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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. you are so insightful DAPH! I did think about that later: NOAH=promise (the ark). God sent Noah and his family peace and comfort concerning His promises! I don't like ANYTHING good to go to waste! I want alot of people to experience God's total peace, love and promises--but in the dream, I left it alone because I didn't want to "overindulge"--I wanted to save it for someone else! I guess in this walk, you don't want to force anyone to do anything--just pray that they'd come to know God for themselves! In addition, I CANT WAIT UNTIL GOD GIVES ME THAT SECOND PROMISE *wink, wink!
    love you too

  2. That's cool that you said that!! Yes, please pray (I don't want to be envious nor jealous!) I was wondering about that thing (the gay guy) too! Could it possibly be her motives are unholy or not right? I did feel like she was lying about "What she had" I guess just to make me feel sad that I hadn't "had mine" yet. God can show you people's motives in dreams!

  3. you are so funny woman of God!!
    Not necessarily a place, but I feel as though since we were in the same "area" as far as concerning mates, that I shouldve had the opportunity as well atleast to know who mine was! Its kinda like when Abraham was praying for these groups of people to have children and he was still waiting on his child at the same time while remaining faithful to God, and Isaac STILL didn't come until YEARS later! He knew God had given him a promise, but seeing others get there's immediately mustve made him feel a little slighted. Understand what I mean? I'm generally happy for the girl that she received her closure, but I'm stepping out in faith too and haven't recieved mine! But, I don't know how long she's been waiting, and who knows, once I get mine things may turn out differently! Please pray for me and my anxiousness!
    thanks alot

  4. UNA
    you are right on gurlie!! I am apprehensive to talk to anyone (friends, relatives,etc) that are associated with my ex because I don't want any "old wounds" to reopen (if this makes sense). I also remember telling Mia, that I felt the dream represented my ex having a "dark side" (hence the movie: the dark knight) that he didn't want anyone to know about but it will be revealed anyway-I guess by (as you said) an enemy of his. Like I said, Heath Ledger as that character didn't even really seem like he would play that part, so maybe I will feel the same way about my ex--that the information given won't even seem like him?As I always say, "you have to be careful how you treat people because you never know when or how things will come back to you!" We will have to wait and see. thanks again for taking the time to answer
    Love you much! I KNOW I HAVE THE VICTORY IN THIS!!!
    p.s. I wonder about the hospital part? Will the information (past) come out when my ex supposedly gets "renewed or refreshed" in God?

  5. UNA
    how did I NOT know you were going to answer this one!!!Lol...I think that you're right. I don't really trust the girl and speak every now and then. I'm not trying to judge her, but you know the scripture that says, "don't trust a fool because knowledge is not on his lips"? well, I feel like some things she says are "questionable"-I'm like, "Lord, should I be trusting anything she says?" I don't talk to her much about anything (especially not anything about my ex) because I think there may be a vendetta there. If she's on my heart I will say "hey", etc. I'm keeping my distance though. I wonder about the "wrong direction" thing? I WILL DEFINITELY REMAIN VIGILANT AND PRAY THAT GOD WILL BRING CLARITY AND CLOSE ALL DOOR CONCERNING THE ENEMY AND MY PAST! I HATE SATAN TO THE FULLEST!!!
    desiree bubblegum

  6. possibly. of course pray on it. Just know, that as long as you're in God, you're ALWAYS at the top and will have success! He already promised it in his word, and is confirming it to you in dreams!! (Deuteronomy 28:1-13; Psalms 84:11;Joshua 21:44-45; Psalm 145:19) Got a little scripture happy-sorry!! lol!

  7. THANK YOU!! HALELULIA THAT GOD SENDS CONFIRMATION THROUGH HIS PEOPLE!! Marriage is a serious matter so yes, you do have to be sure about it (takes alot of seeking/praying!) I think what is good in helping us understand marriage is reading bible passages that focus on marriage/meditating on them. Just a suggestion but see if your brother and his fiance will be willing to read the following together: the story of Ruth, the story of Abraham and Sarah, and the story of Isaac and Rebecca; and also EPHESIANS 5:22-33. The idea of marriage was so much clearer for me after reading those passages because it showed me what I should be looking for/expecting and to cast down "stereotypes"!

