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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I would say to use discernment. When I thought of your question I thought about Moses. Remember how God did so much through Moses--not to bring him glory but to bring Glory to God to show the believers and nonbelievers that HE IS THE GREAT I AM, THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA!! God is the only one that can perform miracles and he uses the vessel that is humble enough to let HIM do the work through them. I believe that God is using you in your family to bring your family into the kingdom. (I believe that this is the only reason why God would reveal that statement to you: "supernatural gifts weren't meant to be hidden".) You remember that scripture in the new testament about "prohesying when unbelievers come in so that they'll believe when they hear?" (parahrase)...Prophecy is for those that don't believe so that when they hear and see the miracles of God that no man can fathom, they will turn to christ. I believe that you have that gift Daph, its evident and those supernatural gifts (those natural gifts enhanced by the spirit) used in the appropriate way can only bring people closer to Christ. AWESOMe!! Obviously God can entrust you with his wonders!!!
    p.s. I hope you understand. How could I have missed this question before? I had a blond moment (forgive me!! :)

  2. This is from a VERY long dream but this part stuck out to me:
    I dreamt my ex (who was also mixed with another guy who was bigger/brighter) was sitting at a table that had a red/white striped table cloth (picnic-like) and I was sitting by an elevator. There were cakes and decorations everywhere, and I assumed that this was a "surprise party" for me! He said, "you're my wife" and I saw him hold up a plastic box (the plastic cartridges that some unopened items from the store come in) that resembled the small box that an engagement ring comes in. I never saw the ring but he got up from the table as if he were coming towards me to propose. A lot of people were around (some known/unknown) I held my head down in overwhelming astonishment and disbelief; people were cheering and telling me that I needed to be more excited. what
    *I just thought I'd mention this since someone posted the dream on "plastic shoes". in addition, I will post the other portions of the dream later on!

  3. Thanks so much Life transformed!
    I just said that I am not afraid of Satan because I know who my heavenly father is. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world!!! Of course I am a threat to him, but I know that God has got my back at all times--I must remain focused and continue to stand on God's word!!
    thanks again for your awesome words of encouragement and Believe me, I am in no way naive or unaware of the devils schemes!

  4. I will definitely read!! thank you! I've been told before that Satan is trying to "knock me off course" and that I was an eagle in flight (being able to see some things that many miss!) I am in NO WAY AFRAID OF SATAN, just trying to be aware and cautious of schemes/such; constantly on my spiritual guards! Its funny but I've been having a few "endtime dreams" lately. Thanks again for your help and the interesting passage. I will pray!

  5. Apples are a good thing. I would have to agree with Daph on this one: fruit of the spirit. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and apples given to gifts to teachers signify the "core of all learning" and healthy lifestyle. I wonder if God is doing that for you: bringing happiness, joy, and contentment your way through his word (the foundation of everything holy)? please pray on what I've said

  6. I personally have felt that I needed to be "cautious". Remember that scripture in Mark that speaks of "a prophet without honor"(Mark 6:4)? That scripture tells us that around those that are closest to us (family, friends, etc) our gifts sometimes are not recognized and people look intently at the "vessel" instead of the message coming through. The people that will more likely hear/acknowledge us or those that don't really know us (ie: associates, passersby, etc) For example, lets say that I was a drug addict for years and my family knew it (all the bad things that accompanied that addiction they knew too), well lets say I give my life to Christ and then I am a brand new creature and began testifying/displaying the gifts God has given me. Well, some of those same family members possibly may not acknowledge my "newness" in Christ and still think I'm the same person so, they choose not to hear from God through me because they are too concerned about where I used to be. Jesus experienced the same things and that's why he brought this scripture to the forefront. Often times, people who know us will misunderstand us--that's why discernment is key. I am excited about what God is doing personally in my life but I can't always display that in front of my family (even though they're saved) because it would be "casting my pearls before swine" (matthew 7:6). Get it? Definitely be careful pumpkin but don't be afraid to share of God's goodness because it may just bless someone and be what someone needs to hear!! Its definitely good to "pick and choose" what you say!

