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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. *I think this dream is the icing on the cake to my other dreams ya'll! It seemed so literal and so real--I wonder if its prophetic? Tell me what the Lord reveals to you! smooches and thanks kiss

    Had a dream where I had gone to a night service at my home church. I can't really remember the service, just the benediction (where everyone was fellowshiping). In the crowd I saw my ex-smiling and hugging people. He had on a white shirt and dark-blue pants/bluejeans? looked comfortable/relaxed (not dressy). I was surprised to see him but I was even more surprised to see that I had no feelings whatsoever---I wasn't nervous, apprehensive, worried, excited, or eager to talk to him. As I stood by some pews near the front of the church, I watched as my ex walked towards the back of the church where the double doors were, to exit. I didn't even feel compelled to follow him and "catch up" so to speak after not seeing him all of these years. He was by himself; walked out alone.

    I went home to tell my mother (who was sitting on the living room couch) the night's events. "MOM. Guess who I saw at church tonight?" she responded with a "who?" I told her that I had seen my ex and she didn't even seem overly surprised at all--she actually showed no emotion but a little movement of the eyebrow as if to say, "oh, okay--noone special!"-lol I had told my mom that my ex obviously had moved back to town and was trying to work at the same job she had applied for. My mom then became perturbed!! She said, "I've been in this town all of these years and when 'B' (my ex) moves back he gets the job instantly!!!???" ..."You can't write with a white feather and look at yourself in the mirror...it's hard." I don't know if my mom was saying this as a catch-phrase or idiom (IRL we often talk about "catchphrases" here and there)...but when she said that, I immediately thought of a hand writing something with a fountain pen that had a LARGE WHITE FEATHER ON IT (it reminded me of colonial times). The feather was very bright as well. Maybe she was trying to suggest that you can't do two things at once? Then I thought: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." I had mentioned how my ex was at church alone and she suggested that he probably wasn't married anymore. It was possible that they (my ex and his wife) were cohabitating ("common-law marriage") but making everyone else feel otherwise. My sister began talking about how she wanted to cohabitate and that its a 'good thing' and my father came into the living room, joining in saying, "yeah right!" sarcastically thinking wow

  2. had a dream where it was early morning (when the dew still on the grass and air is cool) and I saw a big black passenger van (some churches have them) in the distance. The back doors were open and some people were standing around and appeared to be moving things out the back. Suddenly, a middle-aged, heavy-set black woman who was in the middle of the crowd, began trembling and fell backwards (people grabbed her and began gasping in fear). I saw some of a white mattress that had been dropped in the process. A black lizard jumped from the van and was headed my way (I bent back like the matrix move-lol, and my head was on the ground looking up to the sky). The lizard had jumped over my head! The people in the background said, "it just missed you." WHEW! I wasn't scared, just aware (on my guard).

  3. Jeanie, I can say that I don't try to "take other's blessings"...but what you said about God equipping me to go the way HE desires me to go so that he can trust me does make a lot of sense...I am definitely in a new transitional stage in my life and yes, I have the gift of prophecy/discernment. The healing part is a new one for me--wow! I claim it in Jesus name!! I did feel like Benny was the Lord, because in my dreams he often is 'my teacher'. I have ALWAYS felt like I could never go the way that everyone else goes and God is constantly reminding me, "desiree, you cant' do what everyone else does, even if it doesn't feel wrong." Its hard "Standing out" at times but I am encouraged by your words---thanks a ton!!! "To whom much is given, much is required!!!"
    desiree (starpop)

