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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I hope you're not tired of me yet!!! :roflx: Here's another dream concerning my ex that I had a couple months back. Hope you can help. Thanks

    I remember being at home (my parent's house) and watching t.v in the family room? The phone rang. It was my sister. As I picked up the phone, I wondered what she wanted. She said, "How are you?" I said, "I'm fine, what's going on?" She said, "I just got through talking to 'B' (my ex)...He wanted me to tell you that he's outside waiting for you." (as in outside of the house) I WAS SHOCKED!! what? My ex was actually at my parents house? I really didn't know how to react since I hadn't seen him in years. I wonder what I would say? How would he look like? so many questions to be asked! I decided to walk to the front door because I knew that my ex probably didn't want my mother to answer the door (anyone else getting inbetween our direct talking; being in our business.) I guess I just wanted to talk to him too to get it over with before anyone else saw him at the door and animosity arose. As I walked into the living room, I remember looking at our front window and seeing a maroon colored curtain (the same curtain that's a shower curtain inside of my bathroom) over it. In real life, the curtain is not that color. For some reason, that curtain just "stuck out" to me. I said to myself, "I am not going to look at his face." I opened the door and my ex was standing on our front porch. I remember seeing his face from my peripheral but I would only stare at his feet. I noticed that he had on a blue shirt and his shoes were "dressy shoes" (ie: like the kind you would wear with a suit or nice outfit); they were brown and newly shined.
    Background: a couple of months after this dream, my mom ran into my ex and it was a surprise when she called me on the phone and told me! I think this dream has more to it though.
    any ideas? :rocking:

  2. I had this dream earlier this year, but I would still like some thoughts on it:

    Had a dream where my ex's ex-girlfriend (yes her again-lol) walked into the ladies restroom and I walked in behind her. She was in a stall on my left and I was right beside her (the only thing that was separating us(the divider) was a maroon colored curtain-looking exactly like the linen shower curtain in my bathroom at my parents' home). At one point my ex's girlfriend resembled my ex and I could see his profile/silhouette but I know that he knew I was there but I just didn't want to "pull the curtain back". I remember relieving myself alot! (doing #1-lol). The entire stall and scenery of the restroom was white. First my ex/ex's girlfriend walked out her side of the stall and "washed her hands" at the white sink. She had on white and she was pregnant (she looked as though she was due any moment!) (In real life, at the time of this dream, my ex's ex was pregnant but I didn't know how far along she was) I remember she was facing me, telling me about "being pregnant by my ex" (which in real life didn't happen). I just felt uneasy about what she was telling me (like: why is she telling me this information?) she then told me that I was pregnant by my ex too! I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. As I looked down at my stomach and felt my abdomen, I remember feeling the beginnings of a small egg and was shocked!!! How did this happen? I didn't even have sex with him?!! I just kept thinking: How could this be? I felt like a "mary" when the Lord impregnated her with Jesus! I went home feeling a little "icky" (ie: melonchaly and disappointed) How was I going to tell my parents that I was pregnant out of wedlock without doing anything?! I remember thinking about everyone else who had a baby that I was close too and their parents being disappointed at their choice. I felt sick to my stomach and in disbelief. I went to lie down on my black bed that's in my parent's house. As everyone gathered around in the room, I just felt like I couldn't tell anyone about what happened. What was I going to do?

    Background: about a couple months later after having this dream, I spoke to my ex's ex at church. It was funny because it seemed like the scenery was the same. She just began speaking about how my ex still loves her and how they're still really close. She had just had her baby as well. The whole time she was talking I just felt like she wasn't telling the truth as she tried to convince me and make me feel badly about what my ex did to me. I just didn't trust what she said as the truth and I immediately thought there was a hidden agenda.
    thanks for listening you all. I really, really love you all!
    desiree flower

  3. UNA
    I knew that you would say that!lol No seriously, I thought about that later: I'm like, "was this more like me?" The funny thing about it is that: I wouldn't be crying like that in front of everyone (I know feelings are exaggerated) but I wonder if it will be an opportunity where we will both be able to express our feelings/thoughts in a public setting in the future? I still wonder if he has changed. I don't know. Thanks
    p.s. I guess the other parts were just "filler" again!

  4. Lurdys
    I wonder if there is something that God is telling you to "clean up/out" and to "store up" (as in harvest)? Are you waiting on something (like to move) but it seems like its just taking too long (or like others/things are stalling you)? I know you posted this dream a while back but I just wanted to respond. Please pray on what I've said

  5. Do you feel like someone is "stealing" (or has taken) somethin precious from you and you feel hurt about it? I wonder if this dream also concerns somethin to do with your mother (since you were most affected by her engagement ring being gone)? Are you more concerned about how your mother feels about certain things concerning you that you feel are important? Please pray on what I've said

  6. "keys to life". That's the first thing I thought of. A key is used to open up doors and I wonder if God has given both you and your boyfriend personal keys (that only you two have access to) to unlocking certain doors into your futures? Pray on what I've said
    p.s. Take a look at my Kim Kardashian dream, I would really like your input! thanks.

