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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Jeanie
    that was interesting. You know, the man kept flashing from a caucasian to an african american and then the end result being mulatto. Daph,I think I felt a "little out of place" at first but nothing towards the man. I was just like: what is everybody doing? Its funny because I've been having several "American" dreams lately. That is what God has been pressing upon my spirit lately: "NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS". Dont' judge by the outward appearance and as the bible says in proverbs, "don't be easily swayed by the seductive words" (paraphrase). I am constantly trying to be on my guard and to look at the fruits while using discernment as well. I am trying to "Seek God" for certain things in particular. There has even been a recent incident in my town where people in this one congregation just found out that the pastor is preaching two doctrines (Christ and then Buddhism?)...scary! My father just told me this yesterday, so this dream could also be prophetic in that case! Thanks again Daph and Jeanie for the help. I will definitely remain vigilant!!!

  2. That's okay Una (I completely understand!!lol) Glad you're back though--I missed ya!!! kiss I have met someone new, but I am kind of unsure about him (he kinda reminds me slightly of my ex), and of course this may just be me, being apprehensive! He definitely is someone I never expected him to like me and vice verca!) I am praying and trying to keep on my guard--because even though something looks good, doesn't always mean it is! We will see what happens! Whoever my husband is "he will be a true man of God" as someone already prophesied to me (and thanks Una for that further confirmation!) I will DEFINITELY keep in prayer and that God will bring much clarity! I can't wait for my gift!!!
    smooches and thank you guys so much for your responses!
    desiree (starpop) praiseGod

  3. I have forgiven my ex already. I don't know if this can be my dad finally forgiving my ex or what? I have been praying for him earnestly that he will be saved and do the right thing (concerning his marriage--if he's still married that is!!) funny, but the other day I had a short vision, before waking that my ex was standing in front of a crowd and putting his hands on people (praying for them) and I was standing next to him with a bible by my chest (the bible was black/leatherbound). I don't really know. thanks for the responses--they're greatly appreciated!

  4. Life Transformed!
    What can I say? That message was totally authentic and fullproof!! That was an awesome marriage and yes, God is able to resurrect dead marriages/relationships!! PRAISE GOD FOR TRANSFORMATION AND RENEWAL!!! thanks for sharing, it really blessed me!
    desiree (starpop)

  5. It doesn't matter if she's a christian or not. Are you? then if so, you can "pray and step in on her behalf" asking God to intervene. We are all at different spiritual levels. Its not my place to judge her but you can love her and suggest to her what she should do. Are you younger or older than she?

  6. Hey my loves!
    I had a dream where I was in a room (I think some family members were there) with alot of people sitting at tables in front of a priest that had on all black. He was bright in the face and once again had a mini afro. He looked like two races mixed together (mulatto). I remember everyone reading a prayer in unison that was handwritten in black ink (kinda looked like "the constitution") and the paper was somewhat faded (yellowish tint). I couldn't remember what we were all saying but everyone was holding up their index finger and holding a lit candle in their other hands. It would seem like the "Lord's prayer" but it wasn't clear if that was it. I remember thinking: "what am I doing here?" I looked around wondering what was going on but joined in anyway. thinking
    desiree (starpop)

  7. Can I join in?lol
    ...Ivy, I don't know about you, but I tend to be an analytical person. I tend to want to know every single detail of a plan and how it will work out. Even though God has given me this to be thorough, as far as God working in my life is concerned, it doesn't profit me because God doesn't work the way we want him to. He never does. Isaiah 55:8-9 says that his ways are not our ways and his thoughts aren't our thoughts but that they are higher than ours. You may not understand what is happening or what will happen, but that doesn't matter. God just wants you to as you said, "rest and stop trying by your own efforts" (in other words, stop trying to figure everything out, because you'll be frustrated in the end!!)...I decided within myself (and I still do often), "GOD, even though I don't understand HOW you will do this or that, I trust in you completely, knowing that you will do everything you said you would do and not one of your good promises will fail me (Joshua 21:45)" One thing is certain: you can trust in God because unlike man, he won't disappoint you or fail you or lie. Those that put their trust in God will never be put to shame (Isaiah 49:23; Joel 2:26; Romans 5:5)The bible tells us in Mark 5:36, "Don't be afraid. Just believe". That's all God wants you to do. Sometimes, we allow unbelief, doubt, stress, prior disappointment to discourage us from receiving God's full blessings. Its not easy but the key is to be "unmovable, steadfast, determined, and established" in God's word and promises. Speak a scripture every time you feel discouraged if need be! Say, "I believe you God, nomatter what it looks like" daily if you have to until it rests in your spirit!!! Just like Abraham, he believed even when it looked physically impossible and because he didn't waver in his faith, he was even more encouraged to believe God until the promise came to pass (Romans 4:19-22)! I've been where you are and all I can say is to TRUST GOD. I had to change my mindset and as soon as I did that, my situations and circumstances didn't seem to bother me as much as they once did! Once you give it completely to God (without picking it back up again to worry about it--which I did often-lol) you can rest and know that he will give you the grace to wait for what he has for you and explain/show things to you as you go along (you don't have to know everything at once)! Remember, his ways are better so HE knows what he is doing!! you are happier when you hope in him alone (Psalm 146:5)--I know I am!!
    He loves you more than anything so, "no good thing will he withhold from you because you are blameless before him/righteous" (Psalm 84:11)
    *We are praying for you! Remain strong and firm in the faith God has given you!
    desiree (starpop)

