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Posts posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Lionheartedgirl,

    These are just my thoughts not an interpretation. When I think of grandmothers and things precious to them it makes me think of Wisdom. They are usually packed full of it. Could it be that your Mom feels she has lost this valuable gift. The second part is saying to me that you won't settle for a fake or substitute but are willing to look for the real thing.

    I pray this helps for discernment.

    Love in Jesus,


  2. Just ask him if he is sincere about his desire for Christ to be a part of his life and if he is then lead him in a prayer. You pray first and have him repeat after you. Something like this:


    I am so sorry for all I have done to sin against you...I thank you that you paid the price for my sins and I ask you know into my heart to live and reign. Teach me your ways Lord and fill me with your Spirit that I may discern the ways of God and live according to you plan and purpose for my life. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

    Then get him a bible...even if it is just the new testament. Something he can sink his teeth into. Then leave it up to God. Pray for him and invite him to church but go with a friend. Like Cholette said before ask the Holy Spirit to guide you each step of the way and trust me he will. You can do it Jasmine...with God all things are possible.

    Love in Jesus,


  3. Butterfly,

    I would appreciate it if we can keep our passion tempered. We do not judge others......we leave the truth to be shown by God. None of us are perfect. This includes you and I. So from now on I would ask that you do not criticize others on this forum. If you do not wish to follow the rules of this forum I will understand but know that what you do has consequences.

    GreatFulServant has been on this forum for a while now and has proved to have good fruit. I do not wish to see that squelched because of bashing and accusations. I feel an apology is needed here.

    I totally understand your point of view and do not wish to keep you from expressing it but it must be done in an appropriate fashion. I will give you a warning....this is the second time I have seen you attack a person on the site. I was the first...no big deal...I know your heart....but not everyone does. If this happens again I will be suspending your privileges to post on the site.

    Love in Jesus,

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