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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I was watching these kids swimming in the pool. Many of them were doing fancy swimming moves in the pool (IRL these moves can not be done). I said to myself, "I wish I could swim" (irl I can not swim).

    Next thing I know, im in the pool and I sink down to the bottom. I realized I was in the deep end. Some how I swam up to the top. I was lifted above the pool and turned upside down. I started twirling around and going back and forth across the pool while in the air. At first I was afraid but then I thought this must be God.

    I have some thoughts on the dream. Was wondering what being upside down was all about. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  2. Hi Delaine and Connie,

    Thank you ladies for those words of encouragement. My sisters on this site have helped to lift me up and encourage me and I have been truly blessed by it. Connie, you crack me up. :snicker: : Your like, "Tell the Devil to SHUT UP and lay down at the feet of Jesus"! It was something like that. You are so right. We have the authority to do it. I have been feeling good the last couple of days. I appreciate you all.


  3. Hey Daphanie,

    Thanks for your response. I definitely agree and feel fear was associated with the doll. In reading my dreams you can see that I'm dealing with fear also. My eyes are totally open now where as before I was completely oblivious as to what our (my son and I) problem was. I have anointed my home and am standing on specific scriptures that pertain to fear. Going forward I will be conscious 🦇 about anything I bring into my home and pray over it. Thank you again. As usually you are a blessing.


  4. Hi Rnestseeker,

    Caillou is the biggest whiner. I think it was this doll in particular but because it came with the whole set, I threw it all away. This doll spoke English and French. It would say something in English and then say it in French. I just seemed weird. I really try not to be hyper-spiritual about things but it just didn't feel right. Then after throwing the doll away I had that dream. That's why I questioned if the dream was just me feeling a certain way about the doll or could it have been confirmation that I needed to get rid of it. I think when it comes to our children its better to be safe than sorry. I don't know who's hands created that toy or what they might believe in and then here I am allowing this toy in my home with out praying over it. Thanks for your response.


  5. Hello, I would appreciate your thoughts on this situation. I will give the background and then the dream.

    Let me share some background first. Most of you parents are familiar with Caillou the cartoon character. My kids like watching him. Last year my sister bought my kids this Caillou set that included placemats, a puzzle, a huge stuffed Caillou doll and a small Caillou doll that spoke english and french. I must say the small Caillou doll didn't sit well with me but I let the kids play with it. The small doll stayed in a toy box in my sons room because he never played with it. For the last couple of months I have noticed that my son is very fearful of everything. You could be standing next to him and he will say, "I scared". My mother noticed this about him and has been praying for him. Ok, 9-19-08 in the middle of the night, my son came into our bedroom (husband and I) and his heart was racing so fast. I know its normal for children to be afraid of the dark but it just seemed different this particular night. My husband walked our son back to his room and put him to bed. I layed in the bed and said Father something is not right, what is wrong? That small doll dropped into my spirit. I hadnt thought about that doll in months. I went in my sons room and dug through the toy box to get this ugly doll. I wrapped it up and threw it in the trash out in the garage. I felt so much better. I layed down to go back to sleep and I had this dream:

    It's about 1 or 2 oclock in the morning in this dream. My children woke up and didnt want to go back to sleep. My husband was up getting his clothes prepared for work. I noticed the Calliou doll that I had thrown away earlier was back in the house, it was face down. I picked up the doll with my right hand. The doll was dirty and had wild dirty hair. (irl the cartoon character is bold and so was the doll). The face of the doll looked like an evil man. It had such an evil presence. It kind of reminded me of a Chuckie doll. I had the doll in my right hand and I looked at my husband as to say, "See there is something up with this doll!" (Irl when I threw the doll away, he was kinda like what ). In the dream he confirmed it was evil. As im holding this doll my hand starts to tingle, shake and get heavy. I felt fearful. I extended my arm to heaven and we cursed and rebuked it in the Name of Jesus. I woke up.