  8. Hey REEBEAR!!
    by the way, I love your fuzzy bear! So cute and so Royal!!!Lol
    This site has really helped me to grow in God and my gifts--I know that it will do the same for you (guaranteed!!) Let me know if I can do anything to help you!
    smooches and welcome kiss
    desiree (starpop)

  9. I was going to say the same thing! I wonder if you're concerned if things really will work out in your life? Could there be a situation where it IS dangerous and there's a lot of winding roads (confusion, uncertainty, etc)? Trust that even though it may not look like it: JESUS HAS IT ALL UNDER CONTROL! I have to agree with the last comment and say: You don't have to worry about falling or going the wrong way if you let God take the "wheel"!!! Definitely ask him what you should do.
    smooches and God bless

  10. Lady Becky
    When reading your dream I thought the following: are you and your husband currently going through a transition period right now that seems a little strange (unconventional/foreign) to you? "GRACE" made me think about how God is going to give you grace "to work with" during this time. Who knows? Your flight may happen rather quickly, even though it seems otherwise at first? I hope your spirit agrees with this. Please pray on what i've said
    desiree (starpop)

  11. After reading this it made me think of the following dream I had with an ex of mine, when we were dating: Me and my ex were in our high school cafeteria. He was sitting at the bench/table talking to this girl who was in my graduating class. I was sitting behind the girl on the floor just watching my ex converse with her and not even notice me at all. I felt out of place and left out. I couldn't believe he was talking to this girl right in front of me and not acknowledging me! I just sat there silent (I was somewhat passive in relationships in the past) and angry at what he was doing. People were in the lunchlines and business was going on as usual. Noone else seemed to notice anything.
    *I dont' know what the significance of the dream was, but I DID feel at the time IRL that my ex didn't want to acknowledge me as his girlfriend (even though I was around) and I felt ignored, disrespected, embarrassed and unappreciated. "DISSED" as they say. Of course back then, I didn't know I had the gift of prophecy or prophetic dreams like you Daph, so I ignored the dream as just another dream. My ex had mentioned people he was attracted to, so I automatically felt the person in the dream was someone that he liked or was trying to get with.
    *Jen, what you said is strange to me. Sometimes I will dream of myself being in situations when in fact it will come out later that its involving others!! Strange how God does things sometimes!!!
    thanks for sharing

  12. Had a dream where my father was on his cellphone and had opened its face up and began texting (which he doesn't even do in real life). I don't know who he was texting but he was smiling. My father began talking about my ex. I think I called him, but I when I saw the number, I was too nervous and immediately gave the phone to my father to talk. My father was smiling as he and my ex were talking back and forth about me and how I'm doing fine. It was weird. Finally when my dad hung up, he said that my ex wanted to talk to me about how school (summer) was going, etc?
    what my ex wanted to talk to me? Even more weird, my father was actually holding a conversation with my ex (someone in real life he doesn't care for)!

  13. Okay, you all know I dream of celebrities all the time, so here's another one to pick your brain!!!

    Had a dream where I was very cool with Lindsay Lohan. In real life her hair is reddish-brown, but in the dream her hair was a fiery red. I believe she may have been wearing purple too. Anyway, we were talking and I thought, "wow, it would be good to take her to my school and let her tell people (especially the drama department) how Hollywood really is like." I know that people would really start treating me differently (since I knew a celebrity) and papparazzi would swarm us--so I think I recanted on my idea. She was sitting on a couch and then her mom (Dina Lohan) came in standing, as if to make sure her daughter didn't make a bad decision. I asked if Dina was Lindsay's manager, and I was going to let her know the idea, but Dina was looking skeptical.
    There was an Asian girl (little older than a preteen) who had liked Lindsay. She was jealous? of Lindsay's new found friendship with me so she started acting really weird. Lindsay and I walked outside, but I felt weird. I got on the ground on my stomach and heard talking. The Asian girl was knocking on the door trying to see who would come to the door. I wanted to turn around but I had second thoughts. I didn't get up because I didn't know what the little girl was capable of doing. I kept my head low.
    The next morning, I read in the newspaper that Lindsay Lohan had been shot and killed! I was surprised! Lindsay must have opened the door when the Asian girl had called someone to open up! Whew!! I was glad that I didn't open the door because I wouldve been dead too!!!

    :cute: :PTL:

  14. MIa,
    I just had a dream (symbolic I guess) about a hail storm as well but the rain wasn't heavy. Anyway, the hail fell on my hands and suddenly when I looked at my hands there were boils, warts, and bumps on them. I remember showing this girl one hand and one wart in particular looked like a male's private part. Strange dream, but I think its interesting we both dreamt of hail!
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