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Posts posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. On it girl! I will pray right now.


    We thank you Lord for your divine favor in the selling of Daisy's home. We thank you that you have the family already picked out to purchase this house. I declare they will be happy with no other house but this one. I thank you Lord for your grace that will be extended to Daisy so she can get all the work done she needs to do so she can show the house to others. Lord thank you for working behind the scenes opening doors of opportunity for Daisy and her family. We thank you for your faithfulness to us! We pray that we are faithful back to you. We give you praise, honor and glory, in Jesus name we pray, amen.

    your servant,


  2. Hey Sister,

    These are just my thoughts to throw on the fire and not an interpretation per say. The being shirtless also could be an exposure to something. Like he is exposed and like Daisy said has no covering. He goes to church but he leaves because he can't get the covering he seeks. His covering that he seeks in the Lord.....does someone you know not have the salvation of the Lord? They go seeking but did they find? I pray this helps for discernment.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie huggins

  3. Hey all,

    One more dream my niece is concerned about. She has had this dream a couple of times and she is concerned.

    Kristen's Dream in December or January

    This is the dream:

    I was going to my cousins high school which is Sante Fe High and the outside looked as usual nothing special nothing different. Inside I was in a large room which seemed like a cafeteria but instead of chairs it had a large black hole in the middle of the room and instead of getting sucked in you had stairs leading down. There I was surrounded by doors maybe 5 of them and they were labeled with colors. I remember fuscia and green and I picked the green. Once inside I felt trapped with no escape. I senced the devil was chasing me everytime I tried to find a way out or move and I tried to outrun him and I had the frightful feeling that if he did catch me I might not be here any longer. The neon labels allowed enough light for me to see shapes which then allowed me to jump over something and I got out and the dream ended.

    Thanks all for taking a look and we appreciate any interpretation or insight.

    Love in Jesus,


  4. Evening all,

    Hey I need your help. My niece had a dream the other night that left her pretty frightned and we are looking for some insight or interpretation. I appreciate all your help.

    Here is the dream:

    Kristen dream on 03-06-2012

    I was in the school cafeteria but it didn't look like it normally does like it was for older kids. I felt like an observer but saw a black average looking man and I could sence the devil. The devil possesed the black man so instead of looking average the man now looked very saggy in the face and very aged and looked kinda like a pug dog. For like about 5 minutes the man was out to get me but I just kept running away and was like NO! I finally met up with all my friends and I felt safe there and they were like what is that big draft? The devil was breathing on me, he was invisible and I knew it instantly...and I freaked out. But just before that my friend who is a preachers son (IRL he is a son of a preacher) was mocking the devil and it made him angrier....then I woke up but was very frightened.

    Your help is very much appreciated.

    Love in Jesus,

    Connie huggins
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