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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Had a dream where I saw an old classmate of mine (he graduated with me and he liked me at one point in time, years ago). He had on white. He came up to my dorm room and looked different. He was interested in me and surprisingly I was interested in him. He was "new" in Christ and he liked how I looked physically and my character. I was naked, lying on my stomach as he came over to protect me. (I think maybe he was trying to keep others from seeing me). He REALLY was enthralled with me. He looked at some of my baby pictures, but he didn't like them. He was enthralled with me now though. I always thought that this guy was cute. I didn't think that I'd like this certain type of guy (in this case "big"). I felt comfy with him.
    I heard the following phrase in my dream: "Commit your plans (works) to the Lord and your plans will succeed." flower

    Any thoughts people??

  2. Walking around with my spanish friend Ruth (who is now in puerto Rico). She was new in town, and I guess I was trying to impress everyone that I knew her and could speak spanish. We're walking towards the parking lot but she doesn't want to go to the place I want to go to to get my picture id. (I can't remember why we were getting an I.D.) Another friend goes into a building (student center) and she tells us she'll be right back. I tell my friend to take Ruth back with her to the bible study. I believe that I had a black camera in my hand and trying to observe it (in real life, the black camera is my sisters). This guy comes up to me and says that he has "A WORD FROM THE LORD" (...una, here we go with the "prophet thing"!lol). He wants me to follow him somewhere. At first I question the man's motives (am unsure if I should go with him), but I eventually walk some ways behind him as I watch him go up some stairs. I retreat, and change my thoughts--walking swiftly out of the building, hoping that he didn't hear me sneak away out the door.

    Moments later, the man comes back and calls me out of my name (ie: female dog) and he was angry I didn't go with him (of course I was offended at this point). He gave me a green shoe box with lots of prophetic material inside. (I saw pamphlets, tapes, books, etc--one thing said: "YOUR PROPHETIC WORD....CONFIRMING WHO YOU WILL BE WITH?..." That's all I remember seeing, but I didn't see anyone's name. :huh:

    p.s. I think the "Camera" part was prophetic. Today I saw my sister for the first time in months and we took pictures together except her camera was pink!

  3. Had a dream last night where I was looking in the mirror and I noticed that my eyes were a different color (maybe green?) anyway, when I looked closer in the mirror I saw that my pupils were lined with contacts. When I would try to remove a contact from my left eye, my entire eye was RED. The same was true for my right eye-completely red! :banghead: Any ideas?

  4. you know CaV, I was thinking about that it may be a new baby or maybe even a new opportunity (like youth ministry or something). I'M NOT IN NO WAY HAVING A CHILD. Like I said, I don't talk to my ex so I don't know what's going on in his life. It makes sense though: her shirt saying "baby ruth"=new baby in real life!!

    Daph, his first baby is only one...I just had this dream so I don't know if God could be telling me he's having another baby.

    I hope the revelation comes soon! thanks to the both of you!!!

  5. This may be off...but when I looked at your dream, I thought of it as literal too, but I thought of it more as seeing something in real life that will touch your heart (you'll have compassion) towards someone or something (in this case a dog) being treated unfairly or cruelly. Making sense?
    pray on what I've said

  6. ALL OF THESE PROPHET DREAMS!!!Lol....I don't have an interpretation but a few questions. Do you think that God wants you to study and observe certain things before He gets ready to do something in your life? You know how God sometimes asks us to do certain things before he can make his move on our behalf. I wonder too, if there is something in your life that looks a little like a "gamble" and you're unsure about it? Pray on what Ive said. MAN, if I could have $3000 right now, it would be MAG-NIF-FEE-CENT!!! hee hee

  7. -just wanted some extra ideas on this one:

    I saw a prophet (that I know in real life) inside a white bathroom. He was tall and had on a very nice black suit with a blue tie (tucked inside a vest; three-piece). He was speaking to some women there but for some reason I felt badly. I felt like the words he was saying, were a lie. In real life this guy told me something about my ex that I felt was untrue. I was disappointed.

    Next I remember it being nighttime and my dad, mom, two aunts (dad's sisters), the prophet, and myself, were all riding inside a big vehicle. We pulled up to a house that was a mixture between my aunt's house and my ex's parent's house. Dad wanted to stop there to rest for about an hour, go to sleep because he hadn't slept all day. He got out of the car and entered the house. I noticed that the car was parked in a driveway that looked similar to my ex's parents house. My mother was on the right side of me and I saw the prophet go inside of the house with a woman (I guess it was a "healing service"). My mom said something like, "Powerful healing," Everyone was quietly looking (observing what was going on). I got out of the vehicle and walked towards the screen door on the side of the house. When I walked back to the car, I walked in front of the headlights (around the car) before getting back in. When I was sitting in my seat in the middle, I looked straight ahead and saw an opened garage. The lights were on. I saw my ex's father and what appeared to be my ex, sitting down in grayish-tan colored folding chairs, facing the car. They both were in conversation. I remember I kept looking to make sure I was seeing who I thought I was seeing. My ex looked so different. "Is that really my ex?" My ex had on a red/black striped shirt and a red and black baseball hat. I wondered if he saw me? If he had seen me the full time, why didn't he say anything? Since I saw him, I was now sure that I was going to meet someone else as my husband-I felt relief. I didn't realize that they were there the full time. Both my ex and his father got up from the chairs, folded them and went deeper into the garage.

    I remember seeing my ex's sister's ex with her two children. They all had on white and I remember him putting his hands on their heads as if to lead them and guide them towards the house. Could they be reuniting as well?

    *please tell me what the Lord tells you on this. Could there be future revelation??
    smooches, I love you guys

  8. God will protect those who have integrity. you have the right motives. We know that God is going to do a miraculous work. Go in faith.

    "consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."-Joshua 3:5

  9. I always look at hair as "a covering", "one's glory", "strength" (just like Samson in the bible, strength was in his hair and when it was cut off, he could no longer do what he was able to do before). When Samson shook himself, the Lord was no longer there. This is also representative of 'holiness'. A lot of hair could equal lots of holiness (not compromising or being hyprocritical, but really living a holy life sold-out to God). God could be showing both you and him, that you need to set the standard of holiness. What do you think? pray on what I've said
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