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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Jen
    Just wondering, but where did you get the information of the number 9? for personal sake, can you give me some scripture reference for that, if its not too much trouble?

    I know that wool can be a covering and in Isaiah, God speaks of how sins will be like wool. Jewels have always meant to me something that is "precious, one of a kind, unique, honorable, etc" but for you it may be different. Why don't you try looking in the dream dictionary on the main webpage (www.miasherwood.com) this may help

  2. Had a dream where I was inside somebody's house and in the kitchen. The kitchen was big and the lighting was bright and white. I remember getting on top of the counter trying to reach inside this x-shaped, silver dish drainer (similar to a friend of mine) and trying to find a spoon. All the silverware and dishes were stacked up so high (it seemed like I was a little child or something) anyway, I picked up one spoon but it was too big (a little larger than a table spoon) then I picked up a nice size silver spoon that was so polished. I was satisfied. I picked up a little carton of milk (like what is found in public schools) and found my favorite bowl (white with blue trim on the inside) and made a bowl of "fruitloops". I woke up before I got to devour the bowl!!!! lol! happy dance

    *any thoughts?
    thanks desiree

  3. Isn't this the second dream with you going to a grocery store? I wonder if the Lord is trying to help you (or someone you know) prepare for something in some way? Did you get out and walk into the grocery store? did you pick up anything? Different symobls mean different things to different people (depending on the context of the dream). Just pray on what I've said and please let us know any more details to help us better understand the dream (if need be)
    thanks for your patience

  4. Resolution
    you don't have to get smart! She was just asking a question so that she can better understand where you are coming from. We're here to help you not "criticize or condemn you".
    *Do you feel like you're life resembles someone elses (depending on who's car you were driving)? Or, do you feel like you're controlling someone's life (driving them so to speak)?
    We love you and just ask that you respect everyone on the board as we will you--okay honey?!
    have a great day

  5. Had a dream where it was raining outside (but it wasn't raining hard; sprinkles here and there) I also remember hail coming out of the sky. I think the hail touched my hands? but I looked at my hands and they had sores, bubbles, and warts all over them! I was talking to this one woman and showed her specific places on my hand that were damaged. Weird, but I remember folding over the skin of one ward and inside resembled a little "male private part". ICK!!!! :eek:

  6. Had a dream of the main character of the Transformers movie: Shia Lebouf (his name was Sam witwicki in the film). Anyway, in the dream his girlfriend was Kristen Bell from Veronica Mars show. I saw a HUGE black "transformers" poster up on his door (the main autobot Optimus prime resembled Darth Vader from Star Wars; Luke Skywalker's father) Shia was laying on the bed in his room (I guess he had been sleeping) the scenery was white/clean and sunshine was coming in. From a distance I saw Shia turn on his side, moments later, Denise Richards (once married to Charlie Sheen in real life with two kids) gets ups from the bed. She's trying to cover up with the white sheet, her hair was messy. I kept saying to myself, "Denise, don't show your breasts." She didn't, as she grabbed the sheet and walked out the room. (I assume some "monkey business" had just gone on). When Shia turned around, another woman was behind him on his right side (hidden, but also laying in the bed! I wondered if Denise knew?) I thought: "this guy is such a -----!!" Other women began popping up in several places inside his room (from the ceiling, out of cabinets, on the floor, etc--it seemed crazy!!!) It seemed this guy had SEVERAL partners--I felt sorry for Kristen, who was standing outside of the room unaware. I saw the letters: KRISTEN BELL WUZ HERE in red across the door.

    *these sexual dreams are getting stranger to me!! I know that Denise Richards is divorced from charlie Sheen (who was a player back in his youth) and they have two kids together. He is now married to someone else. Shia Lebouf sort of reminds me of my ex (the weird geek who became instantly popular by being with this beautiful popular girl). thanks for the help

  7. I love how God does that...Give you details of the dream and urges you to look up information that you never knew about and then you realize, "hey this WAS God!!!"lol...Do you think God wants you to pray for the situation or to keep your eyes open for more things being uncovered later on about her and her family? Pray on what I've said

