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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Well, this isn't an interpretation but a comment: According to Asian tradition, 'noodles' represent "long life" (thats why noodles are always apart of their dishes!!) God says in his word that he "preserves the lives of the righteous" (proverbs 22:12;37:17;72:7;1:6). When you live right, God will "add days to your life". I wonder if eating (ie: taking part in) the soup (nourishment) w/o a spoon (just putting it in your head) represents learning in an "unconventional way"? If God is giving you more knowledge to show you how your days can be lengthened? These are some thoughts. Pray on what I've said
    p.s. I will find that 'exact' scripture for you! :bighug:

  2. I'm still trying to get clarity on this one...

    I remember having a dream of sharing a bunkbed with one of my siblings (we were really close when we were little). Someting happened in the room. I walked into the kitchen to get an apple (I remember looking at two or three dark-colored red apples and seeing a bag of them). The skin was off of some of them and it looked like white wall paint was on the fruit part. How did paint get on these apples? I remember saying, "MAN, I WANTED AN APPLE." I had to throw them all away because they were contaminated so to speak--"BAD APPLES". I didn't want to get accidentally sick. \
    Secondly, I remember seeing a picture in a news article, Paris Hilton (who I think is a sad case of celebrity and is superficial and unintelligent), was in there for winning a contest. Whipped creme was poured all over this bigger woman's body (the woman reminded me of this spanish woman who led a spanish bible study at my school). I kept looking at this HUGE plate of pancakes with strawberry syrup on them, thinking: "OOoh, I WANT SOME OF THOSE DELICIOUS PANCAKES FROM I-HOP!"

    Any thoughts my loves? :bighug:

  3. Dear Resolution
    We are soo glad that you're apart of the group. Just to let you know, we are a Christian Dream Group and Ambassadors for Christ. On this site (unlike others) we wait for the LORD to give us the answers to your questions and dreams. You have to be patient and not frustrated if someone doesn't answer you as quickly as you expect. BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT WAITS ON THE LORD. Because we don't just toss out any ol answer from our own imaginations, we wait until GOD speaks to and through us--sometimes that takes a while. HE's the only one that knows the heart and your situation, so wait on him to answer. I encourage you to read Genesis 41. Again, thanks for being apart of the group. WE really love you here. WE hope that you will be blessed
    desiree :yes: :bighug:

  4. Pstor G
    I wonder if your friend and her family are somewhat struggling right now? Are they in the ministry and seeing people who are struggling spiritually and even some who are dead? I thought of the scripture about people being like "deers panting for water and their souls longing for God." I wonder if those deers represent people who really desire to hear a word from God and/or have complete restoration/healing/refreshing in their spiritual lives and your friend and her husband are the ones observing it and have the desire to help? Is there something in the woman's daughter's life that is a little 'shaky' or 'questionable'-like her lifestyle (is she saved)/does her life need to be put back on its hinges so to speak? Is her daughter afraid of something?
    pray on what I've said

  5. S
    please know that unlike people, God NEVER gives up on us!! He's so full of "mercy and compassion"(psalms 116:5-6) and he's longsuffering (had endurance; in this case it means having patience and endurance through hard, troubling times)... Know that God loves you and he honors you for your dedication/faithfulness to your husband. God promises that "he delivers the righteous out of every single one of their problems". God will deliver you and he will give you the desires of your heart!! (psalm 37:4) Keep holding on and waiting for God to "do the impossible" in your life, even when it looks hopeless and like nothing is changing. We love you here and we are so glad that God is working in your life inspite of your current situation! I am praying with you that God will show you what you need to do and what decision needs to be made.
    *I encourage you to read the story of DAVID and ABIGAIL (1 samuel 25)--let me know what you think. Its an excellent example of what perserverance and patience means in relationships.


