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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I just wanted to give this brief testimony:

    I found out this semester that I would not be attending school. Lately I've been a little discouraged because I've been in and out of school for a long time! Needless to say, I JUST DIDN'T WANT TO GO THROUGH THIS THING AGAIN!! Just a couple of days ago, as you all know, I talked to Mia online about going to school and the tropical storm in her area. Moments later, Mia told me that she had forgotten to tell me a dream she had about me "carrying books" (it was a lot of them!) She said I would be "loaded down with provision"! Click here for the link to the prophecy. I was definitely encouraged and I thought for sure that this meant that God was goin to provide the money for me to go to school this semester--I still had a chance because school hadn't started just yet!

    The first day of school came and went--and then the whole week passed! I was so discouraged because I thought provision was coming. I had forgotten that when I came home, my father had told me about a job opening at a local elementary school library. The awesome thing about that is, he knows the woman who works for the library personally!! I thought it was an option (but I didn't think anything of it after that) Before in our town (because its so small) it's hard for people to get and keep jobs--so I really didn't want to come back home and be depressed and jobless!lol..Days later it hit me: THE JOB AT THE SCHOOL WAS MY PROVISION! God had already provided the way for me to save up and go to school (before I asked) so that I could FINALLY graduate! It didn't dawn on me that what Mia was previously speaking on, already confirmed the previous dreams I had on "getting a job". I thought God was going to bless another way when He blessed His way! Today, I told Mia my revelation and sure enough she was elated!!!lol Why can't I ever "get" the verse in Isaiah 55:8-9: "FOR MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, NEITHER ARE YOUR WAYS MY WAYS, DECLARES THE LORD. AS THE HEAVENS ARE HIGHER THAN THE EARTH, SO ARE MY WAYS HIGHER THAN YOUR WAYS." lol!
    smooches to all--HALELULIA!

  2. Don't you HATE the 'HATERS'? I had alot of problems with that concernin one of my ex's. People were just so against us being together! One thing I can tell you: continue to be strong with your relationship with your boyfriend and with the Lord. You guys need to stay prayed up because there are FORCES that will constantly come against you two (remember SATAN doesn't want two powerful people of God to be together!!) Don't allow third parties in to the relationship--because that is what destroys it!!
    *I've had those "Weird/disturbing" feelings before and usually its a strengthening of discernment and God letting me know something evil coming against me. You'll be fine though!

  3. Ironically,
    the other night I dreamt that I had on a red dress and the bottom of it resembled the American Flag. I was on a center stage and the dress kept falling. My body was exposed. At first I was embarrassed but later I wasn't. Others were very appalled at what was going on. Immediately my mind went back to Pastor G's dream and I knew that my dream was significant of America "falling in some way"--someone will be embarrassed for something exposed? We definitely need to pray for our country!

  4. RnestseekR
    Very interesting words!! Funny, but I don't know too much about Debbie Reynolds (I guess I will have to look up her biography right now!lol) I find it interesting on the last part you said:

    Perhaps you have 2 talents that you would have never thought of as joining together, but just like the beautiful kids, the joining for you would have fantastic offspring

    I am thinking about where I want to go in my career and my calling (if two things that I love to do: sing/talk/encourage) will really go together (they all seem so different). Like I said, I never knew who debbie reynolds was before (but I loved people like Lana Turner, Sandra Dee,Dorothy Dandridge, etc-women of the 50's and 60's glamour and makeup) and I love music, so I don't know. Something to think about! thanks so much for your response!
    desiree thumbs

  5. I LOVES MEN IN SUITS (I fall for them everytime!!Lol)! Una, I don't know about this dream but I wanted to ask a few questions: Do you feel like your boyfriend is supportive of you (can trust you) but others (possibly within the church) may be skeptical of you all's relationship? I believe that God is elevating your boyfriend (taking him to new heights in HIM). Do you feel like there's a threat to you all's relationship even though you both are trying to do God's work? Again, these are just some questions. Pray on what I've said

  6. The other dream where you needed help from your grandparents. THe discussion that we had on it (God helping you if you seek him first) is similar to what I said for this dream (in my opinion). I think its a common theme-what do you think?
    you're so welcome Daph, I love to help you so- anytime!!

  7. The time now is 3:50 a.m. where I am. I had this dream and awoke around 3:00a.m. (I don't know the significance of that!)

