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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hi Mark!

    Thank you for responding and sharing your thoughts on my dream. I will definitely be on the lookout for the emotions I felt in the dream.

    Everything about this couple reminds me of my husband and I (that's why I enjoy watching them). They have a great relationship and they really love each other. They share alot of good information on their channel. Many times I secretly wish lol that my husband and I could do something similar to what they're doing by sharing and helping other couples (and it doesn't necessarily have to be on tv).

    Was wondering if this was a soulish dream (because of what I secretly desire) or was this prophetic because the television was there? I know my husband and I have a call together and was wondering, if a bathroom represents cleansing and preparation could this "particular bathroom" represent being cleansed and prepared to walk in a similar call? I'd appreciate your thoughts.


  2. Hello,

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this dream.

    My husband and I were standing in the bathroom of a husband and wife couple that I follow on you tube (they are christians and this was not their real bathroom). The bathroom was nice and very clean. I noticed there were red heart decorations covering one of the walls in the bathroom. I said to my husband, "remember the video of the girl I was watching the other day? This is her bathroom." He looked at me with a surprised look. We were both really happy for some reason (irl my husband wouldn't be surprised and it wouldn't be a big deal to him).

    We also saw that there was more to this bathroom. It had another area where the tub was in and there was a television playing. Everything was beautiful and we were both very impressed. Any thoughts?


  3. Hello Everyone,

    In this dream, my husband and I had a church (irl, we don't have a church and have not discussed starting one - also my husband was not in the dream). We had a good amount of loyal followers. I was the First Lady and felt I had a great responsibility. People were coming to me for help on different things. I remember helping two young men who were riding bicycles. I was kind of instructing them on something.

    The church / ministry was held in a unfamiliar basement. The basement was not dark or eerie. Instead of pews people were sitting at round tables eating and enjoying themselves. I was sitting in the front of all the tables and turned around to see all of the people. I thought to myself, "Wow, this is alot of people, more than other new churches.

    People would voluntarily give offerings. The offerings were kept in a paper gift bag. It was always filled with envelopes. The envelopes looked like envelopes you would give someone for a birthday or anniversary, you know white or blue.. Even if I forgot to take an offering there would be envelopes in the bag. I was amazed. One women decided to leave the church. She took a "printed cloth material" she had given, out of the gift bag. There were no hard feelings. We hugged and she left. EOD

    I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  4. Hi Jonathan,

    I don't have an interpretation. These are some thoughts and questions. Please forgive me if I am completely off.

    It seems like there is an issue or something that took place in the past that is affecting you and possibly your wife today.

    Because you both were in the house you grew up in and the spider ran into your parents room - could there be issues/challenges between you and your wife that are similar to some issues/challenges your parents faced?

    The late John Paul Jackson described the symbol of spiders like this: "Something the person is involved in is negatively affecting his or her life and spiritual destiny, and they may feel trapped or spiritually poisoned by the venom (spoken words)."

    If there are issues/challenges in the marriage, the friend seems to be encouraging your wife to hang in there and not give up. It seems you want to get rid of the issues/challenges (spider) but bug spray is not enough. These challenges may require prayer, fasting, counseling.

    Please please forgive me if my thoughts are way off, and may the Lord give you the true interpretation of this dream.


  5. Hello,

    My boss came into my actual bedroom and then went into my bathroom. My bathroom is connected to my bedroom. She said nothing to me and closed the bathroom door. Seemed like she used the bathroom to urine and I could hear her washing her hands. I looked at my husband like, why is she here? I keeping thinking, "why is she using my bathroom?" I thought about how dirty my bathroom was and was embarrassed that she saw this..

    My boss and I have a pretty good relationship
    She shares a lot of her personal business in our office

    Your thoughts are appreciated.


  6. Hi Writer4him,

    I don't have an interp but this seems like an awesome dream. I looked up pecans and found some interesting information:

    Mature Pecans:
    Pecan nuts are enclosed inside thick, green shucks that split open to reveal the brown nuts when they are mature. The shucks may open before the nut shell is brown when fall temperatures are unusually warm. In this case, wait until the nuts are brown before harvesting them. The pecan harvest begins in late September and continues through November. The nuts that cling to the tree into winter are good to eat, but the quality may deteriorate, and you'll lose some of the nuts to birds and squirrels.

    Nuts That Fall:
    Although pecan trees don't drop their nuts as readily as some nut trees, many of the nuts will fall when they are mature. Pecans left lying on the ground decline in quality, especially when the soil is moist. Once on the ground they are susceptible to mold and insect infestations, so you should gather them every day or two.

    The words MATURE and HARVEST stood out to me. I also learned that a pecan is a fruit. Maybe this is your harvest season of blessings and rest. These are just my thoughts.

