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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. A TESTIMONY TO WHAT GOD CAN DO!!! (thanks Dove Solutions!!) we have to be like the woman with the unjust judge (I keep saying this over and over again!) she kept asking every day nonstop until the judge got tired of her and granted her her desire/vidication out of frustration! If the unrighteous judge who cared nothing about God or man gave the widow her desire because of her persistence, how much more will our loving teacher, friend, etc dear GOD bring us what we desire when we "instantly ask"??? HALELULIA!! Keep asking, keep knocking, and keep being persistent because God hears the prayers of the righteous and he desires to do good to us!!! YALL HAVE BLESSED ME TODAY!
    desiree praiseGod

  2. I am MUCH happy with this one Daph as well!! It brought so much comfort to me--I was speechless and really content (as you should be with God right?!lol)...yes, PLEASE email me an example (that would be helpful!) Funny thing about it is, I used to be somewhat of a perfectionist and I used to be critical of the idiosyncrasies and personal flaws of people (even more so a boyfriend!lol) so, God really had to change my mindset to be more like Him in every way--now, I accept people for who they are because I love myself and accept myself for who I am in God, and I know that I am not perfect and things are much easier for me!! SELF -Condemnation and judgementality tore me up inside--but God sent a total transformation/healing (my family can DEFINITELY tell the difference if noone else can!!) (Just a personal testimony of how God can totally change someone completely/dramatically for the better--HALELULIA!!!
    I had the dream between August 8-10, 2008. I immediately thought the dream was about my husband to be which should be my covering!! I will most definitely pray. Thanks Daph--I appreciate your concern!
    smooches, I'm on "cloud nine" right now!! bouncing

  3. Had a dream where I saw an old classmate of mine (he graduated with me and he liked me at one point in time, years ago). He had on white. He came up to my dorm room and looked different. He was interested in me and surprisingly I was interested in him. He was "new" in Christ and he liked how I looked physically and my character. I was naked, lying on my stomach as he came over to protect me. (I think maybe he was trying to keep others from seeing me). He REALLY was enthralled with me. He looked at some of my baby pictures, but he didn't like them. He was enthralled with me now though. I always thought that this guy was cute. I didn't think that I'd like this certain type of guy (in this case "big"). I felt comfy with him.
    I heard the following phrase in my dream: "Commit your plans (works) to the Lord and your plans will succeed."

    Any thoughts people??
    desiree huggins

  4. Dream #1:
    remember looking in a mirror and having a bright complexion. I remember that my I had a receding hairline and I was bald on the top of my head!! I tried to change my ponytail so that it would be covered--I kept thinking: am I getting old just like my father with bald spots?lol

    Dream #2:
    I am standing on a high step of a building with my ex. I remember having on a nightcap, red shorts and a purple shirt (sleepwear). We began walking down the steps and this BIG woman with a child ran over to my ex trying to tell him something. I think she was telling him a prophecy, saying the words: "THUS SAITH THE LORD". I walked away before she could finish her sentence (I didnt' want to hear anything that may have sounded disappointing or not for me to hear). As I began moving forward through crowds of people, my ex (who had on white) began looking for me. I saw him trying to get my attention/get to me through the crowd. When he finally reached me, he was genuinely happy as he looked into my eyes (his eyes were softened/relaxed). I guess he was excited to tell me what the woman had said to him. I and my sister were sitting in the room, and she told me that she had talked to my ex on Saturday. My ex told my sister his parents didn't want to give him any money. (He was struggling and his wife didn't want to give him money)

    What is goin on with this? Help please!

  5. MIA!! such a blessed and powerful testimony!! This testimony reminds of the widow going day after day to the unrighteous judge for justice. She incessantly begged him and eventually he gave in to her plea. And God says that when we "keep asking and keep knocking" (in persistence and earnestness) that he is FAITHFUL to come through for us!!! God is god of the impossible and he can change people's lives totally around for his glory!! HALELULIA!!!

  6. For the first dream:
    Are you going through something currently that is really painful for you and you need the Lord's healing? Or do you feel like you're interceding for someone else? These are just some questions! Welcome to the group!

  7. I definitely have 'heavenly feelings' about your dreams!lol...In this case, do you feel like the blue and purple represent your work in prophetic ministry and you being a part of a "royal priesthood/chosen generation" in God? Do you feel like He's giving you that "stamp" of approval for your ministry and because you're a prophet, He will give you "words of Knowledge" and "prophecy"? This is immediately what came to me. Please pray on what I've said

  8. Daph, I found the following quote from you interesting:

    I squeezed the poison out and started to worry, but then
    remembered it wasnt the big ones you had to worry about. The small
    ones had less control of their vinom and a bite from them was lethal.

    You mentioned at the end that when the big snake bit you it didn't hurt but it hurt when the small snake bit you. The first thing that came to my mind was this in Song of Solomon 2:15: ..."the little foxes are ruining the vineyards;" Its not the "big" problems that do the most harm, its the little problems that aren't handle that bring the most devastation/destruction (ie:venom) because they will explode into Bigger problems. If you don't handle the little things/problems, the venom will eventually destroy the good thing that you have. Don't allow Satan to get you with the "small attacks". pray on what I've said

  9. I know this isn't my post:
    but that's just like a short vision I had a while back where I saw a man sitting on the side/edge of his bed. I saw the covers were off the bed and I remember seeing him with his shirt off and him having lots of tattoos and scarring all over his back. Don't know what that meant though! It seemed freaky!!!lol
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