    Ok... My questions are do you think this was a soulish dream or confirmation from the Lord that something was up with this doll? I threw all of the Calliou stuff away along with some other toys that were questionable and I anointed his room. If it was confirmation from the Lord, what do you thing the tingling and shaking in my right hand was all about? Could that have been the power of God?


  6. Good Morning Connie,

    crying I so needed that! I went to bed last night feeling dissapointed in myself that I offended the Lord. I didn't beat myself up, I just felt bad. Your prayer was comforting and it touched on the issues that the Lord is dealing with me about, fear and doubt. A couple of nights ago I had a dream that a mouse was chasing me all around the house. I was running full speed and this mouse was on my heels. I was still running when I woke up.. I know the Lord was telling me to deal with this spirit of fear. Its trying to run my life. I'm recognizing that this is a hinderance to my life and ministry. I have begun to stand on God's word regarding fear and doubt. I know it's a process but I know I will be victorious. Thank you for that wonderful prayer. I thank God for the ministry on this site, everyone has truly been a blessing!


  7. Hey Delaine,

    It's funny you got that interpretation and it makes sense. This morning when I woke up, I thought the opposite of what you said. I thought the gentleman represented the enemy. I felt the plastic shoes were saying that my ministry/walk in Christ was fake. You know what I mean, like the enemy was trying to place doubt in my mind about what the Lord has called me to do. I felt by me saying no thank you, I was not receiving what the enemy was trying to give me.

    The enemy is far from being a gentleman and we can grieve or offend the Holy Spirit. I have been struggling with feeling unqualified in this area of gifting. I tell the Lord I accept it but then I always doubt myself. The gifting is usually confirmed by different individuals when I speak into their lives. So, I think you may be correct. I will definitely pray about this. Thank you so much for your thoughts on my dream...


  8. Hi everyone, Short dream.

    I was at a dinner party sitting alone. The waitress brings over a pair of clear plastic pumps and said, "these are from the gentleman at that table." I told her to tell him, "No thank you, they don't fit my feet". She did and he looked offended...


  9. Hello, this is my sisters dream in her own words. She is 17.

    Me and my father were at home in the computer room. My mother was in her bedroom sleeping. I heard a thump coming from the 3rd floor. My mother woke up and called for me. She asked me if I heard that noise. I looked in the hallway and saw a black man coming down the stairs with a rifle in his hand. I told my mother there is a man in the house with a gun, close your door.

    My father was in the closet looking for a weapon (bat, stick). I tried to hide behind the rocking chair but that didn't work. I tried to hide behind the futon which is always folded in a couch position but now it was layed out like a bed. The man came into the computer room and shot me in the back. It did not hurt. I woke up.

    Thank you

  10. Hi Daphanie,

    Thank you for responding to my dream. Any kind of animal or creature is scary to me (strange, I know). I thought the fish represented people too. Because the fish had nets around them it made me think about what Jesus said to Peter, "I will make you fishers of men". I didnt even think about the three fish representing people I know.. hmmmmm.. Thank you for that, there are people I have been praying for.

    The field of water made me think of people in the world. People that need and want to be caught/saved. You are funny. You had me laughing when you said the fish are goofy :snicker: : I post my dreams to get fresh perspectives and confirmation. Thank you for your response. It was pretty much in line with what I was thinking.


  11. Hello,

    In this dream my friend Luz and I were walking. I pulled out 3 fish from my back pocket or bag (I believe my back pocket) and was showing her. Each fish had an individual net over them. I was alittle afraid of them. They looked like they were sleeping.

    As we are walking I notice a field. The field had water in it like a fish tank but there was no glass around it. You could see fish. I was afraid they would start jumping out. Any thoughts please..


