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Posts posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. I am praying also John! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Praise God he bore our sickness on a tree that we may live in health and be free from every sickness! Satan is a liar and a thief and we break off illness and spiritual attack of any kind off you right now, in Jesus name!
    :getthee: you evil doer of iniquity! You have no rights to John, he is a servant of the Most High God! He has favor wherever he goes, he is healed in Jesus name, he was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and you cannot cross the blood line. I command in Jesus name you get your hands off him and restore to him everything you have stolen in Jesus name!

    We speak healing and restoration over Johns body, soul and spirit in Jesus name!

    your servant,


  2. That is so awesome. I think the gentle wind blowing behind you was the presence of the Holy Spirit and may not have been an angel. Just my thoughts there. God is so awesome! He leaves nothing out for us! He just blesses our socks off all the time. My hubby and I thank Him for everything and ask for little except to recognize his blessings....we see them all the time. He makes everything affordable....He is so sweet!

    Love in Jesus,


  3. Lord we come boldly before your throne of Grace and ask in time of need! In your word it says that we are forgiven. We ask now Lord that your would forgive Christ Connected. He feels trapped Lord by this thing that is holding on to him and he wants to be free. You can free him Lord! You are mighty to deliver! You are powerful against the enemy when we are weak Lord! We come against anything that would exult itself before you Lord! We bind the enemy and render him useless and void and command him to leave in Jesus name! We command that he be unable to speak to Christ Connected. We command that when Christ connected is on the computer that anything the enemy would try to show him that is not of God be blurred out and that he would not see it. We command that he go now to the feet of Jesus for judgement. We plead the blood of Jesus over Christ Connected and all of his life. His health, welfare, family, property, income, all aspects of his life including his walk with you. We thank you Lord for your mercy and Christ Connected is truly sorry for grieving your Spirit Lord and begs now for your forgiveness, understanding and asks for your refreshing and infilling of your Holy Spirit. Lord help him to be the man you created him to be....show him the way Lord. He is earnestly trying to seek you...help him to find you. We give you praise, glory and honor for all you are doing in his life! We thank you for every good thing and every trial and tribulation and ask you now to strengthen him. Father you are so awesome and so good to us. Where would be without you! Lord we love you with our whole hearts and thirst after you!

    We pray this now in Jesus name.

    your servant,


  4. Hi everyone!

    I just had to share this with all of you! I was listening to the message today about praying boldly. Sometimes I think we just tend to speak it to the Lord instead of asking boldly before the Lord.

    When we pray we are praying to our Father. Tell him our situation and boldly ask for help in resolving our situation. Whether it be family, finances, health or whatever the matter is we need to ask confidently and boldly. We are his children. Is anything to hard for God? Is his arm to short to reach us? His resources not vast enough for supply? His ability to heal anyone or any situation to far removed from us? Certainly not! If we know then that He is all power, all might, all strength the why do we cower when we ask? We ask with our head down and our voice low. We should be asking with our head up and our voice bold and our whole being crying out to Abba Father!

    Pray like Jabez:

    1 Chronicles: 4:10 KJV

    Oh that though wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested!

    1 Chronicles: 4:10 Amplified

    Jabez cried to the God of Israel, saying, Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me! And God granted his request.

    1 Chronicles: 4:10 New American Standard Version ( my favorite )

    Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!” And God granted him what he requested.

    He was so bold here! He really asked for it all. And God gave him his request. How awesome is that!

    There is so much more here but this will do for a provoking thought and comment. How many of us pray each day and truly believe that what we ask will be given and do it boldly? I fear not many. Please tell me your thoughts and comments.

    Love in Jesus,


  5. Cloud,

    We all fall short of God's glory. His grace is sufficient for everything. He forgave you on the cross not only for the sins you did commit but for every sin you will commit in the future through the end of time. You are righteous and forgiven. If we admit our weakness before the Lord and boldly ask for help in resolving the situation....the Lord is faithful to help us. Just remember that Rome was not built in a day and neither are we. The Lord must sift through the different things in our life and remove them and transform us one by one. You are on the right track...just keep seeking him out and do your best. When or if you fail, get back up knowing that you are forgiven and ask for his help. The enemy wants us to feel bad and he wants to condemn us. If Jesus were standing in front of you right now....if he saw you face to face at this very moment (and he does) he would be telling you that you are forgiven and wrap his loving arms around you. Believe it!