    *I was late for my class, and when I finally paid for my classes (didn't see the actual payment but knew that it was done), I remember sitting towards the back in a row. (There were several rows of chairs surrounding me; this classroom resembled my SPANISH class at one of my first colleges). I remember my teacher resembling my nephew's current teacher. She gives me a receipt for $2000+ and tells me something about 'keeping my receipt' and showing that I paid. (the receipt was a light pink color) When I leave the classroom after class, I realize that the teacher has given me a pouch. When I open it the pouch is a makeup bag (I notice fingernail polishes--pinks and reds).
    I remember thinking about this guy named BRENNAN who attended my first college. He is in a fraternity which colors are purple and gold. This guy in real life would always wear his purple shirt and gold steel-toe boots like everyday. The fraternity's men in general are known for being "promiscuous and wild". In my opinion, Brennan was reserved and quiet. He seemed very private. I didn't know if he knew who I was even though he saw me often on campus. I had heard rumors that he was "nasty" as well. My younger sibling tells me that Brennan replaces this guy (who reminds me of my ex, we'll call him Moore) at his bible study. Moore in real life teaches campus bible study and he's in the military, which causes him to be away for weeks at a time. We happen to be very close and he does remind me of my ex (as far as looks are concerned.) Anyway, I am shocked at the news and didn't realize that Brennan was saved! I told my sibling, "I was just thinking about that guy...so it mustve been prophetic" (I say the "prophetic" part sarcastically, because others are in the room and I know that they are skeptical of my prophetic gift). I told my sibling, "Moore has basic training...I mean regular training, that's why he couldn't make it on Wednesday night" (which is the first night of bible study for the year). "He would be coming later." (in real life, Moore will not be at the bible study coming up this week because of military obligations.) My sibling said she liked the guy and I told her that he graduated in 2002 (implying that he was too old for her and by the time she got to my school, he would have graduated; in real life I don't know when he graduted forreal). She said that she didn't care how old he was, and that she still liked (ie: lusted-lol) him. :afro:
    thanks for the help

  8. I see it as you being "apart of the team"-meaning God's team! Do you in a way feel like Rudy--unnoticed, humble, small (but strong character),etc? God wants you to win at everything you undertake! Maybe there's an upcoming decision that you will have to make that you will feel a little nervous about(possibly intimidated)--but God is giving you the ability to prosper? God will surround you with people who will support you (even though they initially were doubtful of your abilities/current lifestyle)? God says that he is a "co-laborer" with us. HE can do things on his own, but mostly he works with us to make things happen. God is working with you to make whatever it is that needs to get done happen! You have to take the first step and he'll do the rest.(I think this is similar to the other dream you just had). this is what I got. Please pray on what I've said
    smooches and love

  9. Dreamt a couple of days ago, that I was on the computer and Isaw a link about Michael Jackson writing a "tell-all" book about his ex wife Debra Reynolds (side note: the next day I saw an episode of Perry Mason and the guest actress was "Debbie Reynolds). Anyway, at first I thought the book was going to be "bad" (as in bearing "scandalous details" & bad news about the relationship), but as I clicked on the link I was surprised to see great pictures of he and his ex wife. (Michael and his ex were smiling with their kids-I saw three children in some pictures with just their mom; everyone looked happy.) Michael had nothing bad to say about his ex. Both were obviously close with their children. I guess Debra was doing great on her own accord without Michael (very successful). I didn't know that Michael would have pretty kids!!!lol

    *background: Michael Jackson is my favorite male artist. He is the quintessential performer. He is a musical genius (making creative videos, having unforgettable/unique dance moves, and catchy/inspirational songs/lyrics). Everything that Mike touches turns to gold! Other artists dream of working with him and attribute the success of the music industry to his efforts! Michael is unique and weird (which I am attracted to people that "Stand out" from the crowd), but I do think that he still has some "issues", that he is emotionally immature/unstable (still having a childlike mindset in some ways). In addition, I think Michael has been married twice briefly.

    Any ideas laugh

  10. Vikki
    do you think that your husband has another side to him (possibly dark and hidden, maybe even scary)? I think the evil wolf represents a presence of evil when your husband (as you said) acts out of character (like with his bad temper). Pray on what I've said

  11. Had a dream that my ex had emailed me. I can't really remember what was exactly written but a word that stuck out to me was forgiveness? (I believe he was asking me for forgiveness) It was alot of words on the page between he and I talking to eachother online. I remember the things that he wrote specifically were written in the color red and stuck out to me. I also remember feeling a little agitated at some things that he said.

    any ideas? thinking
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