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Posts posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Hi everyone,

    praying praying praying and alot of crying crying crying

    I can hardly stand it you guys....she is so sick and I can't afford the vet. I came home for lunch today and she looks so frail and she was crying, poor thing. I am so concerned for her. She is my angel2 and I already lost angel 2 years ago. I just don't want to loose her. We have had her for 12 years since she was 8 weeks old. Thanks in advance for your continued prayers.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie :hearts:

  2. Laura,

    It goes without saying I am praying for you and your husband to have no nightmares. I know they can be quite terrifying. When I go to bed at night I plead the blood of Jesus over me, my husband, my family and all aspects of my life. I also plead the blood of Jesus over my thoughts, dreams and unconscious thoughts. I then call on four angels to guard over our state, city, place where I live, and in our bedroom where we sleep. I praise the Lord and know that I am under the blood. Praying you have sweet dreams from the Lord in the days ahead.

    Love in Jesus,


  3. DaisyChain,

    Yes he has restored you! We need only trust that. He is the God that healed you! Isaiah 53:5 says that by his stripes we ARE healed. Not we will be but that we are healed. All things are possible with the Lord! All things! Yes we do make certain choices that we have to live with but I do not believe the Lord would tell you that. I believe that even when we make those choice that he gives us his grace to overcome the obstacle that may result from it. He never condemns but lifts us up and encourages us to go on. He says in his word, come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden light. He is with you going through this with you. He is there helping you and giving you strength to overcome your trials and tribulations. Oh I know you may not see him but he is there non the less. Trust him. Remember that if we love ourselves then we also need to forgive ourselves. I will lay this before the Lord in agreement with you.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie huggins

  4. Daisychain,

    First off let me start by saying this....breath! If the Lord is asking you to remove them then know that he is watching over the situation carefully. He is the Lord who restores us and he will restore you also....you will always be beautiful and you don't need them to enhance the perfect creation that God has made in you...You are perfect without them. You are a very pretty woman....I can see that in you. Just trust the Lord and don't try to understand why...Just do what he asks. I know it is easier said than done but I know you can do it. Remember he rewards the obedient.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie huggins

  5. One other note: Is the church she in giving her good doctrine. The best way to know is: Does it match up to the word. Believe me when it doesn't the Holy Spirit will tell her. I was watching a tv Evangelist one day and he said something about anointing cloths and I can't remember all of it but as soon as he quit speaking the Holy Spirit said this: That is not of me! I was like thank you Lord very much! I rejected what he was teaching.

    Just a little something there to think about.

    Love in Jesus,

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