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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Jen-
    that's the first thing I thought of : cleansing/purification through trials (that's what fire does, purify). currently, I would say I'm in a mini trial!lol
    the fire didn't burn (it seemed like the fire in the 'burning bush' not consuming anything) the broom stick didn't burn, it just touched the top of the fire. To my recollection, the person wasn't trying to remove the stick too quickly--it stayed in place for a while.
    thanks to the both of you

  2. I may have been a little unsure about this new area that God was taking me into. Alot has changed since then. I don't understand why I had all my clothes on and trying to get in the bath--maybe doing something unusual and trying to protect myself? You make a good point though. Thanks

  3. Had a dream where I was letting in some bath water. When I was going to get in, I remember still having my night clothes on (in real life: purple/white striped flannel top/pink sweat pants) and white socks. I specifically remember putting my right leg in with my sock still on.
    what do you think
    note: I had this dream a while ago but it could be still relevant. thanks

  4. Butterfly (and by the way...I love the screen name!):
    I wonder if right now as "cleansing" is taking place in your life, do you feel stuck in some way? Like you can't do anything about something even though you want to? Is there something that you're trying to do on your own but can't seem to "shake loose"(vision somewhat blurred even though you're trying to see things clearly)? Please pray on what I've said. How did you feel when you tried to take your hands off your face--aggravated, frustrated, confused?

  5. lol! I am so excited to hear about your nephew (is that the one you've been praying for lately?) HOW AWE-SOME-OH!!lol...I'm glad that you got to take a little--as the celebrities say it: "vacay" (ie: vacation)... I know that its much needed! And I am happy that you're back in full swing!Hope all guess well with the moving plans. Please insert my name on the prayer card!!!lol
    Smooches and praying for you too!
    p.s. you know I'm still new on the link things...but the testimony is just an addition to the previous testimony: "PRAISE GOD FOR PROVISioN". Its also a recap of what's already been going on!

  6. Praise Him Saints!
    I just wanted to share this short vision I had when I was praying in the spirit:
    It was a vision of a small fire right in the center of a diamond shaped glass/dish (the same type of covering possibly used for ceiling lights). Someone (a arm) started touching the flame with a long, brown broomstick handle. I remember seeing red, yellow, and white within the flame of the fire. Any ideas? flower

  7. Awww! flower I'm doing great!! God is really doing some things in my life--I can't complain at all. Did you read my recent testimony? Well, I received additional revelation on the dream you've given me: The overwhelming amount of library books=children! I am OFFICIALLY working at the elementary school and specifically inside the computer lab. I see about 50-80 children a day and its overwhelmingly gratifying! It seems strange for me, because I never thought that my life would go in this direction when my mind was so driven with completing school! It definitely creates servitude in me! I feel inspired to inspire those children to reach their fullest potential. They love me! So thanks for the prayers!
    **On a side note: I really miss you too Mia. I miss your presence and the words of acknowledgment. The group feels empty without you (I mean this in the most loveable way; no offense to others)! How are you? I know you've been mucho busy lately!! rofl
    Much smooches

  8. I can concur with what's been said: Just because you're in sin does not mean that God doesn't speak to you--infact He could be speaking to you to get out of that sin and draw nigh to him!!! God is in the "still small voice" but as I've said before, He can speak through so many other avenues: other people, people in authoritative positions, throught his word, through circumstances/trials, through a rhema word ( personal spoken word), through dreams and visions, through common sense, an inner knowing in your spirit, by wisdom, and having peace (Isaiah 26:3). God is not the author of confusion, so if you're confused--make sure that you're hearing from God correctly because he will bring peace to your situation. As someone once told me, "get in a quiet place with God" to hear his voice. He will talk to you. Just be open to him speaking any way he desires to (through television, through signs/wonders, through confirmations, common sense,etc)
    Always be ready and willing to obey God because that builds the relationship. The closer you are to God the more things He will reveal and the more you'll be able to hear from him clearly. "He turns his face from those who do evil" but he hears the prayers of the righteous and answers quickly (paraphrase) (Psalms 34:14-17) Hope this helps

  9. Well Cholette (may I answer?lol)
    I've dreamed of someone kissing me on my neck and I think it always depends on your feelings in the dream. Did you feel awkward or did you enjoy it? For me, depending on the context, I felt surprised yet content. I saw the kisses as "intimacy" or getting close even "showing interest". What do you think?