    Be blessed and know this:
    "Good will come to him who is generous and gives freely, who conducts his affairs with justice. Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever. He (she) will have NO FEAR of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His (her) heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he (she) will look in triumph on his (her) foes." (Psalms 112:5-8)
    -YOU don't worry about what the naysayers say...you just place your hope and reliance on GOD! HE IS YOUR SOURCE! 👏

  6. Had a dream where I was always late for class. I would come in 5, 10, or even a whole hour late! I didn't know why though. I guess I would be spending too much time with people and forget my sense of time and realize I was extremely late!! My teacher (who taught me in real life) was always looking disappointed in me. She couldn't understand why I was late all the time. I remember one time (while everyone else was going to class), I stood outside the classroom trying to get my homework and other important papers out for class. My teacher looked at me in disapproval/disappointment. I tried to apologize but I guess that "the proof is in the pudding"!! laugh

    background:My teacher in the dream was one of my first broadcast teachers. She worked for a local newstation and she was so down-to-earth and helpful when it came to my learning. She encouraged me to continue to pursue my dreams of television reporting. She gave me "headsup" on what I could do to be successful.


  7. These are just some questions: Was your ex preparing to be with the mother of his child but he changed his mind or will change his mind because he's uncertain (confused about some things concerning their union)? I wonder if the woman changed her mind about being with your ex? I wonder too if it "seems" like they would be together, but in reality they're not? Do you feel like God is "illuminating" the situation for you-making things clear/known to you about your ex? pray on what I've said

  8. I remember 2:
    One dream I was sitting inside the classroom among some adults (my age or older) and I remember a girl in front of me had on a shirt that was similar to something my younger sister would wear to school (ie: it was a uniformed shirt and worn among grad schoolers)

    #2: I remember having a dream where a young woman was going to the library to browse/check out some childrens books. I and the girl kept morphing into eachother until she went to the checkout counter. My shirt said: baby ruth on it. I believe that in real life I am "ruth" the bible character and the baby represented a new opportunity--which is currently working with children at an elementary school. I had this dream before I even had the job and Mia prophesied weeks later that she saw me with "provision" (lots of books in my hand).

    these are the only two I can think of.

  9. Had these dreams probably a week ago:

    I remember being on a stage with lots of people. Everyone was praying (lots of people in the crowd too.) I had on a red dress that resembled a towel; had design of American flag at bottom. The dress kept falling down while I was on stage. I didn't know my breast were exposed (people in the audience were looking at me in shock) and when I saw that I was "exposed", I pulled up the cloth quickly. I was somewhat embarrassed. The actor, playwright, and director: Tyler Perry, came on stage to see if there was anyone who could handle a snake or crocodile. He began putting the animals in everyone's face unaware. Everyone was running around screaming (so was I) but I finally stepped up with my eyes closed and petted a black, furry animal and the snake at the same time. Tyler said, "whoever can do this has courage." I was the ONLY ONE that could pet both dangerous pets/animals at the same time! The red dress just continued to fall. I ran behind a bookcase (that was still in everyone's view) and tried to reposition my clothing and tried to separate the dress into two garments (one for the top,one for the bottom) across my body. THIS STILL DIDN'T WORK! Everyone saw the dress around my waiste again. I said, "I'm sorry for showing you guys my breasts/body, but I like my body". I guess I was expecting everyone to laugh, but noone did--they just stood there in disbelieving awe. I saw a man walk up to my mother in the crowd and tell her something. He looked annoyed and I assumed that he wanted my mom to go on stage and take action at my unacceptable behavior. I kept calling, "MA....MA....MA..". Mom came up on stage and pulled me to the side towards the bathroom on the left of the stage (away from everyone's site). She tried putting on the dress herself (it was a darker pink on her) and I saw holes where the arms should be. I WAS SHOCKED! I didn't know the dress had places where I could put my arms..I had worn the dress as a tube top the entire time!

