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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I'm driving in a car/truck (the kind of vehicle that only has one row of seating) at night. As I'm driving, I see cars coming towards me and honking their horns--I don't know why though. The car starts "putt-putt-ing" and slowing up (it wasn't picking up on gas). Eventually the car stops completely on the middle of the dark road. I suddenly felt a hand with a knife come from underneath the seat through an opening towards the bottom on my lower back. It was my ex's ex girlfriends hand! I guess she was trying to intimidate or stop me because of my ex. I didn't know if I should get out of the vehicle (possibly face her, but would be dangerous because I didn't have protection/weapon with me & I was alone) :slapfight: or stay in (she couldn't do too much harm there). :angel: Before I had even gotten into the vehicle, I had seen my ex's ex and she began to ask questions and talk to me about my ex (I guess she wanted to know my feelings about him). So THAT'S WHY PEOPLE WERE HONKING AT ME? to remind me of someone being in my trunk! How did she get in there though? :seespeakhear:
    *side note: I sometimes speak to my ex's ex girlfriend. She seems okay and is always willing to converse with me. I'm still unsure about her motives even though we are currently "cool" as associates.

    any ideas

  2. Inside a hospital and getting ready to leave with Heath Ledger/Joker, a white woman, and a guy named V (who in real life suggested some things to me about my ex; he also appeared to like me too). In this case "v" was a baby. At first, I leave the baby behind, but then I take his hand from the woman that's walking behind me (I guess I felt responsible for V; I felt better that I had him in my care). We're almost outside the door of the hospital when Spongebob Squarepants' nemesis, PLANKTON (who is green, tiny, and evil in the cartoon; also has similar voice to JIGSAW-evil character in SAW movies) approaches us and wants to expose a secret about Heath Ledger in front of everyone. I run outside of the hospital to protect myself of any bad/scary news. Heath (dressed in black and this point has 'the joker' makeup on) looks at critter in worry, hoping that he won't reveal something that will turn everyone against him. I look at his face and it looks like beads of sweat are forming (like that of the cartoon characters when they're scared; he looks apprehensive, nervous, scared, etc like, "don't say it...don't say it!!") :uhoh: praying :blushing: :zipit:
    *side note: Heath Ledger is my ex's favorite actor and both of our nephew's favorite cartoon is "spongebob" but I don't know how that relates. In addition, even though Heath Ledger is an actor, the character of the Joker seemed so "not him" (he didn't even seem like the same person with this character). Thanks for listening. kiss

  3. Had a dream where it was dark and stormy outside and the scenery was black. I remember it was "lightning" and I didn't want to get soaked! I remember having a small bag of skittles in my hand and eating them as I walked along. I went underneath this large black bridge--which at one point looked like a large black umbrella-- and I saw a gigantic bag of skittles on the ground. I kept thinking, "skittles...taste the rainbow!" It appeared the bag was already opened and some of the candies were eaten because the bag was twisted up at the opening as if it were a garbage bag and it needed to stay closed). I walked past the bag twice, tempted to get some but then I didn't want to be greedy because I already had my personal bag of skittles and felt i shouldn't take any more. I picked up the large bag but then put it back down because I noticed a hole in the bag and water began to drip out of it.
    When I walked into the building, a young woman that I know whose mother attends my church back hom asked if I had given her a gift yet? (A SPONGE BATH SET?) I didn't get her anything but I would if need be--just in cast others didn't. I wanted it to be a surprise so I said, "I don't know yet", to throw her off. She tried to talk to others (search for answers) for who had gotten her a gift. She walked out of view. I remember also seeing one of my younger siblings friends coming to visit her in a hotel. (This girl in real life has two children and is rumored to be now divorced) This girl looked different to me, she looked me straight in my eyes---just staring. She had a new boyfriend but I dont think she was still married to her husband (who graduated with me in real life) If she WAS married to the guy, she didn't act like it! She was naked when she came to visit my sister and she sat right on a bed while her boyfriend sat next to her. I felt it was odd that she didn't have any clothes on. Why didn't she have any clothes on? She was talking to my sister on her gray cell phone; she didn't appear to be embarrassed at all. She didn't have another baby like everyone thought or suggested she had. Later in the dream, the actor RYAN GOSLING liked me and was trying to get intimate with me (I don't know if we were intimate in the dream or not). He was soaked in water from the earlier rain outside and his hair looked wet. The movie: "THE NOTEBOOK" came to mind (he played 'Noah'). I LOVED THAT MOVIE!!!

    kinda long. Any ideas my loves?!!