  8. Roseleegr
    Just some questions: do you feel overwhelmed right now with some things in your life-as if you can't handle some responsibility? It seems like when you give the babies away, you want them back (regretting a decision?) I will pray for your dream. Be blessed. PRay on what I've said

  9. I wonder if this is concerning/symbolizing your spiritual walk? You're making all the right turns, you're accomplishing tasks with speed/agility (the same terms they use in gymnastics-lol) and "exercising" your spiritual abilities/giftings at the top of your game (ie: gold medals)? I wonder too, if God wants you to continue to "exercise/train" your abilities in him? The only way that we can stay healthy and have more endurance (be the best in our physical bodies) is to take care of ourselves, eat the right foods, and exercise right? well the same is true for spiritual health: continue reading your word, spending time in prayer, and exercising your spiritual muscles so that you can do your very best/reach your fullest potential in God--"PRESS towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"-(NIV,Phil 3:14) Don't give up! AIM FOR THE GOLD!

  10. I wonder if your brother and his girlfriend are contemplating marriage but are still unsure if they should or not? When you said "cold" I immediately thought about "cold feet". A weddin is supposed to be a joyous day filled with delight and song--I wonder if she is "uncomfortable" about marrying your brother or acting "cold" towards him right now and once again, noone will be able to "really see it" but you? Please pray on what Ive said.
    p.s. Do you mind looking at some of my dreams when you get a chance?!

  11. you brought up some interesting points UNA. Right now, I am still trying to wait on God concerning a church for me; I am a singer! But one thing I can say, is that this is the second dream I had concerning something to do with AMERICA (remember the one where I had a red dress on, and on the bottom of the dress was an AMERICAN FLAG?) I think the last point makes more sense to me, God may be trying to reveal something about the USA to me that I need to know?! We will see. thanks gurlie!
    p.s. I remember specifically singing the part, "and the home of the brave." hmm flower

  12. Had a dream where I was meeting up with this girl (who later turned into a gay guy) about a project we were to do together. We were standing in the hallway around around some chairs and a bench. We were so excited as we started bouncing off ideas to each other. I turned to my left and noticed underneath the chair (like in grade school where the chairs have a basket underneath the chair for books/belongings) I saw what appeared to be my two books (one was green-for research) and the other was big and blue (I believe it has a little girl on it-like it was a book of fairy-tales?) Also I saw a McDonald's chicken box underneath (the box was warm, and on it, I remember seeing bread but nothing really on the sandwich). I kept thinking, "Are these my things?" These look like my things! I asked the girl, "IS THIS MY BOOK?" She said, "No these are mine." I just didn't believe her. Everything looked strangely familiar to me. I picked up all three items as she was talking to me and reading a newspaper. Then I felt badly (because she could be telling the truth) and then I put the items back underneath the chair. I was tempted to take the sandwich, because I hadn't eaten, but once again my conscience spoke to me! I walked on to my house.

    I've been having strange dreams lately. what's up with this?
    God bless
    desiree thinking

  13. OH MY GOD!!! GOD IS SOO GOOD! HE PROTECTS THE RIGHTEOUS!! ITS AMAZING how you sister survived TWO shootings basically unharmed!!! GOD IS GOOD! You're right, we never know what we're praying for or why we're praying. God knows, we just have to be obedient to his prompting!! PRAISE GOD!!! HALELULIA! THANK GOD THAT HE PROTECTS HIS PEOPLE!!! thank you for posting that!!! God will turn your MISERY INTO MINISTRY AND YOUR MISTAKES INTO MIRACLES!!We're praying for you and your family and the other famiies involved!!!

  14. Its always good when God confirms! TRUST ME, THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO IS BE MARRIED TO GOD! HE loves and adores you more than any man ever could! I once heard the following quote: "Dance with God, and HE WILL allow the perfect gentleman to cut in!" (I encourage you to read Psalms 45, such a great reminder of how God thinks of his precious princesses!!!)
    smooches and God bless

  15. Well I've had only one dream with someone having "royal blue eyes" and their eyes were soo blue that they seemed 'bluer than blue' like aqua mixed with other blue pigments-so heavenly and beautiful (I immediately knew that the individual was God or an angel-someone heavenly!) I wonder if the pastor represents God for you (or leadership)? I don't know if you're married right now or not, but do you think God is calling you to be "married/committed" to him and the things of the kingdom right now? pray on what I've said
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