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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Butterfly
    has your dad entrusted you with something (ie possibly more responsibility/opportunity in an area) but you seem unprepared for? Possibly acting irresponsibly? It seems that you're concerned about what your dad thinks and how he'll react to how you handle what he gives you--is this true in real life? (either from a spritual or physical perspective)? for some reason, I keep seeing "misguided or loss of direction". Do you feel lost in some way in real life--like where you want to go? Maybe it won't be all that bad in the end as previously thought (ie: Ben stiller)? Please pray on what I've said

  2. This is kinda long (bear with me) but its been disturbing me for a while now. I would really like you all's thoughts. Thanks
    I remember going into a hotel room with a male cousin of mine (who in the past had some "questionable ways" about him--ie, being unfaithful to his girlfriend). In the room were two beds. It was kinda dark and the television was on. All I can remember was seeing the word "slither" on the screen (what immediately came to my mind was that horror movie of the same name about slimy creatures like slugs and worms getting inside of people and haunting them). I also remember seeing Julia Roberts and George Clooney talking (I guess it reminded me of that movie "Oceans 11": where they were dating and George Clooney was a conartist involved in a heist with 11 others to rob a Las Vegas Casino). Christina Ricci was laying on the first bed beside the door watching television. She said nothing as I entered the room. My cousin led me to the second bed and he began watching t.v. with me and laying on his side (getting comfortable) with all black on. Suddenly he began getting intimate with me. Although I liked the pleasure and the attention, I felt "icky"/weird because this was my cousin!!! It just didn't feel right to me but I couldn't say no. He never looked me in the face (his face was turned side ways as he pulled me close to his chest) and his back was facing the first bed. Christina on the other bed would look every now and then when she heard commotion, but she never would say anything. My legs were spread and facing her and when she looked to see what was going on again, I pulled my cousin close (who immediately turned into my ex) and pretended like we were just "horseplaying around" and I we started "singing together" and laughing. (I can't remember the song but it was a child's song). After the dream I felt sick. It seemed like my ex/cousin (who have similar ways) was nochalant about everything. He didn't care about bringing me into his room with another woman on the other bed! I kept "empathisizing" with the other woman the whole time!

    Okay you guys, am I crazy for dreaming this??lol This seemed sooo disturbing to me!!!
    smooches galore

  3. Had a dream where I was sitting at a table with an apparent gay guy. His voice was feminie and of course he was acting effiminate. I was turned off at this point. I can't remember exactly what he was saying, but I do know that he was trying to tell me that he was going to be famous one day. He had visions of being on television, and he began to show me his portfolio. Someone caught his attention (don't know who) and He left me a gift bag on the table and his roller bookbag (I remember black was one of the colors on it) was turned face up on the floor inches from the table. I thought: "why did he leave his belongings?"
    ...Moments passed and then I remember watching t.v. I remember seeing the guy (who was at the table) on a music video. He looked completely different (suit on, mini afro and full beard) and he resembled somebody I know in real life who appeared to have matured some. I can't remember the song but I remember the words, "I really love you". He kept singing those lyrics over and over. I even remember the guy sitting inside a drop top classic car with another guy in the passenger seat. (The guy in the passengers side had braids, a decorated bandana (like male-gangs wear) on, and his shirt off. He also looked really skinny. I remember thinking of the gay guy I had met earlier: "He doesn't even seem gay at all" (because he wasn't acting like he was earlier). He seemed so different on t.v. I believe he was trying to convince others that he wasn't gay when really he was!

    Kind of weird you guys. What do you think?
    thanks desiree :huh: bubblegum

  4. okay, this is just a comment but I know that one of T.D. Jakes' daughter just got married (she's 19 and her husband is 23) from a recent article in a magazine. Not saying that this is a bad thing but many people didn't make a "much ado" about it. The article was somewhat small and unnoticed. I wonder if she got married due to a pregnancy and it was a shot-gun marriage? Because he is a man of God many may be critical of his daughter getting married young and more about the reason of their marriage may later come out? Again, just a thought.

  5. After I awoke mia thats what I thought: "NO GOD, Do not place me in a college ministry!!!!"lol (I don not want that!!!)...I don't know, I'm already reaching out but I guess it could be a thought to a much LARGER scale!what do you think about the ex part? oh wait, he reminds me of someone else (never mind!) thanks and great to see you back!
    desiree lol!

  6. Had a dream where my nephew, my mom, and I were all sitting in the den. My mother was asleep on the couch and me and my nephew were watching television. On television I see a yellow stuffed animal and then a white one instantly jump in the middle of a crowd of people (they reminded me of muppets from Sesame Street). The "smooth criminal" song (instrumental) from Michael Jackson begins to play and then the words "GHOST BUSTERS" bounces across the screen in colorful letters. I figure that this children's movie was the very first Ghost Busters film. I told my mother, "Look we were just talking about this the other day." I told my nephew to turn the channel because we don't watch "ghost shows" (I tell him this often in real life). He turns the t.v. with a black remote (which in real life is our DVD remote). He changes the channel and we pass a Christian Station. I told my nephew to 'turn it back'. A tall man with glasses, wearing a black sweater/cardigan with black pin striped dress pants, is standing behind a podium talking/teaching (He seems like he is addressing the women in the congregation.) He resembles my ex/someone else who knows my ex, in the face. There's a big black carpeted area behind him and across the screen is the following words: "Women....your calling is to volunteer (help) with other women" (which I recieved a prophecy in real life that helping women was my calling). He goes on to say: "make donations to UAH" (the initials of a college that's located in the state where I live). I keep thinking to myself, "I didn't know UAH had a campus ministry/church.