    Dream #2
    I remember going into a large room with blue couches etc (resembled my parents furniture) that my father had given me. I had to move out but was frustrated because I didn't know how I was going to move out ALL those things! A lady came to me and said, "PRAY FOR THE FINANCES". I thought that was a crazy idea because I was already late for my classes. As me and a bunch of people gathered in a prayer circle, She told me to pray for this girl's finances and mine would come! I felt the whole idea was strange!

    side note: since the second dream, I have received a position working at an elementary school in the library/computer lab. I thought that the opportunity was "strange" at first (I never thought about taking a break from school to work with children) but the experience has been quite rewarding/inspiring for me and the kids! 👏 praiseGod

  10. Hey loves!
    I had a dream (just a few hours ago) that I KNOW I have an interpretation for (it was plain as day-WOW). Ever since I've prayed to God to make my dreams more simpler (without the filler), He has done just that-and I thank him!!! I wanted to post to see what the rest of you all thought. Thanks and I love you guys so much!-desiree kiss huggins

    I had to move out my luggage and belongings from my dorm room (which didn't look like my real dorm room). I remembered that my television was on. Professional tennis was on (which I rarely/hardly watch in real life) and I remember seeing two white guys playing (one had on white) and I remember the scenery was really sunny and they were playing on hardcourt lawn (green). At one time, two of my younger siblings, came into my room to try to help with my things and went into my roommates room (my roommate had on all black, sitting at desk) saying, "I kNOW YOU WERE STILL HERE." My roommate seemed offended by the comment as I introduced her to my family.
    Next, I remember my roommate was now a man. His father and sister came in to help him move my stuff and his things. I had never seen this guy before in my life. I walked in the bathroom and saw small purple bottles of lotion and body wash. I also saw purple and and canary yellow? bars of soap. (They were all DOVE products). Some of the items were left on the sink and others left on the bathroom tub. Around the shower head I remember seeing two body "scrunchies" (sponges): one was yellow and more to the right was a blue one (full looking). I remember the yellow one being 'flat'. Why was this stuff still in the bathroom? I thought.
    The man and his father helped to move my black suitcases (which I have in real life). I was so thankful and relieved that I had someone to help me move out my things!

    Background: The two siblings mentioned are private, secretive, analytical/intellectual, negative,somewhat rebellious. The girl roommate was someone that I reallly didnt trust and I believe that she was curious to know about me, even though we didn't talk much. If we did it was about the "word".

  11. Cholette
    when I read your post I immediately thought about "cleansing/washing". Do you think there is someone currently or will be someone that you will need to heavily aide in "cleasing and washing" them? Or maybe its a lot of people that God will lead you to or send to you that you will have to witness to to "wash/cleanse" them with the word? The mouth is the dirtiest place on the human body, and I wonder too if there's alot of "oral cleansing" specifically that needs to be done--like the "orbit commercial" a dirty mouth (corrupt/unholy conversation) that needs MUCH work on? :haha:
    pray on what i've said; God bless

  12. Daphanie:

    When I thought of your dream, I thought about the scripture when Jesus said, "this do in remembrance of me"; God wants us to remember him in everything that we do right? Also symbolic of taking part in the things of God and what he desires from us (ie: eating the bread and drinking the wine-taking part of Jesus' blood and body.) In your dream you were making a memorial for your husband to make him feel better. You've been speaking about how you've been so busy lately with the kids and just life and you haven't had time for your husband in an intimate way-lately right? The "memorial thing" was just something that stuck out to me. What if God is encouraging you to do "little things" for your husband here and there? You're really trying to make the "extra effort" to make your husband happy by chiseling away at something he would like (the memorial right?), so in real life I wonder if your husband would be very pleased if you participate in some of the things he likes or is interested in more? In addition, Could your husband be sad that he's not spending much quality time with you as he would like, and he's hoping you would "make the first step"? I think the bible scripture was just to encourage the both of you right now with a timely word (especially him with what's going on with his sister).
    I thought of the following scripture in Psalm 121:1-8:

    "I will lift up my eyes to the hillswhere does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you-the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The lord will keep you from all harm-HE WILL WATCH OVER YOUR LIFE; The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more."

