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Posts posted by Delaine

  1. Iamfree42,

    I don't know why you have not been given a personal prophecy through people, but I can tell you this. God's Word is the most prophetic instrument that you can have, and He personalized it for you! You would be amazed how God speaks directly to you through His Word, and you won't ever have to worry whether it's true or not.

    I challenge you to begin to seek God, devour His Word, and you will begin to "hear" all sorts of prophesies that God has for you!

    Love in Christ,


  2. Daughterofgod1023,

    I believe you have made the most important step already--"In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths."

    You acknowledged God when you asked for direction. Now expect to hear from Him. It may not necessarily be in this forum, but He is the great communicator (he invented communication), so He certainly knows how to get a Word to us. Just keep trusting, confessing His Word, and He will come through for you.

    One of my favorite verses is "...for they shall not be ashamed that wait for Me." Is. 49:23. Nothing that you're going through took God by surprise. Know that He has it all worked out according to His will.

    You are in my prayers!


  3. Hisbeauty4ashes,

    Remember God's benefits--he heals all your diseases (Ps. 103:3). Along with prayer, confessing God's Word concerning healing over you will help you to build faith in His Word (faith comes by hearing). Every name (including sickness) must bow to the name of Jesus and the power of His Word.

    I will certainly lift you in prayer, and I look to hear a good report!


  4. Resolution,

    I believe God allows it because He wants us to exercise our free choice. If He prevented everything from happening to us without our participation, then we would never grow in character, self-control, love, etc., and we would all be a bunch of pawns being manipulated on a string. It's all designed to urge us to pray and fight in the Spirit. When He sees us doing all the things that He has already equipped us to do, THEN He does what we CANNOT do.

    It's just like exercise. It takes resistance to help us develop muscles. It's the same way in the spiritual. Resist the devil and he will flee! God said to put on the whole armour of God that you may withstand the evil one. You have to FIGHT the good FIGHT of faith. It will take diligence and persistence, and if you don't FAINT, you will WIN!

    Love and blessings--

    Delaine thumbs

  5. RnestseekR,

    My heartfelt prayers are for you. There's something about not having enough finances that rocks you to the very core. It is truly a very depressing feeling. Along with depression always comes resentment and bitterness, because Satan takes advantage when we manifest fear in any form.

    However, THIS TOO SHALL PASS! I don't have a clue how God is going to do it, but His Word says He will never leave us nor forsake us, so we have to stand on His promise! Remember that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He will take every opportunity to remind you of past failures. TAKE NO THOUGHT SAYING ANYTHING THAT AGREES WITH HIM. He is a liar!

    You will get through this valley experience. Just hold on and keep doing what you're doing, which is talking to your Father about your needs. After you've asked Him to supply your needs, then begin to thank Him in advance. He loves it when you do that!

    I will continue to pray until I hear from you otherwise.

    Much love!!!

  6. Very well said, Butterfly! I hear so much politics from the media, it is refreshing not to have to hear it in this forum! Our roles are to pray for wisdom, and allow the Lord to direct us. That's in line with being led by the Spirit of God and nothing and no one else.


  7. Romans 11:29 adds light on the subject of non-Christians being able to tell the future. It states that the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance (or irrevocable). In other words, non-Christians and Christians alike are given certain gifts and abilities, and He doesn't change his mind about the gifts given just because the person is not a Christian.

    I do not believe that the devil is capable of telling the future. What he can do is suggest the future, and if we fall into the trap of believing it, we ourselves make it come to pass through our words and actions. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it will eat its fruit. Satan is very good at the power of suggestion (in your mind and emotions), and if you're not careful and you put words and actions to Satan's suggestions, you will cooperate with him to bring it to pass.

    Enjoyed everyone's comments! huggins


  8. Here are my thoughts.

    Our emotions are God-given. As with everything that God gives us, they have to be properly managed. Our emotions should move us toward God--not away from Him. In other words, HOW we use our emotions makes them relevant or irrelevant in our spiritual walk.

    For example, I should only allow anger to be directed in such a way that will cause me to rise up and fight for what's righteous. I believe it was David who asked, "is there not a cause?" Here my anger should be directed to a "cause." Jesus modeled this when He became angry at the moneychangers in the temple. He directed His anger in such a way that He did something about cleaning up the House of God.

    We must, however, be careful not to be led by our emotions. We must only be led by the Spirit of God. In the words of Jeremiah (17:9), "the heart is deceitful above all else and is desperately wicked; who can understand it?" "Heart" here refers to the mind, will and emotions. Our "hearts" can deceive us and move us to respond inappropriately to situations.

  9. Mia wrote:
    :) You know, Delaine, aside from the very important aspect that there is no evidence for it in the bible (which causes me great concern in interpretations and is a red light for me, right there), almost all of my dreams turn into my waking reality. I've recorded and witnessed hundreds of dream manifest into a waking experience and I can't remember any messages given to me through symbolic use of numbers.

    I guess the only thing that I can teach is what I know to be biblically true and what I know. And I don't know or have any experience with symbolic use of numbers in dreams. It seems everything else under the sun can be symbolic but numbers seem to ALWAYS be what they are. Which is why I am so cautious with the entire topic and why I want to share it with you all.

    Honestly, my mind isn't closed against numbers having some meaning but can a number have a meaning without it being symbolic?


    I honestly understand your cautiousness regarding anything unbiblical. That's exactly why I'm on this site. I felt the green light to become a part of this group because I am seeking the truth of God's Word regarding dreams. Please feel free to steer me in the right direction anytime I get off track. Sometimes I may express an alternative way of thinking, but it will be only for discussion. Often discussions open other avenues of thought, and we may learn something in the process.

    Please know that I am here to learn. I've been in the church all my life (almost 50 years), but that means absolutely nothing. I have only begun to grow the last 13 years. As I began to seek God, he allowed trouble in order to work on my character. Trouble has a way of growing you up fast!!!! In the process, my dreams began to take on more importance, and I decided that I was going to pursue God's wisdom to understand dreams. You and others on this site are definitely a part of the wisdom and knowledge that God is allowing me to receive.

    God bless! huggins

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