    Background: in the dream, when I saw the man that resembled my ex, I immediately thought about a tape that I saw in real life with my ex teaching his very first sermon at a youth meeting (He was wearing the same attire that was in the dream.) The scenery was similar of that in the dream. I was so impressed with how on fire for God he was at the time. This is what initially attracted me to the guy. With the "ghost busters" song I remember the following verse:"something strange in the neighborhood...who you gonna call?...Ghostbusters!!" With the "billie Jean" song from Michael Jackson, the following lyrics came to memory: "You've been hit by a smooth criminal." I also wonder what's the significance of the college?

  7. Had a dream where my sister went to visit my ex's parents who happened to live on a County Road (the same house MY parents lived in). She said that my ex had mustered up enough courage to come over there. He had even showed a picture of his baby (she looked pretty-sorta African). She also said that he talked about his wife and was "nervous at first". My ex's mom said that she had found "blood all over the house" and she gave my sister some sanitary napkins.

    Weird. What's up with this?

  8. WOW! I've honestly been thinking lately, "I would not be surprised it another something like '9-11' happens again". Not to sound pessimistic or negative, but because of what's going on (questionable things), it seems alot of people are angry and deceptive right now in their dealings!! PLEASE LETS ALL PRAY FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION IN JESUS NAME!!!
    smooches to all
    desiree :PTL:

  9. Had a dream where my nephew, my mom, and I were all sitting in the den. My mother was asleep on the couch and me and my nephew were watching television. On television I see a yellow stuffed animal and then a white one instantly jump in the middle of a crowd of people (they reminded me of muppets from Sesame Street). The "smooth criminal" song (instrumental) from Michael Jackson begins to play and then the words "GHOST BUSTERS" bounces across the screen in colorful letters. I figure that this children's movie was the very first Ghost Busters film. I told my mother, "Look we were just talking about this the other day." I told my nephew to turn the channel because we don't watch "ghost shows" (I tell him this often in real life). He turns the t.v. with a black remote (which in real life is our DVD remote). He changes the channel and we pass a Christian Station. I told my nephew to 'turn it back'. A tall man with glasses, wearing a black sweater/cardigan with black pin striped dress pants, is standing behind a podium talking/teaching (He seems like he is addressing the women in the congregation.) He resembles my ex/someone else who knows my ex, in the face. There's a big black carpeted area behind him and across the screen is the following words: "Women....your calling is to volunteer (help) with other women" (which I recieved a prophecy in real life that helping women was my calling). He goes on to say: "make donations to UAH" (the initials of a college that's located in the state where I live). I keep thinking to myself, "I didn't know UAH had a campus ministry/church. thinking praying

    Background: in the dream, when I saw the man that resembled my ex, I immediately thought about a tape that I saw in real life with my ex teaching his very first sermon at a youth meeting (He was wearing the same attire that was in the dream.) The scenery was similar of that in the dream. I was so impressed with how on fire for God he was at the time. This is what initially attracted me to the guy. With the "ghost busters" song I remember the following verse:"something strange in the neighborhood...who you gonna call?...Ghostbusters!!" With the "billie Jean" song from Michael Jackson, the following lyrics came to memory: "You've been hit by a smooth criminal." I also wonder what's the significance of the college? :huh:

  10. Snikwhite!
    God bless you! Amen for such encouraging words!! use what God has given you and watch him expound on that! Its so comforting to know that God hears your prayers and what's in your heart unexpressed and will answer you how he sees fit!! (Isaiah 55:8-9) Thanks for sharing--it has blessed my soul!!!
    desiree kiss

  11. On the contrary, that IS the word I need to hear connie! I know i have to wait on what God desires for me--sometimes I get anxious! Thats what I want (God's very best in everything--even a future mate. I don't want to settle! and I don't want to move out of God's will.) I am a firm believer in the "husband finding the wife" and the man 'coming to me'. God knows my heart and just like he did for Rebekkah and Ruth, he will place me in the path of my future husband and we won't MISS eachother! I pray often that the man will "only have eyes for me". It's possible that God is 'holding him back' from me right now until we're ready for eachother! So, just keep me in your prayers as I wait for God's best!
    thanks again
    desiree thumbs 👏 kiss

  12. I will pray on what you've said connie tonight!
    I don't know what I'm holding back on (maybe what God is calling me to--possibly?) "spiritually undressed"-can you clarify that more? I am ready and willing for God to expose and cleanse what he needs to in my life so that I can be EVERYTHING he desires for me to be! I had this dream sometime last year, so I think at the time I may have not been ready but NOW I am! I guess when He's ready, it will come to pass!!!
    smooches and thanks

  13. Lately I've been having dreams of who my husband will be. God has been sending me little signs/characteristics here and there. I think I may even know what letter his name will start with but no name yet!!! All I know is that the Lord revealed that I will "be surprised by who it is." SO I am waiting in high expectation! Here's a dream that I've been pondering on. Let me know what you think:

    Had a dream where I saw this guy with a broad chest and muscular (yes, he was looking tasty!-lol) anyway, His body was looking smooth and I was attracted to him. I couldn't see his face but I knew who he was. I'd heard a lot about this guy from others, but I never met him in real life. This guy has all the characteristics that I would like in a man and he's even attracted to me (really likes me) in the dream. There's only one problem: One of my good friends likes him--ALOT. In real life, she wants to marry this guy, even though they aren't currently dating. We also tend to have the same tastes concerning men. Out of self-respect, I don't like pursuing guys that like me, especially if I know someone else that's close to me REALLY likes them. In the dream, I see a partial boxing ring and this guy has to be constrained/tamed by a yellow rope/yarn.
    side note: This also happens to be the second dream where the guy that is interested in me name starts with a J (that's for you Daph!!!Lol) but even though we like eachother, I am unsure about 'making a move'. WHAT??? :huh: thinking
    desiree :kitty:
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