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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I was thinking along the same lines as Daphanie. I personally LOVE raisins and their benefits to the body. Being that you were in church I wonder if there is some type of spiritual washing that's going to take place in your life (new, healthier way of thinking)? In bible times, Raisins were usually "the best" of food that was offered and brought real nourishment/satiation. They had a "filling" factor to them. I am reminded of a story in 1 Samuel 30:11-12 that spoke of David destroying the Amalekites. David and his camp found an Egyptian, they gave him water to drink and food to eat (some of the supply were two raisin cakes) and he ate and was "revived". I wonder if God is also "reviving/restoring" some things in your life-like with an old friendship too?
    please pray on what I said. Just wanted to share
    desiree kiss

  2. Good question to you too!!!lol

    My thing is, this is when you have to seek God and have a personal relationship with him to know what he wants/doesn't want for you. You know the scripture that says, "all things are permissable, but not all things are beneficial for me" (1 Corinthians 6: 12)? This was Paul speaking that, even though there are some things that aren't necessarily 'sinful' or bad, they can still be a weight and drag us down or keep us from experiencing God's best for us (possibly even destroy us.) For example, God says that in his word (Matthew 6:33) to "seek first the Kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all the other things shall be added" (meaning that if we seek God first in everything, he will take care of our needs and some of our wants (the ones that He knows won't have us distracted and 'out of his will' that is.) We are not to seek the stuff because the stuff can run out and we can be seeking for fleshly gain (instead of what God wants for us). All the THINGS come from Him who is our source. God never runs out of supply for each and every one of us!! I'm learning that everything that God gives us (things included) is to advance the kingdom-to help it prosper. So lets say I want a car. Lets say though that the reason I want a brand new car is just to show it off--is this helping the kingdom? Probably not, because I am not glorifying God. I'm bringing attention to myself, just trying to show everyone that, "ha, ha-I got a new car from God and you don't." But, I begin to glorify God when I can use that brand new car that God blessed me with to pick up saints for church who don't have a vehicle and who want to fellowship with the other saints (The bible says, "Dont forget the assembling of yourselves together (Hebrews 10:25)" because coming to church and fellowshiping with the saints helps to exhort one another and glorify God) You can't do this when you're missing church! God wants to do good things for us and when you have that intimacy with God-you know his heart and you know what he would want for you (I just can't explain it any better). When you go to ask God for things it won't be out of selfish motives but it will be "to bring God glory". There are specific things that line up with God's word and as I've mentioned earlier "GOD WILL NOT CONTRADICT HIS WORD"; so he won't say one thing and do another and vice versa-but if you don't know his word how can you tell what is of God and what is not (general question)? God wants us to "prosper even as our soul prospers (3 John 1:2)" so if those things aren't prospering (helping to grow) you or bringing you "peace" in God-its probably not of God! All promises that are from God are "yes and amen" (2 Corinthians 1:20). Again, you just have to pray about the other things that he tells you if not SPECIFICALLY mentioned word for word in the word. DEEP QUESTION!
    desiree bubblegum

  3. Congratulations on your future marriage. I only wanted to comment on your second point: We know that "without faith its impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)" so faith is a driving force(foundation) for Christians in this holy walk BUT we also must use wisdom/common sense. God speaks to us in his word about "being good stewarts over our money". If all you have is $1500 and you know you're getting married next year, not to mention other day to day expenses to be taken care of in case of emergency, I don't think it would make much sense to spend all your money and not have money for your marriage! God knows your heart, and if you don't give your money cheerfully(really wanting to do it) to him anyway, just to 'prove' something, will you really be blessed anyway? God says (paraphrase) "If you handle (faithful with) the 'little you have' then he will make you ruler of many (bless you with more)" (Matthew 25:21;23). In other words, how you handle this money that God has blessed you with, determines if God will bless you with more. I'm not telling you that God didn't prompt you to give all of your money, but He doesn't contradict his word either. He commands us to give 10 percent of what we have into church with tithes and offering (Malachi 3:8-10). So once you give your 10 percent, its up to you what you do with the rest. Think of it like this: God has already given you the money that you need to spend on your wedding right? (Deuteronomy 8:18) and if you need some more, I am POSITIVE he will provide because you seek him. I don't want you to act foolishly and not have a wedding or have one and be in debt! The true way of pleasing God is to obey his word and live the way he desires us to! Please pray on what I've said, and please ask God what you should do (Proverbs 3:5-6;2:6). thanks for listening.
    be blessed
    desiree bouncing

  4. I had a dream where I was folding some laundry (some white t-shirts were in the pile). When I had folded all of the clothes and the stack was in my arms, I was trying to separate some of the clothes to see whom they belonged to (in real life, this is my laundry routine). As I looked in the pile, I realized my purple "tinkerbell blanket". Towards the back/bottom of the stack I remember seeing my tinkerbell pillow (both in real life were items given to me by my ex boyfriend for my birthday) I immediately was startled and amazed! (kinda confused as to how they got in the pile; I thought I had given them away?)
    *in real life, I have given those items away to charity signifying a "letting go/breaking away" from the memory of my ex. ANY IDEAS CHICOS AND CHICAS!! lol!