  4. Hey!
    I wonder if you're just concerned about your husband maybe doing things that "he ought not to do" (not necessarily perverted or sinful" but may not be beneficial and "questionable/unnatural-something he wouldn't normally do that seems odd to you") (1 corinthians 10:23)? The last dream that I posted, about me being intimate with my cousin who turned into my ex, left me feeling ashamed and disturbed (because in the dream it was incest--which is unholy and sinful). I believe that dream was a warning to me to "stay alert" (Jeremiah 42:19; and to make sure that I don't give room to Satan having me think impure thoughts or be tempted to be in the flesh and later feel ashamed and regretful conerning my ex (hey it can happen to even the strong warriors in christ!!!) Sometimes God sends forewarnings to show us what can happen if we don't go the way he desires us to go or pray about the situation to stop it in its tracks (Job 33:14-18). Could God be doing this to you--urging you to pray for your husband and make sure that God leads him the right way and he not go the way of evil?
    pray on what I've said

  5. Since you've mentioned those points, I wonder if you will be given that "spiritual or physical" authority/leadership position for that particular project, commitment, etc? Or your ideas will be integral to getting it off the ground? something to think about.

  6. hey mama
    I just wonder if there is something or will be something in you and your spouses life that will cause you to make a big decision about? At first it may seem like it's what you want but then once you seek God and actually do the research you will see that its not all that you expected and its not for your benefit in the end? I wonder if this dream had to do with the ministry your current ministry?

  7. Ivy your always welcome in Christ. Know that we are here for you!
    and Lurdys, you are so silly!!! lol! yes, I am like that too!!! Trust me, its still aint easy!!!lol Glad that it helped you because it blessed me while writing it!!
    smooches to you both

  8. not an interpretation just a question: you said, Egyptian (which in the bible was a place of bondage for the israelites) and I wonder if the lions could represent "aggressiveness" and "intimidation", "something big that is not good"? That verse, "satan like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour"? 180 degrees, turning around into another person/another direction? makes sense? please pray on what I've said.

  9. Had a dream where I was in the living room with some of my siblings and the lights were turned out and the television was on. I believe we were watching an old black/white western film. I remember seeing two black men on there and I remember seeing horses. One of the men tried to "woo" a woman by kissing her hand that was covered in black glove (the kind women would wear for special events/balls--"Cinderella") I said, "I know somebody who does that." (I was saying that indirectly about/referring to my ex who was also sitting in the room, but he didn't seem to catch on). He was sitting in our black lazy-boy recliner (in real life a different color) just "talking away" about nothing to everyone but looking directly at me. He was saying how he knew that guy on the t.v. personally and how he gave him $100 one day while he was walking somewhere. My ex had on his white "pump it up" t-shirt (a place he used to work that is like a Chuck-E cheese's) I was not impressed. Nobody in the room was familiar with the guy at all. For some reason, it was a comfortable atmosphere. He seemed comfortable talking to me and I him. :babymonkey:

  10. I remember seeing a pair of lilac shoes (babydoll-like) by my bed (I assumed they were mine). I had taken them off for a moment and lfet the room for something. When I returned my shoes were misplaced. One shoe was turned over. When I picked up the shoes, one was messed up (bow was off; the inside messed up) and I was furious!!! I think one of my siblings tried to explain that she messed them up!!!

  11. Had a dream where Benny Hinn (the deliverance pastor who works heavily with healing crusades), was my teacher inside a classroom. he had on a weird outfit. When he left the classroom briefly, everyone got up and rushed to get some candy from his filing cabinet. When he came back inside, he saw my candy bag (wrapped in plastic and looking bulky underneath my chair inside the chair's basket--how desks used to look in the past!). I tried to hide my candy but I was already caught! He came right over to me and accused me of stealing. I tried to defend myself saying that "all of us had gotten candy". He didnt seem to care about the others. I told him that I would give him $20 for the amount of candy I had taken. Something happened where I was able to just keep the candy anyway.

  12. In the past, I thought it was disrespectful, but now it doesn't concern me as much!...I believe you DEFINITELY have a good one now DAPH!!!lol
    p.s. I thought about what you said, ..."literal dreams about other people and its me that is doing it"...that makes me think that the last dream I posted (Hotel dream)...was totally about the other woman! I was just praying, "Lord, I wonder if that REALLY had to do with me?" How could I have missed that point?!!!! thanks again for your wisdom
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