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Posts posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Mark,

    These are just my thoughts when I read the dream and not an interpretation per say. I know you said this did not seem to relate to your own life but this thought just came to mind. I sense in my spirit that you are like me in that when you see an injustice you feel you have to stand up and fight on their behalf. Could there be something going on where you feel you have to be standing up for someone or something?

    Think about home, work, and church. Maybe something in your neighborhood or a particular ethnicity? Again just my thoughts and I hope they help for discernment.

    Love in Jesus,


  2. HF,

    These are just my thoughts also but I have to agree with both thoughts here. This is a spiritual attack of some kind and it seems to be coming from behind. Another words you may not be aware of it until it hits so to speak. Like sneaking up behind you and then blam. I would be in prayer about this and trust the Lord to deliver you from any attack against the enemy. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus! We walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. So hang in there girl and give it the big BOOT when it tries to rear its ugly head.

    Love in Jesus,


  3. ManOfGod17,

    These are just my thoughts and not an interpretation. I pray it helps.

    ManOfGod17 wrote:

    Then i seen a bride, she was veiled so i couldn't see her face, but even so i felt as though she didn't have a form, that is was representing more than actually being a bride.

    The question I ask myself is who does the bride represent? The church of believers.

    And the cherubs where there to protect the bride
    Protection of the Church

    So to me it is the Lord showing you his bride the church and the protection of the church. Her not being unveiled may mean that the church is not ready yet to be taken as the bride.....that the marriage has not yet taken place but will soon. The preparations are being made and the plan set but the actual wedding is pending and then there is the feast.

    Again these are just my thoughts. I pray they help for discernment.

    Love in Jesus,


  4. Trueflight,

    God is so good! Awesome reminder of how the Lord knows our needs and our situation and like you said is Jehovah Jirah our Provider. Thanks be to God for his blessings in your lives!

    Love in Jesus,


  5. One other note here. Jasmine, aspire to be who Christ has called you to be. Seek out his will for your life. Put your whole effort into it. In the later part of your text you said that no one believed in you. You are so wrong......the Lord believes in you, hopes with you, rejoices with you.....He is your strength when you are weak. Put him foremost in all you do and he will be the center of it all. He will open doors of opportunity and will close the doors that need to be closed.

    Remember this: God wants us to be all that we can be and never hinders us from that. What he wants from us is our trust to let Him guide us to that. We can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. All things are possible with God. If God be for us who can be against us.

    I never pray for patience I always pray for the ability to overcome every obstacle....the ability to rejoice in trial and tribulation because it gets me closer to the Lord and gets me closer to the plans he has for me. These are the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you to give you a hope and a future, not plans to harm you. Hope in the plan he has for you.

    I have watched you grow so much this year and I know that more is coming. You are a mighty woman of God! Good things are coming your way. Believe it and receive it. Our test does not come in our failure but in our ability to hold on to the hope that Christ has given us.

    I pray this helps,

    Connie huggins

  6. AllSmiles,

    Good morning. First off let me say this. When we feel that heaviness on us it can be a spirit of heaviness. We are able to remove it though! happy dance

    Romans 8:1 says this:

    1: There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
    2: For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

    So each morning when you get up say this:

    Thank you Father that I walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit and therefore there is no condemnation for I am free from the law of sin and curse.

    I pray this has been of some help! Just remember that you are a Child of the Most High and you find favor wherever you go! You are forgiven and stand righteous before God the Father through Christ Jesus your redeemer and Savior. His shed blood covers everything!

    Father God,

    We come against the enemy, that spirit of heaviness and that lying spirit and render them mute and powerless over AllSmiles! We command them to leave her now in all forms and all of the spirits associated with them and bind them all together. We smite them with the Sword of the Spirit and speak out loud, we are bought with a price and that price is Jesus Christ! We command him and them to the feet of Jesus for judgement. We speak the breath of life over AllSmiles! We speak courage, strength, power and might over here. We plead the blood of Jesus over her in every area of her life and that of everyone she knows or comes in contact with! We give you all the Praise and the Glory and the Honor for all you are doing for her now and in the future.

    We pray this in Jesus name,


    Love in Jesus,


  7. Jasmine,

    Your right, your not sufficient. Only God can be sufficient. Amen Have you talked to him about God in his situation? Since you have his ear that is something you can talk to him about. It is good therapy for his soul and at the same time diverts his attention to someone other than you. praiseGod Tell him how much he is loved by the Lord and how the Lord sacrificed himself that he may live and live it to full. You see what I mean the topic is on God. :hallelujah: In this way you also help him find God and trust God due to your own testimony about him. Bringing him closer to the Lord is where you want him to be. :praiseg-d: Just remember we plant the seed....let the Lord do the work.

    I pray this helps,

    Love in Jesus,


  8. We declare that there is a good report. We declare that there is no sign of any problem on the MRI. We declare that Jesus has covered you with the Blood and nothing can cross the blood line!! We declare these things in Jesus name, Amen!

    Love in Jesus,


  9. Laura,

    First let me say these are just my thoughts when I read the dream. I see this as a foretelling of things to come. Could this be the judgments of God spoken about in the Revelations. This to me has a strong prophetic theme to it. I am getting ready for work so can't be sure but doesn't the angel remind you of how the end time events start....with the angels standing at the 4 corners of the earth and carrying the judgments on the earth? Doesn't it also say something about the buzzards eating the flesh of those who have died? Like in Chapter 18 or so. Again no time to research right now but I think the Lord is showing you these things so you can pray for those who do not yet know him and to forewarn you and us of things to come.

    Love in Jesus,


  10. I think it is excellent that she is seeing a therapist and doing the play therapy. It is good for them to learn to deal with that at a young age so they don't carry that with them when they get older. I came from an abusive childhood and also lived in several foster homes and I am still trying to deal with some of the issues of the past. Mine is trust. But the tears will come....probably when you least expect them. Like over some dumb little thing that would normally not bother her....then blam there it is. Pray for her often that the Lord will be her guide through it all. It is a difficult process but she can do it.

    Love in Jesus,


    PS: She is on my prayer list.
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