  10. I wonder if God is preparing you to "take a stand" for him/for someone else in defense of him/her in the future? I'd have to agree with RnestseekR here, this dream may be literal and I think you'll have the same type of feelings when the situation happens (ie: being mad, aggravated, agitated,etc). I noticed in the dream that you got in the person's face and began yelling. Its admirable to take a stand for someone, but just make sure that you don't "get out of order" and let your "good be evil spoken of". Pray that God will keep your heart and mind and actions as you talk to others. You can get your point across without being "harshly blunt" and hurting feelings and turning people away 'from Christ'. The moral of the story: your job is to lead people to Christ and be an example by "speaking the truth in love"(Ephesians 4:15) and showing mercy (Matthew 9:13/Luke 10:37.) On a side note: continue to be concerned about the issues of others (don't let others be pushed around-which seems to be your passion) when its in you power to do good to others--do it. I wonder too if you feel like people aren't concerned about the important issues like you are? Okay, before I keep rambling let me shut-up--just wanted to give you some points to ponder on! God bless and pray on what I've said

  11. Where are all these folks from my past coming from lately??!!! lol! I think God is definitely trying to do something concerning my past; here's another dream for you all! smooches

    Had a dream that my 'first lady' (pastor's wife from my parent's church) called the house. I believe my father was in his "workout/weight" room working on computers (which he does in real life) and my mom was somewhere 'folding clothes'? My nephew answered the phone that was inside of the den (I was there with him and the lights were off). First lady asked Nehemiah if he "had a yellow tail" to pin on an animal at their slumber party? She also asked him if he knew how to play the game? My nephew (who's in kindergarten) acted like he didn't really know what to say or want to talk, he tried to give me the phone but I encouraged him to stay on the phone (I didn't want to talk to her); I would tell him what to say to the person on the other line whenever he would be 'antsy' or 'unsure' (side note: my nephew is 'Mr. Intellectual', so he's very smart on the phone; he's just rambuncious) First Lady said that 'premarital sex is "angerment" :huh: I immediately thought about my ex and 'the old testament' for some reason. First Lady said she felt like my mother was alot smarter than my father. She felt my father was 'foolish' (I guess with decision making). The whole time I was right behind my nephew and walked every where he walked in the room (to kind of protect I guess?) Like I said, I really didn't feel like talking to 'first lady' and I was hoping she didn't hear me while my nephew as on the phone. I believe that my mother had gotten a little perturbed and the comment (maybe she heard what First Lady said somehow?) she said, "Why isn't she worried about her man at home while she's talking about my husband?"

    Background: it seems ironic that the last two dreams I've had (this one and the "surprise visit #2" ) had to do something with people from my past (specifically my parent's home church, where my ex also attended). Both main characters weren't in agreement with my past relationship.I wonder if this is significant? thinking scratching chin

  12. Resolution:
    Its going to take patience--deliverance doesn't happen over night! Salvation is a process. Just do what you need to do and keep your heart guarded and right towards God! The only way you can be delivered is to acknowledge to God that you need help. keep praying, keep fasting,and keep being around "spiritually minded" people that will help you in this fight. You have to keep at this until its no longer a problem for you!

  13. Had this dream last night. Feel free to input your thoughts and holyghost promptings!!

    ****In my dream I remember being outside with my family (I specifically remember my mom being there along with others); I think that it was "festivities" going on. Suddenly a black? car drove up. This girl from my parent's home church (we're not close at all; she didn't like me in the past; she was also one of the first people to tell me my ex had liked me-when we first met), got out of the car. She opened her trunk and began to take out some of my belongings (a big gray storage bin-where I keep my clothes in real life; and two big luggage suitcases). I was surprised that she got my stuff from my dorm room and brought them to me! She said, "they were going to throw your stuff out...give it away." I thought that she was so sweet to bring me my things without even my mentioning it (I did need to get my things, and I guess the school authorities were going to throw my stuff out because it was at school too long). I was relieved and now content: FINALLY!!!
    flower happy dance bouncing

  14. HEY DAPHANIE!!! I just love seeing your avatar knowing that you're there!! lol!
    Not really ashamed but more (like feeling in other dreams) "Like I don't belong" (out of place)/unimportant in a way. When she was talking I felt like she was hiding information (maybe I'm reading too deep into it) but in her eyes she looked (I'm gonna just say it)..."jealous". To me, I get this impression that she's a "very territorial female" if you know what I mean. She just really tried to make me feel like I was inadequate as a girlfriend compared to her. Again, I don't know. As always, thanks a million.
    eternal smooches to you always kiss :roflx:
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