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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Butterfly:
    I agree with you. Alot of churches don't even want to touch on the issue of sex; there are many young people that I know that have more than one child (maybe that couldve been stopped with the proper attention, care, and love from saints and pastors) Its a touchy subject and its one that needs to be addressed (along with homosexuality). There are Very REAL things that people fight with daily within the church. Christ drew us by his love and we need to do the same. Show mercy. And yes, "praise" helps us to get out of any discouraging situation. one more thing....I DO TALK TO MYSELF(whew! I am glad that wasn't a bad thing!!) lol!

    *thanks for posting Mia (interesting article!)

  2. Don't make me start crying "LIFE TRANSFORMED"!!! lol!
    Thank you so much, it means alot ot me. Its funny you mentioned that because I was praying for God to give me "a teachable spirit". I want to remain humble in his grace! Keep me in your prayers!
    I will remember what you said for always! THANK YOU, you've made my day!
    smooches with love
    desiree kiss flower

  3. Hey you all!
    I don't know if I'm placing this post in the right spot (others please let me know-lol) but I'm posting it anyway! Remember the dream I had about being in the hospital with some people (including Heath Ledger)? After that dream, I believe Una suggested that I might see something about Heath in the news,so be on the look out! Well today, on September 29, 2008, yahoo news reported that Heath Ledger would be giving his whole million-dollar estate to his now two-year old daughter Matilda Rose! I really don't know if the dream was just to let me know about a future event concerning Heath or if it was also related to my ex (who's favorite actor is Heath Ledger)! Hmmmmm...we'll just have to wait and see what all this means! Definitely something to ponder on!
    thanks for the prayers and patience with me (I know some of you have already pulled your hair out!!! lol!
    smooches and much love

  4. Discernment doesn't rely on knowledge from the world, it relies on revelation from the Spirit

    Good point MIA! That's like a "duh" but I guess I never thought about it like that: Worldly knowledge is not Godly knowledge. That's just like that scripture in James 3:13-18 (which you've mentioned before) speaking about "Wisdom from up above and wisdom from the world (which is selfish,etc). Thanks for clearing that up!
    p.s. yes, I'm looking forward to hearing that message!!! lol!

  5. As they say, "if it aint in your local newspaper/news, then don't believe it (Because it probably aint true!!!lol)...me wanting to be an "entertainment reporter" tends to subconsciously look at that stuff (I know its bad!lol)..I try to stay unbaised, its just so hard now adays to know what is True news or not (even real news has become "tabloid-ion"!!lol So, I didn't say my comments to offend, just something to look out for and to use discernment about. You can't believe everything you hear (which is right) but staying informed is good as well (if enough trusted sources are saying it, it could be true) but we never know---just ask God about that person's motives!! Just let the best person be in office!!!

  6. Quick question: so when you dream of months or dates is that symbolic for feelings or characteristics surrounding that month or date instead of the actual date? (ex: lets say in my dream I say, I've been committed to this since October. I haven't really been committed since October but its symbolic of my commitment that seems to be "growing dead" or "falling" in some way?) makes sense?

  7. I was just going to say that the two people can resemble eachother. Sometimes even, a person turning into someone else could mean just that: "changing/morphing" into another person (seeming different). You just have to look at the context of the dream (but I think that my sis Daph hit the nail moreso on the head!!)

  8. lol! yeah. I'm gonna be careful, vigilant, and do what I need to do because just like I don't play any games, my adversary doesn't either lol! --so I'm gonna stay focused! Thank GOD that he always tells us things before they happen to keep us on track!!!
    ***I'm gonna go to prayer with this as soon as possible
    smooches and I love you very much too--I really do!

  9. you're okay DAPH--totally forgiven!!lol..and yep, he had MANY issues!
    ...and Mia, that's exactly what I thought about (its my ex, and I was like: OH-MY-GOODNESS-PRAISE-GOD-I-AM-NOT-WITH-HIM-ANYMORE!!!!! 👏

    **I do wonder what was symbolic for the "red writing over the door"--possibly God letting me know that this was HIM showing me?
    what do ya'll think?
    smooches and thanks for the responses
    desiree flower
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