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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Hey Miranda
    For me, pictures always resembled 'past memories'. I wonder if this is true for your sister--she has some good and bad memories from the past that she's been thinking about lately? I wonder if there is something that your sister did in her past (or will do) that she's worried about her parents finding out or being exposed in general? pray on what I've said

  2. Okay Ladies and Gents:
    I know you all went to Sunday school and summer bible camps as children to discuss many different valuable stories and parables. I just wanted to know, if you had to choose, who would be the bible character you MOST identify with and why?

  3. Hey loves!
    I had a dream (just a few hours ago) that I KNOW I have an interpretation for (it was plain as day-WOW). Ever since I've prayed to God to make my dreams more simpler (without the filler), He has done just that-and I thank him!!! I wanted to post to see what the rest of you all thought. Thanks and I love you guys so much!-desiree

    I had to move out my luggage and belongings from my dorm room (which didn't look like my real dorm room). I remembered that my television was on. Professional tennis was on (which I rarely/hardly watch in real life) and I remember seeing two white guys playing (one had on white) and I remember the scenery was really sunny and they were playing on hardcourt lawn (green). At one time, two of my younger siblings, came into my room to try to help with my things and went into my roommates room (my roommate had on all black, sitting at desk) saying, "I kNOW YOU WERE STILL HERE." My roommate seemed offended by the comment as I introduced her to my family.
    Next, I remember my roommate was now a man. His father and sister came in to help him move my stuff and his things. I had never seen this guy before in my life. I walked in the bathroom and saw small purple bottles of lotion and body wash. I also saw purple and and canary yellow? bars of soap. (They were all DOVE products). Some of the items were left on the sink and others left on the bathroom tub. Around the shower head I remember seeing two body "scrunchies" (sponges): one was yellow and more to the right was a blue one (full looking). I remember the yellow one being 'flat'. Why was this stuff still in the bathroom? I thought.
    The man and his father helped to move my black suitcases (which I have in real life). I was so thankful and relieved that I had someone to help me move out my things!

    Background: The two siblings mentioned are private, secretive, analytical/intellectual, negative,somewhat rebellious. The girl roommate was someone that I reallly didnt trust and I believe that she was curious to know about me, even though we didn't talk much. If we did it was about the "word". The man who had a sister, reminded me of my ex who also has a sister and is close with his father.

  4. I had this dream about a year ago, shortly after my last breakup. I had some ideas on it, but God
    brought it to my remembrance just the other day for more confirmations. I believe I have an interpretation. Tell me what the Lord reveals to you:

    Had a dream where I saw an 10 or 11-year-old child sitting in a
    fetal position in the corner of a room. I remember that she had on a
    faded purple/ black striped shirt and her brown hair was in braids.
    I also remember the child was sucking her thumb. I remember seeing
    one of my highschool teachers (male) tell me that he was dating
    another man (I think my ex). They were planning on having a family--
    I believe the child in the corner was their child. I picked up the
    child and she was looking up at me as her face was beside my chest.
    (she was still sucking her thumb) Immediately my teacher said: "she
    thinks that you're her mom".
    For some reason, I got offended and put the baby back in the corner.

    I began talking to my ex about Jesus and what he was doing was
    wrong. He became mad and all of sudden he morphed into a woman. I
    was scared so I ran out of the classroom. I ran through a crowd of
    people trying to get away from my ex (who had on black and raising a
    knife). I saw a green fence and was stuck. I climbed up the fence
    and successfully climbed over it. I saw a large church with glass
    doors and decided to find safety there. When I walked into the large
    lobby there were pictures of celebrities everywhere. I
    thought: "Wow, this church must be well known; lots of people come

