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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hi DeeVine,

    This is not an interpretation just my thoughts.

    It seems like your dream is similar to the message you received from the conference. God doing a new thing in you represented by the baby. Whatever the Lord has birthed in you (using your own words) is in the very beginning stages. Your amazement seems to say that you receive what the Lord is doing in you. If this does not bear witness to you please disregard. flower


  2. Hi Unaday and Daphanie,

    Thank you ladies for responding.

    Unaday - No my husband is not in any ministry at church, but he does minister to alot of men. Men are drawn to him because of the leadership qualities he posses. Thank you for the thoughts on that. flower

    Daphanie - My husband could not see the faces of these men but he thought they might be men from his job too! My husband is a Fireman. flower


  3. Hi Unaday,

    Thanks for responding. I was thinking the same thing. I just asked him and he said it was all different sides. He said that wasn't his main focus because it happened so fast and it seemed like they were going to be completely burned. He was just amazed they were set on fire.


  4. Hello,

    This is my husbands dream in his own words.

    I believe I was on a boat. I saw a line of men. Next thing I know the men were on fire but only half of their bodies (vertically) were on fire. There was a man standing on the opposite side of the men and I was on the other side. The man looked at me and flew upward then disappeared. I thought wow about everything that happened.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  5. Hi Everyone,

    I was in an outdoor stadium. It was dark out. It seemed like a concert or something was going to take place. I was at the bottom of the stadium. I did not feel comfortable in this place and felt I should not be there, so I decided to leave. I started walking up this steep cobblestone road. It was like a hill but in the stadium. People were sitting in their seats talking, eating etc. It was such a struggle and very tiring walking up this road. I stopped to take a break and rest at one point. I felt like people were making fun of me. I didn't want the people to see me struggle. I forced myself up to finish.
    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  6. Hi Ladies,

    Thank you very much for your responses. Each response has given me something to think about.

    Desiree you are funny. It's true :snicker: : I love macaroni and cheese. But, I was wondering if this was about me or my church. The brown drapes with no window made me think dead church with no revelation. The silver tassles made me think that there is hope. The bowls of macaroni and cheese made me think of dairy/milk, meaning the word we are receiving is babyish. You know what I mean, there was no meat or food in these bowls with real substance. Once the burnt layer was pulled back in the stove, a fire was ignited. I did see this as some type of restoration. I did see the Making the Band as a process. It made me think, God is done with just getting by or getting over. It's about proving to God our hearts are in the right place. Im just thinking out loud. I think about this dream alot and wonder about its meaning. I have asked the Lord to give me clear revelation. My husband and I are considering looking for a new church home but I dont want to be out of the will of God. Thanks again. I appreciate your responses.


  7. Hello,

    Thank you to everyone that responded to this post. Everyone has contributed something that makes sense and gives some understanding to the dream.

    Desiree, your comment gave me something to think about. At the time my husband had this dream, we were considering tubal ligation (both in agreement). I have not done it yet but I am constantly taking precautions to ensure I don't get pregnant again. I think he feels like "why are you taking all of these pre-cautions? We are married"! duh Maybe that's where the condom comes in? I dunno.

    Daphanie and Dreamster you both pointed out some interesting things regarding the keys. I was thinking along those line too. But im not sure how it all ties in with the condom. I appreciate all the comments. Thank you again.


  8. Hello, this is my husbands dream in his own words:

    The dream started with my wife talking to her doctor. Then I saw the face of the doctor that delivered our children.

    Scene changes and my wife and I are standing somewhere, waiting for something. I start digging through all of the junk in her big black bag. All the way at the bottom of the bag were a bunch of spare keys on a key ring. I said, "what do you need all of these for? This key in particular, do you ever use this key"? (this key looked like a key to a locker) She said yeah and pulled out her keys and said, "see". I started putting stuff back in her bag and pulled out some condoms. I asked her what she needed these for? She didn't answer.

    Any thoughts? Thanks


  9. Hi Everyone, had this dream 7-7-08. I have some thoughts on it but would like other perspectives.

    I dreamed my husband, children and I were traveling somewhere. I must have dozed off and when I woke up my husband was parked at the end of a dead end street. He was just sitting in the driver seat. I said are we resting and he said yes. I remember the vehicle was like a white van.