    You have the right attitude and for that the Lord will bless! I can personally attest to dry seasons but the Lord has remained faithful and patient like a good god only can!! I think that this is the place for you! It has tremendously blessed me and I'm looking forward to it doing the same for you!!
    AGAIN, WELCOME, Welcome, Welcome!
    desiree kiss

  8. Hey (oh and by the way, I looove the butterfly!!Lol)
    when I read your dream I thought about someone (possibly church related or close friend of the family) doing something for you unexpectantly--a surprise? The naked part in the dream leads me to this: Are you feeling free/unashamed Now more than ever before in a spiritual sense? I wonder too if the deacon, just represents "spiritual authority" (ie: God) being pleased with you and he's intimate with both you and your husband in a special way and it may seem "crazy" to you (ie: you're in disbelief of the attention)? please pray on what I've said
    Welcome to the group

  9. Very insightful i must say!!! I did think about that when I first had the vision: "the light cover" shields from over-exposure/damage but light can still show forth! I do want to be the vessel! I don't care HOW God shines, I just want him to do it, and do it continuously!!!lol
    ...and girl, don't worry about praying for me while you're exercising...I mean as long as you're thinking about me in that way, it doesn't matter!lol I appreciate the prayers--I'm honored by them!! I will speak to God while I'm bathing!!Lol...I will definitely let you guys know what happens!
    smooches to all and thanks so much for the responses--much appreciated

  10. "like Shadrach and Company"...funny!!lol...I've had this vision weeks ago, but my spirit does attest to what you've said. I feel like there is a mission that God desires for me to carry out---I think more so after I graduate (though he's doing work now). I do have many burning desires (one of them being famous to help people in that way) but we'll see where God will take me---I'm just trying to be sensitive to his leading in all aspects of my life!! I feel as though I won't be complete until he gives me the destined assignment (whatever it is) thanks so much for your response (I will have to go back and read that AWESOME scripture you gave!!!)
    desiree flower

  11. Had a dream where I was inside a classroom with Lebron James and Kobe Bryant (who by the way are really close friends now and played on the 2008 Olympic team together; both play on opposite coast teams: east v west). Anyway they were talking back and forth about something. I pressed a button to watch a movie: the movie was discussing basketball and the human eyes (in this case the process of colored eyes: hazel) Kobe kept talking about moving to a "home team" and his current coach Phil Jackson was mad that Kobe was a free agent (could move to any team in NBA) and watned to leave the team he had been with for years (in this case: the LA Lakers). Lebron and Kobe kept joking around. Lebron came over to a house where my mom and siblings lived (don't recognize this house in real life). I tried to impress everyone by showing them that I knew "someone famous". I asked him a question (I remember him sitting on the floor with his legs spread and I saw the top of his head. He was playing a video game with my nephew). One of the characters in the game was a green duck with human legs running around a big green field. The duck for some reason was always in the center (not knowing where to go). Lebron was controlling the player with the X-Box controller. The sponsors of the game were: DUCKHEAD (I am reminded of Duckhead jeans brand). Lebron had repeated what Kobe had said earlier: "that old woman would be better off holding a stick than playing______." I am the only one who was amused by the statement.

    side note: Kobe Bryant used to be an arrogant player but I think that he's calmed down over the years. He looks just like my ex and he too has a wife of a different ethnicity and two children. Kobe Bryant cheated on his wife at one point in their marriage--it was a public scandal.

    thanks for your help pumpkins!!! lol!

  12. Had this dream a couple of nights ago. Can't remember exactly who I was running from but there was a group of people out to get me. I remember having a baby in my arms and looking down at a long jump through the window. I was wondering what I should do: first throw the baby down on the ground to safety and then jump or go down together? I thought the idea of possibly harming the baby was ridiculous so I decided to jump with he/she in my arms. We made it safely--can't remember if it was a hard fall or not. Every turn and corner I was trying to get away from people who seemed "suspicious". On one occasion, I remember hiding inside a room between two couches on the floor with a pillow covering my face--two white-sheer covers were on my feet (I guess as disguise). I could hear commotion, but i was hoping the party that entered couldn't recognize who I was and harm me. Someone's out to get me--but whom? The scenery was night time.


  13. Is there someone in your life currently that you're unsure about--like if you should trust them or keep them at a distance? Knives to me relate to injury (either physically or spritually--usually like "cutting with words", so I wonder if this is the case for you: someone trying to "hurt you with either lots of words or will try to hurt you in many ways but with the same tactics"? I wonder too if you're asking God about what he thinks of the matter? please pray on what I've said.
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