  8. Riding in a car with my mother (she is driving). We're driving around the city of Nashville and we pass by Dell computer building (headquarters?) and then Verizon Wireless Headquarters? (In real life, I went to these places with my ex before we broke up). She said I should work there. My ex is at this house where my family is. He really is genial and interested once again. No pressure--he's just smiling and being really attentative to me. While I am in front of my mom and some siblings he comes behind me and rests his head on my right shoulder (I remember he has on all black); I am sitting on my knees. Everything I say he's listening too with "all ears" (his eyes are bright and his smile is wide--showing his teeth). On one occasion, my sibling asks about my ex's wife and he answers with no problem. He says that "he loves her but not the way he loves others." My mom confirms that he said he's not "in love" with her (his wife), he loves us (as in the family). He seemed comfortable telling my mother that. At one point, I'm on the computer (like in the computer lab) and he's looking at something (he's facing me and I him; I'm one one row with computers and he on another row of computers in front of me; sorta reminds me of the computer lab at the school I work for). He sees two girls (one named Rachel "bumpie" and another girl, and this little boy named Deon in my class who is my "little helper"). The children come to visit me with these three dogs on long leashes (at first look like bulldogs and then turn into Malteses-little cute dogs with hair all over their faces). I back away not knowing how to react to the dogs but then they began licking my feet and being attached (which is overwhelming). I hug the little children and especially thank 'Deon' for helping me and coming (a teacher had told them to visit me). I remember trying to fix my wig (which was bob styled) in the mirror (in real life I don't wear a wig). I remember going back to my computer and talking to my ex about "my kids" and how "sweet they were", he smiled because he liked kids. I told him him how this one guy who is a teacher (and who likes me in real life) teaches 5th grade (which is the grade I wanted to teach in the past) and how I wanted to but changed my mind,etc. My ex smiled and listening (surprising) said, "I like how you're helping people and your mother." He gives me a 'high five' and I say, "that's what I do...I enjoy helping people". My ex begins to follow me everywhere that I god in the house. We're comfortable around eachother once again but I know that I don't have feelings anymore.

    Now that I've moved on and have met a really nice guy, i keep dreaming of my ex, but why? God must be telling me something!lol flower thanks for your help in advance

  9. I thought about that too Daph! Remember I told you that God said I will "Be surprised" by who it is?! I guess his conversation sorta reminds me of my ex and I wanted to be cautious. He seems really nice and "Godly" (yes, this is what I want!!!lol)...What do you think the part with the children meant (you know the jewels and everything?) thanks for your help and response Daph (I appreciate it dearly)!!
    *Lets see what God will do!!

  10. I know--that makes it frustrating!!!! lol! When I thought about the "ocean's 11" I thought about some type of deception, though I don't know because this could be "just filler" again!!! I also know that in the movie, Julia was with someone else before George took her away from the man... thinking hmmmm. My ex's wife's name is TINA so I immediately thought about her when I saw Christina Ricci (though I still don't know). I wonder what the two separate beds meant? My ex and my cousin do remind me ALOT of eachother though.
    *I also thought (possibility) how my ex is still having feelings for me even though he is with someone else and I like the attention (in the dream) but still wondering how the other girl feels (I always do that!!lol) even though I know his advances are wrong...I don't think that my ex is too concerned as he's hiding his feelings! Still, I don't know but I DO know that I HAVE NO Feelings for this man at all anymore!!
    Please keep me in prayer

  11. Maria
    do you feel like your life, your parents life, and your friend's life parallel in some way? I find it interesting that all three went through divorces and got remarried. Do you feel like there is a divorcing of a past life in some way (a putting to death; breaking away from) and walking in newness--a better intimacy?? Pain has now ended and happiness has come once again? please pray on what I've said