  12. Hi Daphanie,

    Thank you for responding to my dream. Your post gave me some things to chew on and ponder. I had this dream in June. In June, the Lord began confirming through dreams the prophetic ministry in my life. I do believe the move was in regards to a spiritual move in my life. I think maybe the boxes represented things in my life that needed to die during this transition in my life. This is actually happening now. So many ugly things about myself the Lord is revealing and killing in me and I'm like wow. In the dream I was not afraid. IRL I welcome the change. Like you said the people may represent servants of the Lord that will help and council me during my transition. I do have a mentor who speaks truth into my life and even though its hard to hear sometimes I make the necessary adjustments. Daphanie thank you again for sharing your thoughts on my dream. God bless!


  13. Hello,

    I was in some facility not sure where. I was talking with some people (I don't know who these people were) and telling them that I was leaving (I was going away somewhere). I had three tall moving boxes that should have been filled with clothes. A couple of the people offered to help me take a box. As we are carrying the boxes the bottom of the boxes start to open. We are all trying to keep the bottom of our boxes from opening but I just let mines open up.

    When I let it open a bunch of dead black puppies or small dogs landed in a pile. 2 dogs were alive and started to run around. In the pile I pulled out a part of a puppy that was severed. The hind legs were tied together. That was all there was of this puppy. I was so disgusted I didn't want to see what was in the other 2 boxes. I woke up. IRL im afraid of dogs. In the dream I was not afraid just disgusted.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.. Thanks


  14. Hi Rnestseekr,

    Im sorry im responding so late. Thank you for taking the time to look at my dream. I usually have an idea of what my dreams are saying. I wanted to see if someone else had the same ideas and different perspectives. Yes, I do believe this was a warning dream and I definitely agree with a lot of what you said. I did notice the boots were out of place and the going downstairs was not right. I know that your children represent characteristics of self or the child themselves. This is where I get lost. What do my children represent in this dream? I think the closing of the gates represent a timing thing going on in my life. This is the second dream where I'm telling someone "the time doesn't matter". Maybe I need to be patient and move in God's timing? You know what..as i'm typing this i'm thinking about the girl with the boots. In the dream im watching her. We didn't have any interaction, its like she didn't even know I was there. Maybe this is prophetic and warning me to be careful of those that come into my life (similar to what you said). Me taking my eyes off of Christ and listening to or following this person may cause me to fail or fall. Thank you again for taking the time to read and post your thoughts on this dream. I really appreciate that.


  15. Hello,

    Recently had this dream:

    It's a warm summer day. I had my kids in their double stroller (boy and girl). We went to this Public Storage Unit place. It was outdoors. I noticed all of the black gates were closing. I got nervous because I did not want us to get locked in. I ran up the gate and caught the eye of a woman that was locking up. She said, "why are you in here, didn't you know it was closing time"? "You don't live around people that could have told you"? I said, I come here all the time, the time doesn't matter! Scene changes.

    I'm in this house with my kids still in the double stroller. I am watching this very pretty young lady. She looked asian/caucasian. She had two small children, boy and girl they looked around my kids age (2 and 3). She heads toward the door with her kids. She had on a white summer dress with thick black winter boots that came up to her knee. My kids and I follow her out the door and down the stairs. She is walking with her kids down the stairs and I am pushing my kids down the stairs in their stroller. :uhoh: My daughter falls out of the stroller and down the stairs. There were people sitting on the stairs including the pretty girl and I heard everyone go, ooohhh. I was sooo embarrassed and furious with my daughter because she unbuckled herself. We went across the street and I sat her on these brick stairs. I was hitting her on her thighs and scolding her but the hits were not hard. I wanted them to be hard hits but they kept coming out soft. The people on the stairs were just watching. Then I woke up. Thanks for taking a look at my dream.


  16. I love this site. It has so much information and has answered many of my questions. I am a wife and mother of three. I love to sing and write. I am an entrepreneur. June of this year the Lord called me to prophetic ministry. I have never dreamed this much in my life. The things I'm starting to see and experience is amazing. I am so hungry to understand all that is happening with me. I look forward to learning from everyone on this site. God bless!

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