    Love in Jesus,


  6. Astra,

    We preach each and every day. We preach by the example we set and the way we walk out our Christian life day by day. I only approach people when the Lord gives me the unction. That way I know the Lord is at work in my spirit to their spirit. I just talk to them. I tell them that the Lord loves them and has a plan for their life. I ask them how their life is going so far. I ask them if they have a personal relationship with Christ. Most say they believe in God but they do not feel connected to him or do not have any proof that he is involved in their life. That is where I begin. I let the Lord take it from there. Keep in mind that I do a lot of counseling ministry and deliverance ministry so it is mostly one on one and the people come to us. I can usually tell right away because of the way they respond to my interview with them. Almost always the Lord confirms that in my spirit. I suspect and he confirms. From there I just let the Lord take over. I ask them if they would mind if I pray for them. They usually agree. Then I pray as the Lord would lead. Often times I don't remember what the Lord asked me to pray. It is a strange feeling really. I just pray in the Holy Ghost quietly and then I pray aloud whatever he speaks in my ear. When they receive the prayer then they are usually ready to give their lives to Christ.

    Just let the Lord be your guide. Remember this very important lesson the Lord showed me. It is not us who bring them to Christ but us who are the vessel that the Lord will use to bring them to Christ. He is the one that speaks. I could not figure out for life of me why I had no success in winning people to Christ and was praying about it and telling the Lord how I would get nervous and scared a little to witness to them. He told me, "let me do the work, you just be the vessel." I got it right away. I was like, awesome! When we remove ourselves from the equation and let the Lord have his way....it all turns out according to his plan for them. Not our idea of God's plan for them. I pray this helps for discernment.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie huggins

  7. No one is to good for God. We all fall short of the Glory of God. How are we any different then our leaders? Are we not all sinners? Are we not all fallen and doomed for damnation without Christ? Our revelation and salvation came a little before theirs is all. We need to pray for their salvation, wisdom, guidance, protection, understanding so that they will know the Lord. This is the godly way the way the Lord would have them to guide us. We are not to pass judgement lest we be judged. God appointed them to there positions of authority and we as believers need to pray for them and respect their authority. All authority is from the Lord.

    In answer to your question:

    Yes both of them have made some horrible mistakes.....Paul also made mistakes but the Lord was the ruler of his heart in the end. Sometimes as Christians we judge them worse than we were judged ourselves. Let us show mercy, kindness, gentleness, love, patience, goodness and show them the love of God and be an example for them. In this way we sway the heart of others, who seek after the same things and through our example seek them with all their heart. The first rule of leadership is:

    Example, Example, Example.

    When we pray for them: Pray for their salvation, wisdom, understanding. Pray they rule according to God's principals. Pray for their safety and that of their families. Pray for the peace of God to be on them in all things. You see it is easy for us to criticize them because we have no idea what they face everyday. We have no way of knowing the things they see everyday or hear. When we hear in part, understand in part and see in part then we judge in part also.

    I pray this helps,

    Love in Jesus,


  8. Astra,

    I am also a fan of Michael Smith but had not heard that song before. Very powerful.

    Interesting how the Lord tries to show us that if we will let go and let God our lives would be much simpler but we have a way of getting in the way. It is tough to lay it down and give it to Jesus but it is possible and when you do it is so sweet the feeling of relief that comes over you.

    When we talk about Jesus to people, we should do so in a loving manner but also we should let the Lord do the work. We are but the vessel he uses. I had a discussion with the Lord about this because I never felt right talking to people about their salvation. Then the Lord said to me, I am doing the work, I am asking you to be the vessel. When he said that to me, I totally got it and stepped aside and let the Lord do the work. It was so much easier. I never said to much or to little. Sometimes I am the farmer planting the seeds and other times I am the harvester. This is where my signature verse comes into play alot. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6. Our problem is that we want to be in control and God is asking us to step aside and let Him be in control.

    Awesome post by the by. Love in Jesus,

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