  5. When I met him he was a new convert. He was the only one in his family that was saved, so I know it was hard for him. Over the years, he had backslidden (ie:some old issues began to arise that was hard for him to deal with); I don't know where he is spiritually now though. Its interesting what you said because I thought about that too. That could be the very reason why he was "still keeping in touch with my family". He knew that my family was a big support system for him and he us in many different ways (I KNOW he misses that). THANKS UNA! huggins

  6. I've been where you are and all I can tell you is to PRAY. Continue to be there for her as a sister and encourage her through the word of God, but realize that her decisions don't reflect you at all!!Ifind it helpful to always pray before I speak to a sibling. I always pray that the Lord would soften the heart of the person to accept what I need to say to him/her. I pray that God will "give you peace that is beyond understanding" as you continue to trust in him (Isaiah 26:3) I know how it is to be stressed; and the only way we can "unstress" is to learn to give things to God and let him handle our situations. Trust that everything will be okay when you hope in God! YOU WILL COME THROUGH THIS. WE TOUCH AND AGREE WITH YOU.
    God bless
    desiree :bighug:

  7. Skydiving seems so cool to do!! Its something that's very adventuresome and a crazy idea! I wonder though, have you (or someone else) been needing some time to just "let loose" lately with no boundaries? just a question. pray on what I've said; WELCOME TO THE GROUP
    desiree 👏

  8. We all know that there are some dreams that aren't from God. In addition, there are also some prophetic words that aren't from heaven's pearly gates. That's why we should continuously pray, seek, and acknowledge God in all that we do to make sure that HE is speaking through us.


    Just a random question to get you all thinking. WHERE MY BIBLE SCHOLARS AT!??? rofl kiss

  9. Hey loves!
    I had a dream (just a few hours ago) that I KNOW I have an interpretation for (it was plain as day-WOW). Ever since I've prayed to God to make my dreams more simpler (without the filler), He has done just that-and I thank him!!! I wanted to post to see what the rest of you all thought. Thanks and I love you guys so much!-desiree

    I had to move out my luggage and belongings from my dorm room (which didn't look like my real dorm room). I remembered that my television was on. Professional tennis was on (which I rarely/hardly watch in real life) and I remember seeing two white guys playing (one had on white) and I remember the scenery was really sunny and they were playing on hardcourt lawn (green). At one time, two of my younger siblings, came into my room to try to help with my things and went into my roommates room (my roommate had on all black, sitting at desk) saying, "I kNOW YOU WERE STILL HERE." My roommate seemed offended by the comment as I introduced her to my family.
    Next, I remember my roommate was now a man. His father and sister came in to help him move my stuff and his things. I had never seen this guy before in my life. I walked in the bathroom and saw small purple bottles of lotion and body wash. I also saw purple and and canary yellow? bars of soap. (They were all DOVE products). Some of the items were left on the sink and others left on the bathroom tub. Around the shower head I remember seeing two body "scrunchies" (sponges): one was yellow and more to the right was a blue one (full looking). I remember the yellow one being 'flat'. Why was this stuff still in the bathroom? I thought.
    The man and his father helped to move my black suitcases (which I have in real life). I was so thankful and relieved that I had someone to help me move out my things!

    Background: The two siblings mentioned are private, secretive, analytical/intellectual, negative,somewhat rebellious. The girl roommate was someone that I reallly didnt trust and I believe that she was curious to know about me, even though we didn't talk much. If we did it was about the "word". The man who had a sister, reminded me of my ex who also has a sister and is close with his father now.

  10. Had a dream where I was always late for class. I would come in 5, 10, or even a whole hour late! I didn't know why though. I guess I would be spending too much time with people and forget my sense of time and realize I was extremely late!! My teacher (who taught me in real life) was always looking disappointed in me. She couldn't understand why I was late all the time. I remember one time (while everyone else was going to class), I stood outside the classroom trying to get my homework and other important papers out for class. My teacher looked at me in disapproval/disappointment. I tried to apologize but I guess that "the proof is in the pudding"!!

    background:My teacher in the dream was one of my first broadcast teachers. She worked for a local newstation and she was so down-to-earth and helpful when it came to my learning. She encouraged me to continue to pursue my dreams of television reporting. She gave me "headsup" on what I could do to be successful.


  11. Because your sister was driving your car, I wonder if your sister is a real concern for you right now (as in she's driving your emotions; somewhat controlling your mindset?) If so, it would make sense being that you're possibly concerned about your sister's welfare/salvation. Do you also feel like you're being 'passive' about her behavior? Rain means different things for different people-and in your case I wonder if rain represents "a hard time" in your life right now-either concerning your sister or you and your sister (like our you all's relationship experiencing some "rough patches")? You didn't seem to be bothered by the rain because you had on a jacket--do you feel like even though there is some "rainy days" right now, you're protected by God in the situation? please pray about what I said
    be blessed
    desiree kiss
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