    May the Lord reveal the true interpretation of this dream.


  7. Hello Everyone,

    A minister told my mom he had his bat ready to swing when I sing, but I did not sing.

    I was watching Erica Campbell with her sisters. She had a baby with her. She carried the baby in a car seat to a car. I followed her and was making kissy faces to the baby. Then I actually kissed the baby. She liked me and she was so cute. Erica left the baby unattended in the front drivers seat and the baby fell out of the car. I ran over to make sure the baby was ok. She was still in her car seat safe and sound. I felt Erica was very negligent. EOD

    Erica Campell is a Contemporay Gospel Singer
    I am a singer as well


  8. No, I wasn't afraid or upset but I was worried. I couldn't understand what he was being arrested for and then the kids had to say goodbye! I can be a worry wart so I always speak peace to my worries and pray against anything that may try to come against me and my family. I agree that the Lord sends his comfort and I'm thankful for the Lord sending this dream to prepare us. Thanks for your encouraging words Mia.

  9. Hi Mia,

    Thank you for responding. No, that was the dream in it's entirety.

    My husband is not an indecisive person and is always in control of everything, but your statement resinates with me: "The overall scope of the dreams is of a situation in which your husband is powerless and indecisive."

    I guess I'm waiting to see that happen and what that situation will be. I'm kinda hoping it has to do with him finally realizing what he is called and purposed to do by God. What ever my husband does he excels at it. When he goes after something, he achieves it. But it never has anything to do with God or ministry. It's like he runs away from it.

    I guess im thinking like this because he had a dream march 2013  where police were arresting firemen (he's a fireman).  But he told his friend, "I'm going to run, I'm looking at 2 years." It's been a little over 2 years now. Could it be time? Scratch Chin or could it be something totally different he is being arrested for? :hmm: I guess time will tell.


  10. Hello Everyone,

    Dream 9/19/2015

    My husband came home and was rushing around in our bedroom (real home, real bedroom). I'm laying in bed watching him. He was rushing because he was going to see Sam. My husband got dressed and placed his gun in his holster on his left side (irl he carry's on the right). Then he realized he could not take his gun out of the holster. He became nervous and said, "Maybe I shouldn't go, this might be a sign from God?" I said, "I don't know" but in my mind I asked, is this you Lord?

    Now my husband and I are outside. It looked like a cul de sac (we live in a cul de sac irl). It was a bright sunny day and we were having normal conversation like we always do. Then my husband continues debating if he should go or not. He still could not take his gun out of his holster. All of a sudden, the police come speeding into the area we are in. My husband stood up and was like, "Ok they're here" kind of like, alright let's do this.

    I was a little bit afraid. I'm wondering what he was involved in that I didn't know about. Now a crowd of people are outside looking. I grab my kids (irl) so they can say goodbye to their dad. Then the police put handcuffs on my husband and arrested him.  EOD

    Sam - Krav Maga Instructer (Alpha Krav Maga is the name)
    Firearm - husband is licensed to carry
    Husband - he is saved and loves the Lord, but has no desire to go back to church because of church hurt and religious antics. (been out of church for about 2 years)


  11. Hi Mia,

    Yes! it absolutely makes sense. I've experienced it and then i'm like oooh.. that's what that meant! lol! My problem is i'm impatient and I want to know what God is saying to me as soon as I wake up! Scratch Chin I'm kidding... sort of..  

    Yesterday morning I was reading your response to a women's dream and it blessed me so much. It was such good information and very insightful. I just need to practice it. Thank you again.



  12. Hello Everyone,

    Hoping you can give me some thoughts on the last part of my dream. Dream 9-13-15:

    1st scene: I remember owing back rent to someone.

    2nd scene: I lived with my parents for awhile then I moved out.

    3rd scene: I took public transportation everywhere I need to go, mainly taxi cabs.

    4th scene: I was standing on a sidewalk and spotted a man named Chris Grant. I asked if he would give me a ride to go food shopping. He made a quick stop at this tent so I could grab something quickly. This was an open tent with tables and chairs. People were sitting down eating. It had a restaurant feel to it. There was a table on the right full of sweets and desert. There was another table on the left that had fruit. I chose a green pear. I used my own credit card (irl) to purchase the pear. EOD

    FYI: I believe the first 3 scenes symbolize my journey over the past couple of years. I left a ministry a couple of years ago and feel like ive been in transition ever since. The tent reminded me of a ministry that I am currently visiting. Every sunday this ministry has a sweets table for new visitors to enjoy after service. I havent made a commitment because I'm not completely sure that is where i'm supposed to be.

    My question's are: What does the pear symbolize? I know it's fruit. But why a pear and not an apple or banana? What could using my credit card to purchase the pear symbolize? Thank you for taking the time to read my dream.

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