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Posts posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Grace010,

    Churches can also represent ministry. The type of bus to me would be important. You said a transportation bus but what type. School, church? All buses are for transportation....see what I mean.

    This is not an interpretation but just my thoughts. I would say maybe you will be involved in some type of ministry. Maybe coming face to face with that ministry. Again these are just thoughts. I pray it helps for discernment.

    Love in Jesus,


  2. Astra,

    First off I would make no excuses. I would straight up say that it is offensive and for that reason you are not going. The other thing I would do is say (when this is going on), I break off those words in Jesus name and cover your words with the blood of Jesus! I promise you they will either quit saying them to you or will not say them in your presence. When I was working for a Company not to many years ago....people would speak word curses over me all the time. I used to stand up and say, I break off all word curses in Jesus name! When they told me I couldn't say that any more because people found it offensive, I said well what they are saying to me is offensive and if they continue I will continue also. Amazingly enough they stopped. I even put a sign in my cubicle that said, I break all word curses in Jesus name..they finally got it. LOL it only took about 6 months. God is good.

    Love in Jesus,


  3. TheWhiteShadow wrote:
    Romans 13:1 - "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

    1 Timothy 2:1-4 "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

    And, while I won't post it all, there's the rule of Manasseh in 2 Chronicles 33: http://niv.scripturetext.com/2_chronicles/33.htm, whose reign began with him "doing evil in the eyes of the LORD," but who eventually came to repentance after judgement. It says that God heard his plea, brought him back to his kingdom, and then he knew that the LORD is God.

    No leader, save Christ himself, is perfect. We are told to pray.

    We agree with the Word, and we pray for whomever we have as leaders.

    We agree with the Word, and we pray for our coworkers.

    We agree with the Word, and we pray for our families and friends.

    Lastly, Politics are a delicate topic for many. Just as a blanket statement, let's remember that this is a site primarily for dream interpretation...and also for prayer and encouragement with our brothers and sisters. Unsaved eyes come here, so let's be especially careful in the way that we express our political beliefs to those we love.

    Thank you,

    Well stated Mark.

    Love in Jesus,


  4. Butterfly,

    I understand what you are saying and in some things I agree....but I must stand on the word. The word is Jesus Christ, which tells me that all authority is from the Father and we are to respect that authority. We are to pray for them and set the example for them to find Christ.

    It is one thing to judge for discernment....but when we judge in any other way we are putting ourselves at risk spiritually.

    Love in Jesus,


  5. Cloe had a good day today. We took her grandma's. She seemed to perk up and move about a bit today. We aren't out of the woods....but she seemed to feel better today. Keep praying for her. Thanks so much you guys, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

    Love in Jesus,


  6. Hey Daphanie,

    You are being obedient to the Father. In all things you are just fine in this situation. I agree with Cholette that it is pride. Like I mentioned earlier....this is where tough love comes in. We have to do it to help them grow and to show them that we love them. She may be upset for the moment but when she looks back on it she will be thinking you were the one that spoke the truth and showed how much you loved her by being honest. God has your back so hang in there.

    Love in Jesus,

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