    When I opened the door to the sanctuary, I noticed there was a
    powerpoint presentation going on (the lighting was gray). Noone
    really noticed when I came in to sit at the back. I remember seeing
    three women sitting together on the front row and looking back at me
    periodically. The sanctuary sort of reminded me of a church I
    attended years ago (before I was saved). When church ended, everyone
    went outside in the lobby to fellowship and eat refreshments (on
    white styrofoam plates/cups). I went back into the sanctuary
    to "praise the Lord with everyone" and felt someone touch me on the
    shoulder. It was the woman I was running from--I was startled. I
    remember she had on a gray skirt. She said, "I know you already look
    good, but I just wanted to give you something to make you even
    better." She gave me a VICTORIA SECRET gift bag (in real life its
    dark/ligh pink striped). At first I was a little unsure, but when I
    opened the bag I pulled out a feathery-yellow sweater and a small
    bottle of perfume (rounded; shaped like a diamond). At first I
    didn't think anything of the bottle (just thought it was a regular
    bottle of perfume) but then I took a second look: The top was
    diamond incrusted and the perfume inside was pink. I thought it was
    so precious and so unique. All of a sudden my outfit changed and the
    lights were on all over the sanctuary. Everyone was now looking at
    me and smiling in delight at how I looked. I felt so honored and
    surprised at my new look and the attention of those who didn't
    notice before. I walked out of the church in search for my parents
    house. The sun was shining brightly and I felt good. When I saw a
    familiar church, I knew I was in the right place. I walked towards
    town, finally content.

    any thoughts? thanks
    desiree laugh

    side note: At the time of this dream I had been saved for 11 years. I have also grown alot spiritually and emotionally in God these past two years.

  5. You know, this is a time then when you can't look at things with your 'physical eyes'. Jesus says in his word, "FEAR NOT...JUST BELIEVE". Do you believe that God can truly change your ex husband, even though he's hurt you in the past? When God changes somewhat, he/she is transformed COMPLETELY, no half-way jobs in GOD! If God has placed it on your heart to pray for this man, do it because there is a reason behind the praying. Your prayer may be the very prayer that helps him to change into the man of God, that GOD desires. It seems like he is making some steps, even if they are small. SHOW MERCY and continue to be the shining example of what a woman-of-God should be. Let God handle the situation--he can DO the impossible for your ex. You having no feelings could be a blessing in disguise. Why? Because God may be helping you to start a fresh, just in case it IS his will for you and he to back together (which God is all about reconciliation), a new (more holy) foundation can be set for the both of you. "NEW BEGINNINGS".
    I am praying for you. You're always welcome. If you need any prayer or anything, please let me know. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

  6. Had a dream where it was dark and stormy outside and the scenery was black. I remember it was "lightning" and I didn't want to get soaked! I remember having a small bag of skittles in my hand and eating them as I walked along. I went underneath this large black bridge--which at one point looked like a large black umbrella-- and I saw a gigantic bag of skittles on the ground. I kept thinking, "skittles...taste the rainbow!" It appeared the bag was already opened and some of the candies were eaten because the bag was twisted up at the opening as if it were a garbage bag and it needed to stay closed). I walked past the bag twice, tempted to get some but then I didn't want to be greedy because I already had my personal bag of skittles and felt i shouldn't take any more. I picked up the large bag but then put it back down because I noticed a hole in the bag and water began to drip out of it.
    When I walked into the building, a young woman that I know whose mother attends my church back hom asked if I had given her a gift yet? (A SPONGE BATH SET?) I didn't get her anything but I would if need be--just in cast others didn't. I wanted it to be a surprise so I said, "I don't know yet", to throw her off. She tried to talk to others (search for answers) for who had gotten her a gift. She walked out of view. I remember also seeing one of my younger siblings friends coming to visit her in a hotel. (This girl in real life has two children and is rumored to be now divorced) This girl looked different to me, she looked me straight in my eyes---just staring. She had a new boyfriend but I dont think she was still married to her husband (who graduated with me in real life) If she WAS married to the guy, she didn't act like it! She was naked when she came to visit my sister and she sat right on a bed while her boyfriend sat next to her. I felt it was odd that she didn't have any clothes on. Why didn't she have any clothes on? She was talking to my sister on her gray cell phone; she didn't appear to be embarrassed at all. She didn't have another baby like everyone thought or suggested she had. Later in the dream, the actor RYAN GOSLING liked me and was trying to get intimate with me (I don't know if we were intimate in the dream or not). He was soaked in water from the earlier rain outside and his hair looked wet. The movie: "THE NOTEBOOK" came to mind (he played 'Noah'). I LOVED THAT MOVIE!!!
    :snicker: :
    kinda long. Any ideas my loves?!!