    Remember: you and your husband are blessed because you both trust in the Lord; it's the "little things" that count. :goofy:

    Pray on what I've said.
    desiree 📖

  13. I had this dream about a year ago, shortly after my last breakup. I had some ideas on it, but God
    brought it to my remembrance just the other day for more confirmations. I believe I have an interpretation. Tell me what the Lord reveals to you:

    Had a dream where I saw an 10 or 11-year-old child sitting in a
    fetal position in the corner of a room. I remember that she had on a
    faded purple/ black striped shirt and her brown hair was in braids.
    I also remember the child was sucking her thumb. I remember seeing
    one of my highschool teachers (male) tell me that he was dating
    another man (I think my ex). They were planning on having a family--
    I believe the child in the corner was their child. I picked up the
    child and she was looking up at me as her face was beside my chest.
    (she was still sucking her thumb) Immediately my teacher said: "she
    thinks that you're her mom".
    For some reason, I got offended and put the baby back in the corner.

    I began talking to my ex about Jesus and what he was doing was
    wrong. He became mad and all of sudden he morphed into a woman. I
    was scared so I ran out of the classroom. I ran through a crowd of
    people trying to get away from my ex (who had on black and raising a
    knife). I saw a green fence and was stuck. I climbed up the fence
    and successfully climbed over it. I saw a large church with glass
    doors and decided to find safety there. When I walked into the large
    lobby there were pictures of celebrities everywhere. I
    thought: "Wow, this church must be well known; lots of people come

    When I opened the door to the sanctuary, I noticed there was a
    powerpoint presentation going on (the lighting was gray). Noone
    really noticed when I came in to sit at the back. I remember seeing
    three women sitting together on the front row and looking back at me
    periodically. The sanctuary sort of reminded me of a church I
    attended years ago (before I was saved). When church ended, everyone
    went outside in the lobby to fellowship and eat refreshments (on
    white styrofoam plates/cups). I went back into the sanctuary
    to "praise the Lord with everyone" and felt someone touch me on the
    shoulder. It was the woman I was running from--I was startled. I
    remember she had on a gray skirt. She said, "I know you already look
    good, but I just wanted to give you something to make you even
    better." She gave me a VICTORIA SECRET gift bag (in real life its
    dark/ligh pink striped). At first I was a little unsure, but when I
    opened the bag I pulled out a feathery-yellow sweater and a small
    bottle of perfume (rounded; shaped like a diamond). At first I
    didn't think anything of the bottle (just thought it was a regular
    bottle of perfume) but then I took a second look: The top was
    diamond incrusted and the perfume inside was pink. I thought it was
    so precious and so unique. All of a sudden my outfit changed and the
    lights were on all over the sanctuary. Everyone was now looking at
    me and smiling in delight at how I looked. I felt so honored and
    surprised at my new look and the attention of those who didn't
    notice before. I walked out of the church in search for my parents
    house. The sun was shining brightly and I felt good. When I saw a
    familiar church, I knew I was in the right place. I walked towards
    town, finally content. thumbs

    any thoughts? thanks

    side note: At the time of this dream I had been saved for 11 years. I have also grown alot spiritually and emotionally in God these past two years.

  14. Una
    do you feel like you're "up against the wall" in some way? Do you feel like something has to die in your personal life-maybe (once again) something from the past? Is there something from your past that "you hate" so to speak because it keeps trying to "come up" (attack you)?Do you feel like there are some things that MUST BE PUT TO DEATH? These are just some questions.

  15. Hey dreamers:
    This is Desiree (starpop) here! I had a dream last night (chopped/spliced) that was kinda all over the place. For two-three nights in a row I didnt dream about my ex, but I dreamt about him last night. I can't really tell what he was doing, but I know that he was speaking to me in some way about something. Secondly, I had a dream (weird) where I and Daphanie shared a bed. It was a large bed and I remember being sleep and then waking to find her side of the bed completely made up (looking nice and neat, I remember seeing blue cover and white pillow). My side of the bed was kind of in disarray (sheets off the bed, etc; the area was all white) I was frustrated with my side.

    What do you think? I hope you didn't get offended flower
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