  4. I wonder if God is bringing more wisdom, peace, serenity, restoration, etc to you? when I think of Jewelry, I always think of something precious and unique, maybe even special. I wonder if either you're finding/discovering the peace and serenity of God's word/spirit to be precious or if you're feeling that God looks at you that way--you're precious in his sight?
    please pray on what i've said
    desiree kiss

    Good point. I recently had a dream where I was late all the time for my classes and my teacher (God) was disappointed. I instinctively thought that "I was concerned about "missing the mark" (slacking/unprepared) so to speak in some things and that God would be/was disappointed with me."
    I think I was just too apprehensive--you know how sometimes we question ourselves and God confirms to us that "all is well".

  6. lol! you're funny!!! I Like David too-infact, can my husband to be be like him Lord?!! flower I'd have to say I have 3 faves: Esther (she never forgot where she came from when she became Queen; and she had awesome favor-more than anyone else), Abigail (beauty and brains), and finally Sarah (submissive yet independent; she was beautiful even in her old age!) POWERFUL WOMEN OF GOD!!!
    thanks for posting

  7. Hey Jon
    I find it interesting that the first path (right=which usually means the correct way; of God) was gray and miserable but the left path (sometimes opposite of God) had a bright light. I wonder if what you think looks the best way to go from the outward appearance, may not be the best decision to make in the end? "Nothing is as it seems". But, on the path you did take, you happened to meet up with the girl that you loved. Have you seen her in a while? Have you been wondering how she's been doing lately? I wonder if God is getting ready to expose some things to you about what's going on with her in her life? Its funny that you said, "her mother, Teresa"-because I was reminded of MOTHER THERESA, the saint who died. I wonder if Teresa has changed now spiritually (ie: died to her old self)? Do you know if she's married now and regrets the choice (ie: divorcing) or just regrets not being in a relationship with you (ie: looking behind her shoulder=the past)? yeah, the eyes definitely seemed frightening! I wonder if the Lord is trying to warn you about her? To continue on the right course and not be distracted by "what appears to be good" but really isn't! pray on what i've said

  8. I was thinking along the same lines as Daph. A literal dream letting you know that you'll come in contact with someone from your past that seems different now. Maybe it will be an awesome opportunity to witness to her about God (since you thought she should be "Singing for the Lord")? I wouldn't doubt if you'll have the same similar feelings in real life when seeing her that you had in the dream! pray on what i've said
    desiree huggins

  9. Hey S
    I wonder if you've been thinking about your ex lately? I know that you said you loved your husband, but I wonder if you've been comparing your past situation w/ your ex to your current situation now and wondering some "what-if" things? Just a question. I wonder if your ex and your husband are similar in some ways, and if you feel your husband "is not listening to you and NOT trying to change?" To me, pink in general is a good color that brings warm feelings, but in this case you mentioned that your outfit was pink and satin (in my opinion, satin brings "sexual connotations" to mind). Just a question, do you feel like 'lust' (something fleshly/carnal) is an issue in some way (either for the past or now)? How did you feel with the satin? Continue to stay prayed up! I also see the old woman as wisdom (God giving you more of it to help you in how to handle your current and past situations). When I think of bread, I think of "bread of life"=jesus=word. God wants to make sure that you're comfortable, relaxed, and happy (The bible says, "he will make us happy in the land he has given us"-Malachi 3:12; Proverbs 12:11;Deuteronomy 8:10). I see it as God bringing a "double portion" of his word for you! pray on what I've said
    with much love in christ
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