  12. This is from a VERY long dream so bear with me please:
    I'm at a house gathering with some people that I work with (associate principal, a prekindergarten class, some women from the cafeteria, some volunteer parents, my parents, and my siblings). I'm in the kitchen with alot of other people and suddenly my ex shows up. My ex enters the house first and his wife follows behind him. I see my ex walk into one room watching television with everyone (he was sitting on a high table with everyone else shoulder-to-shoulder in the front row right next to my dad; he had on a dark gray outfit. I knew this was my ex because he had a bald head; everyone was watching televsion-I guess Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt; talking about babies? Angelina was smiling). I didn't say anything to my ex even though I know he saw me and I him. I began to walk around the house and observe. I overhear people talking about my ex and his wife. Someone (I think my ex's pastor whom I used to be close with) even told everyone to leave a room for my ex and his wife so they can get some rest. While walking around, I saw a piece of black construction paper that was written on with white chalk. The paper had two separate beds side by side on it and there was one letter written above each vertical rectangle (which represented the beds); I assumed my ex and his wife didn't sleep together in the same bed. I also saw a baby's car seat on the floor (it was blue and red with more blue in it than red--which was moreso towards the back of the seat). There was also a whole bunch of baby stuff/gifts around the seat. I wondered: "why did they bring all this stuff in here? Doesn't the carseat belong in the car?" (I know I ask too many questions don't I?lol)...Again, my ex saw me at one point but he said nothing to me and I didn't say anything either--just looked. I remember going into another room and my children from school coming up to me one by one. My ex was in the background watching as they approached me and began hugging me. They called me the usual "Ms. Taylor". The kindergarten teacher (who I mentioned in the beginning) was in the room looking happy as she began hanging up clothes and vaccuuming. I knew my ex was there (I saw him from my peripheral as he kept looking at me) but again, I said nothing and pretended I didnt see him. One child came up to me and gave me lots of jewelry bracelets/necklaces (rubies, pearls,silver,etc). I was so honored and surprised! "This for me?" I asked and began choking up and hugged the little girl close. I told her I would wear the jewelry often (all the time). For some reason, i wanted my ex to see the attention I was getting and how I was getting along well without him! (I know, bad right?lol) I wanted him to see how I was more focused on the child even though he was there! I saw my ex's wife (she had on glasses, and again, 'white' shirt, and brown hair). We didn't say anything to eachother either while in passing (side note: I have never seen my ex's wife in real life, but have heard some things about her. I'm curious to know why she always is wearing white in my dreams? I think its significant) I made sure that I didn't get in the way of my ex's relationship and progress (if any) even though I was somewhat curious. My sibling was conversing with my ex (in real life, this sibling relayed alot of info to me about her conversations with my ex-which at times included me).
    **Finally, I remember walking down this white hallway of a school? and admiring my figure. I loved how I physically looked in my khaki pants (which my ex loved!) Some people were waiting around for me to help them with something. When we reached the elevator going up and then entered a room, everyone said: SURPRISE!!!! I dreamt my ex (who was also mixed with another guy who was bigger/brighter) was sitting at a table that had a red/white striped table cloth (picnic-like) and I was sitting by an elevator. There were 2 cakes and decorations (rose/pink/green) everywhere, and I assumed that this was a "surprise party" for me! He said, "you're my wife" and I saw him hold up a plastic box (the plastic cartridges that some unopened items from the store come in) that resembled the small box that an engagement ring comes in. I never saw the ring but he got up from the table as if he were coming towards me to propose. A lot of people were around (some known/unknown) I held my head down in overwhelming astonishment and disbelief; people were cheering and telling me that I needed to be more excited. Even though I was excited, I really didn't know how to respond! I had no idea this party was for me! I had no idea that this guy had interest in me, I assumed he was with someone else! My ex began explaining things to me abou this relationship and his wife. He told me that his wife was a "computer geek" that they were good friends and that they just got "caught up". Somebody asked my ex about the marriage and he said, he "forlonged the marriage". (I dont' know if that is a real word, but that's what I heard in my dream). He said that someone else tried to force him (coerce him) into marriage as well but he wasn't going to do that either. He said he "forlonged" that as well. what I assume the child came as a result of the "intimacy". Today was a celebration and my ex/man smiled and seemed really happy. I didn't know what to say!!!

    **Side note: There has also recently been this guy friend of mine who has expressed deep interest in me and has been liking me for a long time (even when I was with my ex). My ex knows this guy personally and has even suggested (in the past) that this guy could be my husband! I brushed off the idea because the guy was with someone else at the time, but I am overwhelmed/excited that he likes me! He is truly a man of God and is an elementary teacher as well! He's a really cool guy. What do you guys think of this? Sorry for the length!
    smooches bubblegum
    desiree (starpop)

  13. Thanks for clarifying that Mia! I appreciate your dedication to the site! Thanks to all the members too for their hunger and readiness towards the things of God---those that hunger and thirst after righteousness SHALL BE FILLED!!! Also I was reading in Matthew today: Those that receive a prophet shall receive a prophets reward...those that receive a righteous person shall receive a righteous reward. Just wanted to throw that out there!!!
    smooches galore and I LOVE YOU GUYS WITH ALL MY HEART
    desiree (aka Starpop)

  14. Thank you Life Transformed!!
    You know, I've been actually thinking about "my baby" recently. I am reminded: don't abort my baby (its so easy to be neglectful!) When I went back to read the suggested scripture it reminded me of myself so much--I'm like, "yes, Lord! This is me! Satan desires to sift me as wheat!! He pursues me to get me off course! But in Jesus name, I will be what God desires for me to be in these last days!!" thanks for the encouragement and the notes (they rang true--even if it wasn't an interpretation!!!lol)...Again, thank you so much for your prayers and concern (I know you have a sweet spirit towards the things of God and HE will bless you for that!) I always need more wisdom!lol
    smooches and God bless
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