  7. it can mean a number of things: a new project, commitment, opportunity, relationship, something that takes a lot of time/attention,etc. It all depends on how you felt in the dream and your thoughts. how did you feel when you saw the baby?
    side note: Its not wise to look at every single symbol because you can be thrown off. you have to look at the overall theme of the dream and go from there

  8. Dear Dreamer
    I have been where you are, and it does hurt when someone betrays you so to speak like that. KNOW THAT GOD IS BRINGING COMPLETE HEALING! I've also had dreams where my ex has tried to give me a gift, and for me it meant that he was trying to "win back my affection" (why else would guys give you gifts, especially ones that you like? To impress, right?) It seems like this is that case with your ex. Do you feel like he is or will try to win you back in the near future? He's trying to do the right thing, but going about it in the wrong way (digging in trash for a box to put something that you LOVE-a gift, in?) The scenery didn't look or smell good to you, and maybe God is showing you your ex's motives in this dream (that he doesn't have good intentions; that things aren't good as they first appear to be)? It also seems like that he's making an effort to do the right thing but not making the EXTRA effort to keep you pleased or have you fully satisfied. Do you feel like some things that you feel are important (special) he feels are somewhat insignificant and treats them like they aren't? I don't know. God does let us know to look at the fruits (actions), and in this case-his actions seem "trashy" and "foul". What do you think? pray on what I've said

  9. OMG DAPH!! COOL, I HAD THE EXACT TYPE OF DREAM (the skull and everything! My hands were also at work shaping things!!!) AMAZING!...When I had my dream (about a year ago), it later symbolized to me that I was the vessel that God was working on and changing into what he wanted me to be. Each time I was changing into something new: A martini glass, a thing of pizza, etc--God was showing me what He was making me to become and it's now manifesting!!! I wonder if God is showing you the same thing here? You said that making things with the soil was something that you loved to do and I wonder if God is using what you love to do to help in winning souls for him--shaping people's minds/hearts,etc? I believe that this dream is also confirming that you and your husband ARE on one accord (you both agreed about making a black woman--by the way, was that me?!!!lol), and that GOD IS MAKING him also to be where he needs him to be in this hour and season! Do you feel like there is noone that can help your husband (and others) in his life more/better than you can (not being arrogant but just giving credit to where credit is due)? Historically, Indians were aggressive yet ingenuitive people--I wonder if that's how you are as a person--aggressive (in a good way) yet skilled and use your ingenuity to create possibilities? God could also be wanting you to use these skills to continue to stay determined for your husband!
    In my opinion, I think that the skull just represents something coming to an end and by you taking it out of the plastic and looking at it (the dead thing will be visible to you). I think when its all said and done you will be happy and content and "rich" with God's growth in your life. What do you think?
    please pray on what I've said
    p.s. In one of my dreams, I saw my ex's skull.

  10. AGain,
    you will just have to trust God. I know that you may not want to live off of your parents, but as my parents would always say: sometimes you have to do what you have to do until you can do better. Who's not to say that this may be a humbling experience for you?! This is my suggestion, and you can't despise help when its offered (even from a source you may not want to take from!! I've been there!!!lol)...Like I said, this is only my suggestion, but just pray about it and God WILL direct your paths! Thanks for posting

  11. I wonder Daph if you feel sometimes like you're in "outter space" with your dream interpretations (unsure if you have them just right) If not dream interpretations, other things in life? The turtle is usually "slow but steady" and I wonder if that's how you feel-things are going 'slowly but surely' you're going to make it where you need to be in the end? The turtle also has a hard shell (for protection) and I wonder if God is letting you know that you ARE on a firm foundation with your calling and that as long as you STAND on Him, you won't fall! I don't know, but for some reason when reading about your 'sea turtle', I was reminded of that story with the disciples on the boat with Jesus in the sea while it was storming. Remember how Jesus was asleep on the boat when the disciples were worried and afraid about dying in the ravaging storm? Jesus was just chillin! YES He knew what was going on, but He rested in God knowing that things were going to be taken care of. When the storms of life seem to "Rattle us" and it SEEMS the boat is "Rocking" Jesus will calm the storm--and before he does, he wants to let you know that "HE'S THERE. ALWAYS with you." he's already said, "PEACE...be still" to your situation. I don't know why I thought of that story.
    I looked at the "Shifting with your weight" as things shifting in your life (changing). pray on what I've said
    Love you gurlie
    desiree kiss
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