  7. Tina I am so glad that you're apart of the group! Don't think that you have failed. Don't think that you have missed out--know that the "best is yet to come"!!! you can talk as much as you like (we're here to listen) and if you haven't noticed, I love to talk as well!!!lol
    desiree flower kiss

  8. I know that you're probably 'grieved' at the situation of the pending divorces, and it may even seem disappointing but know that "all things are working together for your good" (Romans 8:28) that means 'good' or 'bad'. God doesn't like divorce (and though I don't condone it) sometimes, its the best option for some to help them be 'where they need to be in Christ' (who knows why people do what they do, but its not up to us to criticize or judge, just to be merciful). Just continue to pray for your friends and know that God is changing some things around in the end! Just wanted to say my 'two cents' again!!lol

  9. I AM OFFICIALLY WORKING AT A LOCAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL YOU ALL!! I've just received a recent revelation on what the "books" in mine and Mia's dream symbolized: LOTS OF CHILDREN!!! Its overwhelming but I;ve been able to inspire and encourage so many youth (ie: childrens books) since I've been here! Initially I thought that I would be in the library, but now I've been working extensively with children in the school's computer lab!!! I am helping the children to learn about parts of the computer and basic principles of life and school! I am helping them to reach their fullest potential--I NEVER DREAMED I WOULD BE DOING THIS (because it seemed silly) and recieving fulfillment at the same time!!! My childhood dream was to be a teacher, but as I've grown my interests have changed to that of television. I know that God has put 'teaching' in me, and I've tutored kids before but never at this extent! God is so good because He knows just what to do to place you where he wants you!!! Its been said that since before you were created in your mother's womb (Jeremiah 1) that God knew you and that he called you to a specific work. God's plan for our lives is already mapped out--its just our choice to walk on it. We have to line up our agendas and choices to his plans. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!! If we just "commit our works to the Lord" our plans will succeed and he will put us right where he desires us to be (which often doesn't make sense but its all for our benefit!!) I appreciate the prayers, the love, the insight, and the encouragement for you all. I appreciate the word of God flowing in and out of our lives on this website. It has been a tremendous blessing to me and I am soo glad that God led me here!!
    BE BLESSED EVERY ONE OF YOU! Thanks for the inspiration and helping me to walk in my potential!!!
    desiree 👏 :cute: bouncing

  10. WOW!!! WHAT A POWERFUL AND STRONG TESTIMONY!! GOD IS TRULY AWESOME!! Sometimes we as people whine and complain at our little problems not even considering that others are going through a whole lot more!!! your testimony is an encouragement to me as well as others that GOD WILL RESTORE THINGS BACK to US SO HE CAN GET THE GLORY IN THE END (reminds me of Jeremiah 33)! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THAT (A REAL LIFE JOB--HOW INSPIRING!!) Please keep holding on to God's unchanging hand!!!
    be eternally blessed woman of GOD!!!
    desiree 👏 praiseGod :PTL:

  11. Daughter of Zion
    I don't have an interpretation but some questions: Is there something making you feel a little awkward or uneasy in your life? When I thought of the candle, I thought about "this little light of mine" and a passage in the bible where the bowl is covering the candle (whatever is hidden will come out in the open). Why were the "lights out" so to speak and you had to go to the bathroom with a candle? Do you think you need to take some "authority" in a situation? Pray on what Ive said

  12. Okay, Jen:
    you know that old spiritual "wade in the water"? That's what I immediately thought of when I read your dream. According to tradition, people would "wade in the water" for their blessing. It was symbolic of "stepping out in faith waiting for God to move in a miraculous way." I also thought "bridge over troubled water"-when you mentioned the bridge. I wonder if God is letting you know that you're getting ready to go through either a physical or a spiritual (ie the church) transition with your family--I wonder if things are about to change in a "big way"? A bridge is the avenue used to help you get from one point to another. God is that bridge for you during these trying/troubling/challenging times in your life. The water is "shallow" not harmful, but still nothing to ignore. Keep standing on God's word and know that He's "Seeing you through" some things in the spiritual realm. Are you and your family are going through a time of spiritual 'learning/preparation' but you don't seem to be getting much support (either spiritually or otherwise)? I definitely see the man as a "spiritual attack/threat" trying to harm you and your family--do you feel this way? Have you really been concerned about your younger son lately? Please pray on what I've said
    God bless and I'm definitely praying!
    desiree flower
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