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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I SOOOO NEEDED TO HEAR THAT MIA!! I am glad that you said something girlie!!!lol....GOD KNOWS I WAS JUST ASKING, "GOd, why do I have to go through this once again?"

    p.s. check your email :PTL:
    side note: remember the dream I had with my ex's wife at the library and books? Maybe that symbolized me instead? HALELULIA ANYHOW!

  2. Thank you for asking about me. I've been on the "up and up". I am kind of frustrated right now because I'm currently going through a financial situation with school and everything but all is still well (GOD KNOWS BEST I guess) :)...I've been seeing things on the news lately with your state and storms so I will definitely keep you all in prayer!
    I love you very much, smooches

  3. Dear Knight63:
    I do understand how it feels to keep thinking about someone and getting confirmation after confirmation on some things. The bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can understand it?" meaning that you can't trust your feelings in your heart because it can be untrue. You have to trust God with your feelings and allow him to show you who you need to be with, through the power of the holyghost. Only God knows whats in the heart and only HE can reveal those deep dark hidden things that are unknown. That's the best advice I can give that someone gave me. God knows what you desire, and you have the mind of Christ so he will not have you confused about who your "wife to be" is.
    take care

  4. Once again Mia, what an awesome story!! I can completely understand with the "getting frustrated" for no reason part. I often get angry when things start piling up on eachother--but then God always works everything out inspite of the madness and I am relieved!! THANK GOD that he sees all and knows all and comforts us in the midst of our tempertantrums!
    smooches and goodnite

  5. Atleast YOU and YOUR EX are still cordial!!Lol...the same is definitely not true for me!...when I think of Christening, its dedicating the baby to the Lord right? Since you've said your friend is a habitual liar (totally bad) and basically "bad news"-is he trying to have "one foot in and one foot out"-live any kind of way and yet still be "connected" to God? Your ex doesn't need to hang around with this guy if that's the case--he'll try to frame his thinking possibly? yes, pray.

  6. you know that saying, "glass is half full" looking at things from an optimistic standpoint? since it was your mom's cell phone-do you think that there's some things concerning her (maybe that you feel is bad or dead) that you need to look at from a different perspective (ie: positive) or vice verca? Maybe in the area of communication? Are you thinking about doing something maybe that she doesn't agree with, without her knowledge? pray on what I've said

  7. Could this dream be revealing that your ex is truly gay and now thinking about being married? Not that this has to do with it: but when you sa "clown" I thought about "silly/clowning around" and then I thought about the recent marriage of Ellen Degeneres and her lover Portia De Rossi this weekend. Ellen is a comedian, always dancing around on her talkshow.
    ONe more thing: being "darker" in complexion is not bad at all, but in this case (considering the context of the dream), I wonder if it was? Is somebody playing around with sin?
    pray on what I've said

  8. Had a dream where I saw an old classmate of mine (he graduated with me and he liked me at one point in time, years ago). He had on white. He came up to my dorm room and looked different. He was interested in me and surprisingly I was interested in him. He was "new" in Christ and he liked how I looked physically and my character. I was naked, lying on my stomach as he came over to protect me. (I think maybe he was trying to keep others from seeing me). He REALLY was enthralled with me. He looked at some of my baby pictures, but he didn't like them. He was enthralled with me now though. I always thought that this guy was cute. I didn't think that I'd like this certain type of guy (in this case "big"). I felt comfy with him.
    I heard the following phrase in my dream: "Commit your plans (works) to the Lord and your plans will succeed."

    Any thoughts people??

  9. Connie,
    when I saw your first dream, I immediately thought: "delivering something new". Could it be possible that just like Sarah (in her old age) God is getting ready to perform a miracle in your life and bring you the "promised child" you've been waiting on for a while? Ready to deliver: ready to be all that you need to be in God and go to the next level in HIM--ITS YOUR TIME?

    Secondly, I wonder if your mom is being restored in some way and walking towards something new in Christ as well-possibly within or concerning the church (her focus)? Is there something that she can't seem to get help on but feels like she has to do it on her own in order to get it done?
    Please pray on what I've said

  10. HECTOR what a powerful testimony brother in Christ!! I Just felt the holy ghost power all through your words!! You are a testament to just how faithful our God is! He can turn our lives around, restore us, and make us brand new (better than we started out)! PRAISE GOD FOR THAT POWERFUL INTRODUCTION!! WE are so glad that you're here in our midst!
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