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Posts posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. You probrably said, "I plead the blood!" That would make em run and turn away.

    I think this dream is very much what is going on in our world right now with government and leaders around the world. People are asking some pretty hard questions now and expecting an honest reponse and are not getting it. They do want to kill us because we can call upon the Lord and you know they don't like that. Keep calling on him....you are powerful in him and he is mighty. Things are changing fast and I know he has our back.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie huggins

  2. Yeah I definitely feel this is a call for prayer. Do you remember if it where it was? If you do I would specifically be praying for that area. You don't need to be a good prayer warrior....all prayers are heard by the Lord. Just every time you think about it pray for that specific area or situation. Pray for safety of the people and salvation for the people.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie huggins

  3. Me too MJ! Awesome to see you and congrats on the new house. How you loving it? There have been many times I have heard the Lord call my name....It is a call for prayer for me. I sleep very deep so I am sure he does it this way to get my attention...It definitely works.

    Love in Jesus,

  4. Kevin,

    I will be in agreement with you as well. Remember this: Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest; for my yoke is easy and my burden light. Trust him in all things. Trust him to know what you are going through and trust him to help you through it all. Remember that he never gives us more than we can handle and he will never leave you or forsake you. You are his and he is there. Lay it at his feet.

    Love in Jesus,


  5. Dreamster,

    Being in Egypt to me is a time of preparation and trials. I think of the Isrealites and how they had to wonder for 40 years in the desert. This I believe symbolizes the troubles and trials you have had in the last few years. The first man represents Jesus to me. He has called you to do a work for him....you complete the task and are now presented to the Father. How did you feel in the dream?

    These are just my thoughts but I pray they help for discerment.

    Love in Jesus,


  6. I completely agree with Cholette. The enemy is a liar and a thief. Knowing the word is your greatest defense against this liar.....you are healed in Jesus name. Isaiah 53:5 by his stripes we are healed..not almost but healed. He already paid the price and the devil was defeated. Stand on the word and declare it everyday!

    Love in Jesus,


    Father, we thank you for her complete restoration in body, spirit, mind and emotions. Giving you all the praise, glory and honor.

    your servant,

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