "pure". Think about it: if he was really committed to his marriage like that, why would he still be so close to you? I mean, I know you have a son with him, but things change when someone is married plus he said that "nothing would change between you guys"-that lets you know he wants to still be close (but I don't know, ask God to reveal his motives.) I'm scratchin my head at the part when he said his wife's family doesn't agree with their union--if it was "ordained" it shouldn't matter! Just my thoughts. Definitely forgive him and know that GOD DEFINTELY has someone much better!!! Just know, I was in the same boat with you-I completely understand your plight, but God knows best!
    smooches and I am so glad that God used me to help you!

  13. both of you bring up some good points. Right now, I don't know if there is an area where I am struggling to be obediant. I definitely respect the minister (even if he doesn't have feelings for me)..we have to "avoid every kind of evil" so I am not offended by his actions at all (by all means--be obediant!!!lol)..I know God has told me to do some things that seem "unnatural" to my human mind but nothing "out of order" or sinful. I will pray more on it!!
    thanks both UNA and RnestseekR!!

  14. side note: I had a recent dream of a garage! Pretty cool that many of us our having the same "themed" dreams!!lol

    About your dream,
    I wonder if either Satan or someone that you know of will try or is trying to destroy your family and its foundation? I don't know why, but when I think of houses I always think of the scripture that talks about two houses-one built on a firm foundation and the other one built on sand. When the "Storms of life" are raging, the house built on a firm foundation (the word of God and faith in Him) might be "shaken" a little but it won't be destroyed. Whereas someone who has built his/her house on sand (ex: being a hearer of the world only and not a doer), will have disaster ravage the home and it will easilybe "blown away". Does your family have a strong foundation in the word of God and Satan may be trying to "test" that?

    Even though the unknown man was destroying houses around you, that doesn't mean that he would destroy your house (though it may look like it at first!lol)...I also think of the scripture in Psalm 91:7-8;10-"A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will NOT come near you. You will only observe with your eyes...then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent."
    In addition, the garage would symbolize being apart of the house but somewhat separate (storage place; past?) I wonder if the man could also symbolize God getting rid of some things from your past (and it doesn't seem "normal" to you what He's doing?) these are just my thoughts. Please pray on what I've said :okay:

  15. OMG!! I had dreams like that about my ex, he's now married, but it seemed like for a while he was still tryin to hold on to me and his past life (as though he really didn't want to get married)! I wonder if your situation is similar? Do you feel like your son's father still wants you in his life even though he's moved on--kinda wants the best of both worlds? or actin like it?

    Construction for me means "building", "establishing", "new" etc, and I wonder if that's what God is doing in you and your cousins life (rebuilding and making new plans for you guys?) I think what you said to your cousin is true: "she needs to let go of things she's holding on to." Do you think in real life that is what maybe she and you are doing--holding on to the past? Are there possibly small skeletons in the closets that need to be cleaned out and attended to?

    God does want to do a new thing in all of our lives, but first things are first. Get rid of all baggage, issues, etc that are holding you up and hindering you from excelling to the next point. It is easier said than done, but while God is doing the construction and "laying the foundation" he still can't fill the rooms up if there's mess in there!! you need to clean out the rooms and start afresh! God wants to do the work, but you have to do your part to! God bless and please pray on what I've said

  16. While we're on the subject, I just wanted to say that I had this dream of my ex recently and it came back to my remembrance when Daphanie was speaking about her dream home in her "how she met her husband" posts. Someone else posted a house dream, and I wonder if there's some significance? I guess we will just have to see...

    Had a dream that my ex had two houses? One house he had he was very unhappy with. I guess he was unhappy with the interior of the house, and I think he tried to get it fixed (or he wanted a change) but it just wasn't working for him--he still didn't like it. He got another house and all was "gravy" for him (ie:well;fine) rofl He really liked the second house. He was very comfortable/satisfied with it.

    :huh: hmmmm...any ideas?

  17. First of all Mia, let me ask you:
    Do you feel kind of 'left out' at your church? Do you feel like your church is somewhat "clique-esh" and you feel like you don't belong? I don't know if there is a situation going on with you and your pastor's wife, but do you feel like you only feel "Safe/comfortable" when God is present or when you all are talking about "Godly things"? Just some questions. I am not sure about the significance of the stove in your dream, but when I think of stove, I automatically think of how its the center of the kitchen. Kitchen=stove=center, and inside the kitchen is where you get nourishment for your body. The stove is a tool used to help prepare that physical nourishment. It has been said that kitchen represents digestive tracks and the heart (also things related to it). I wonder if you're personally wondering if your heart or your pastor's heart is in the right place? The stove also "burns" doesn't it, when cooking? Have you or someone else been "burned" so to speak in some way? Is your pastor/his wife a central concern for you right now? I hope that I am making sense. These are just some thoughts. Please pray on what I've said, because I want to be correct!

  18. I remember talking to this girl who took a college course with me in the past (lets call her ANN). She had married one girl before and married me next out of the kindness of her heart. I knew it was wrong to be married to a female and I asked her how many times she was going to get married? I was hoping that she just would stop wasting her time getting married over and over again. She said that her next marriage would be to a man ,and it was going to be her last one. The head minister at our school bible study was in the room too.

    Side note: Ann in real life was a girl that I thought was a pretty cool person, but she turned out to have some 'questionable' behavior (ie:fake). The guy who was present in the room (head of our bible study group) in real life is a man of God, but I think that he is somewhat judgmental and critical. I even think that its hard for him to "greet" me (fellowship with me personally at church sometimes), because he is somewhat attracted to me and he's married (in essence, he keeps his distance and doesn't "embrace me" in a friendly-way like he does my other female friends). What do you guys think? thinking
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