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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Dear resolution
    thank you for being open and honest about your problem. And for that: the Lord will deliver you because you have confessed it!! Pornography is something that many Christians battle with (believe it or not)...Find you someone whom you can talk to in confidence (authoritative position) and ask he/she to be accountable for you. This is something that you need prayer and deliverance from. When I read of your situation, I am reminded of a passage in the bible when Paul speaks of "wanting to do the right thing" but "evil was right there beside him". He did what he didn't want to do and he didn't do what he needed to do. We bind up the spirit of Lust and ask God to break every hindrance and yoke that is keeping you from experiencing Gods total peace over your life. Pornography may satiate your flesh's desire for a moment but you feel guilty and shameless afterwards! I stand in agreement with you that God will free your mind and give you a stronger desire for him. We pray total holiness and health to your mind. Bind up every imagination and thought that is not like God through the power (obedience to/of) his word! Please read Philippians 4:8 and Colossians 2:6-14 (meditate on it) Know that you have the mind of Christ and renew your mind daily by staying in prayer, fasting, and reading God's word.
    *If you truly want deliverance you can get it! God will restore you fully if you just stand out in faith and put your trust in Him to do the work (you can't do it by yourself). Blocking harmful websites that are tempting and not getting on the computer a certain time of night may help. "resist the devil and he will flee" and "avoid every type of evil". If you don't give Satan any room to tempt you or get the glory, he doesn't have you! YOU ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR IN CHRIST JESUS!!
    Be blessed
    desiree happy dance

  2. Maria
    Do you feel like people just keep treating you as if you're inadequate (like you don't know certain things even though you're older and more mature and probably do)? I wonder if you feel like a doormat and God is wanting you to set boundaries and speak up more--not let others take you for granted/take advantage of you? Please pray on what I've said.
    p.s. Its so nice to see you back on the site. Question: you didn't say anything much after the "yellow house dream". I hope I didn't offend you? what did you think of it.
    smooches kiss

  3. I'm sitting on top of some carpeted camel-colored steps which turn into some outside steps (similar to my parents' house) talking to a guy (we'll call him M) who used to like me at one point (he also lives down the street from my parents). After he talks to me for a while, he signals to his buddies to "come at me" (come over to where I am). (One of the guys is from my college and used to like me too-we'll call him J; the other guy is Jonathan Taylor-Thomas (the middle child on that show "home improvement", who I always thought was cute). I wasn't sure what the guys were going to do, but when they began to approach me I remember screaming out for someone to come to my rescue, "HELP! Help!" All the men eventually sat down at the table as I was telling them how I felt. I told 'Thomas' (whose last name is also someone I dated), "you're the only one that didn't hurt me or was right." (I can't remember what I said exactly, but I know that I wasn't offended by him!)

    This seems strange (I REALLY NEED A RECORDER!!LOL)...in the meantime, what do you think?
    thanks and eternal smooches
    desiree kiss

  4. side note: it may not even be health issues, it could also be that since he's "going through" he could be "uneasy/confused" with is emotions concerning this woman. His emotional turmoil could be also effecting his health in some way. This may be something the Lord will have to pull him out of!!! Just wanted to add my two cents!!!lol
    God bless

  5. I definitely looked at it as "needing to clean up" some loose ends? Do you feel like this is something that you need to do before you meet (or God brings to you) your husband to be--do some "spring cleaning"? I also think of laundry as "cleaing house"-removing some old baggage/unneeded things and cleaning other things. What do you think?
    pray on what I've said

  6. Amazing testimony SNIKWHITE-I appreciate your post!
    Rnestseekr I can identify with you too ("do everything without murmoring and complaining"-its hard!!!)
    Dove solutions, I can concur with you too-sometimes, you feel like noone (especially God sometimes) is listening! Life gets frustrating, but I am so glad that God continuously lets us know that "everything is okay". He comforts us, he protects us, he is our shield and our son!! Keep holding on everyone!
    Eternal smooches
    desiree kiss kiss

  7. The fact that he was in underwear and white socks makes me think that he is "exposed" his motives/behavior is out in the open (I wonder if he feels comfortable being himself around you or you knowing his 'personal business' so to speak?) You asked him if he needed anything and he said no. It makes me wonder if this is something that the Lord is working out and He doesn't want you to help? Just the fact that he had notebooks, books, and bible open and studying leads me to believe that he is really trying to be "focused" on something (ie: his relationship with God) and you'll be able to see him trying to "get his life together." As I've mentioned, keep him in your prayers and seek God for who your husband will be. Since the little girl brought you some gifts it made me wonder: When a bride-to-be was getting married,people would bring gifts to the couple. I wonder if you knowing who you will be married to is near? Remember: GOD doesn't want you to settle for less but have the very best!! God bless kiss

  8. Well, no one is perfect and lots of ministers usually face more hardship than the flock. We pray that God will give this man strength, that he will straighten out his life, and that he will be all that God desires for him to be.
    God we thank you right now that this young man has the victory that no weapon formed against him shall prosper--we thank you that he will experience all the good things that God has for him and that you will continue to lift him us as the leader in his home and church. Do the work right now God. In jesus name amen

    Keep praying for this guy and have mercy (watch God move for the better)

  9. *Kim Kardashian is a celebrity and a celebrity stylist, friend of Paris Hilton, and recieved her fame from a not-so-holy videotape (if you know what I mean). She and her family have a show on the E! network (Her mother is remarried to Olympian, Bruce Jenner and they have 10 children all together) She is dating NFL star Reggie Bush and is older than him. I think she is also pretty and I also feel like Reggie is somewhat Jealous of Kim and how she's getting much attention from other guys (she said so on her show!)
    Inside a classroom where everyone was listening to the teacher speak about something (can't remember what it was about). Some people are studying in the back, and suddenly my sister's friend (we'll call him J) comes up to me and says, "I need to talk to you." He says that "its bad" but later he confesses that he was "just joking" (I guess he was just trying to get my attention). Kim Kardashian gets on stage and starts "tearin up" about how much Reggie loves her. She really starts crying now. She claims that he "was so supportive of her" and he "encouraged her to not be with him, if he was getting in the way of her success as a star." He later told her that "if she felt he would interfere with her career" that was okay, but he really didn't have a problem with her career at all. I guess they had broken up? She was just "putting her feelings out there publicly". Kim had on white and Reggie sat in the audience "cheesin" (glad that his girlfriend was exposing her true feelings to all; making him look good? Like: "I know you want me"-I'm the man!). People were congratulating both she and him. Reggie had changed.

    *A lot of the things about Kim reminds me of my ex's wife (Just like Kim, she has been married before and she is older than my ex who happens to be the "jealous type" atleast with me he was! My ex was also unsupportive of my dreams to be on television, but NOW he seems supportive (strange!) I know that Reggie and Kim have been talking about marriage lately, so I wonder if this is just a dream showing me a "tearful announcement" will be made? What do you all think?
    thanks with much love!
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