    We all got out to stretch and noticed a two story/two family house. My 3 yr old daughter wanted water. A woman from the top floor said my daughter could come up to get some water. I never saw the woman, just heard her voice. I let my daughter go and she skipped off saying, "im going to get some water, im going to get some water.

    We all decide to go into the apartment on the 1st floor. No one was home. Now my aunt and her daughter are with us. We walk through the house and im thinking this person doesn't keep a clean house. We walk into this HUGE kitchen and I notice chocolate brown drapes with silver tassles around it on the wall. I kept looking at it because it was so out of place because there was no window. The kitchen wasn't clean either. We all settled in the kitchen. ( I dont know why we were hanging around this house).

    I began to notice a few bowls of macaroni and cheese like on the counter and kitchen table. I look in the stove and there is a bowl of macaroni and cheese that looked burnt. I thought the stove was off. My daughter reaches in and pulls the burnt layer back and underneath was a nice yellow layer of mac & cheese. When she pulled the burnt layer back a huge fire ignited beneath the bowl and it got bigger. I had a hard time turning the fire down and finally turned it off.

    I go to use the bathroom. As im drying my hands my aunt is in the bathroom with me. She starts talking about the reality show on MTV called Making the Band. She's like Making the Band is going to be good this season. Not like last season where you didn't have to audition. You have to have talent this time. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  10. Hi Butterfly,

    This is not an interp, just my thoughts. I was thinking the dangerous hill and curves could represent trying times in your life or ministry either now or in the future. I think your Dad represents the Lord. I think this dream is saying the Lord has everything undercontrol and things will work out fine.

    Please disregard if this bears no witness.


  11. Hi Delaine and Daphanie,

    Thank you ladies for the responses. Delaine, what you said was very encouraging and totally agrees with my spirit. In the dream I felt like I had authority. I was fearful at first but then the authority just kicked in. What you said makes a lot of sense and I see how it all fits according to whats going on with me right now. Thank you again!


  12. Hello Everyone,

    Had this dream 9-27-08.

    My mother and I were in a back room in a house. A cat came in where we were. The cat left and I followed it with a broom into the kitchen. I think the cat turned into a short man. I told him to get out of my house. He would not leave. I took the broom and tried to shoo him away. He didn't like that. He started coming towards me. I continued shooing him while I was backing up. I turned the broom around and started poking him in his chest and told him to get out! Another man appeared, he was bigger and taller. I had to be more aggressive with him. I started poking him with the broom really hard and yelling very loudly "Get out of my house"! I kept saying it. I get the men near the door and my Landlord appears (irl I own my home). He had a dark blue suit on. I said to the the men, "See this is my Landlord right here, Get out of my house"!

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  13. Hey Mia,

    Your explanation makes sense. Your right. I did not feel ecstatic it was more like, what is happening to me? This is different. I didn't feel confident in the experience but realized God was doing something. Thank God for his patience with me. Thank you for taking the time to explain this experience to me.


  14. Hey Mia,

    I visited The OutPouring via the internet... laugh But I followed it almost every night and a fire was truly ignited in my spirit because of it. Prior to watching the OutPouring, the Lord was confirming to me through dreams that he was calling me to Prophetic Ministry. The OutPouring gave me some understanding of this ministry and increased my desire to move in it. I had this dream 8/31/08. Thank you for responding to my post.


  15. Hi Desiree,

    Please please please forgive me if I am off.

    When I think of hands it can represent our works or deeds whether good or bad. When pondering the hail and the warts and bubbles on your hands I found this scripture: Haggai 2:17 I struck all the work of your hands with blight, mildew and hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the Lord. Could there be something in your life the Lord wants you to turn from? In seeing the male private part, could it be something sexual? This is not an interp, just thoughts. Please disregard if this bears no witness...


  16. Hi Jen,

    Thank you for responding to my dream. Yes, my heart desires to move in the deeper things of God. I do see others doing what I would like to do. I always say, "Lord if my motives are not clean or pure then don't give it to me". I see this as a good dream too and it seems the Lord wants to give me the desires of my heart. I was wondering if being upside down had any significance? Maybe the Father showing that he can do the impossible or amazing things? I will leave it alone :zipit: Thank you for the confirmation Jen.

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