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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hello,

    My husband and I are in the family room in a house (not our home). We were sitting on a couch watching tv. Lots of kids including our own were playing in front of us. I started thinking about making breakfast.

    Scene changes and I end up in a back room in the house with some guy. We were on the bed talking for a long time. He wanted to marry me and I said yes. I loved the attention. He was easy going. I felt like I had been gone to long. My sister comes in the room and gives me this plastic pink engagement ring with no diamond in it. It just had prongs. It looked like a toy. I realized this is going to far, I'm married! I broke it off with the guy. He was disappointed.

    I came out of the room. This girl starts telling me how nice my husband is. She said he told her, "That gift (meaning me) is my present". I go to where everyone is and they are about to play a board game. I looked at my husband sitting on the couch but he didn't acknowledge me. I know he was hurt. I got up to leave but another girl starts complaining about finding the right guy and how he needs to look a certain way. I said, see that's the problem don't worry about what they look like. God knows your heart".

    I started heading down the hall and get to the door. My mother said, "wait, I want to talk to you, I will walk with you to Kims house (my other sister). We open the door and here comes my aunt Sherry all slim in a bright green outfit (irl she is plus sized). She was smiling, laughing and dancing. She went in the house while my mother and I went out. In the dream I felt like I did not appreciate my husband.

    Irl my husband and I have a very good relationship. Any thoughts on this dream. Could it have something to do with church?


  2. Hi Rnestseeker,

    Thank you for your post. I actually learned alot from you! This class was a first for me. I am a babe when it comes to prophetic ministry. The class I took was called "The Art of Hearing God 101". This was like a beginners class so we just got the basics of prophetic ministry. The next class is called "Advanced Prophetic Ministry".

    Thank you for being transparent about your experience and how you were not to sure about all of this stuff. Sometimes I wonder myself. God is really taking his time with me and not letting me experience everything all at once. Its interesting you spoke about seeing images over people. One of the teachers told me she saw a can of sardines being opened over me duh . She said something about the delicacies of the Lord. I questioned it at first but I decided to keep myself open because maybe she really did see a can of sardines being opened over me. I don't want to reject a word that may be from the Lord..

    Rnestseeker thank you for sharing that info with me. It will definitely help me as I continue to learn more about this area of ministry.

    God bless,

  3. Hello Everyone,

    Monday I was informed that the owner of the company I work for will be closing up shop in Feb 09. I am not devastated by this news. I have been crying out to the Lord for change for a long time. I am ready for this period of transition in my life, but I have bills to pay. flower I am asking for your prayers and that the Lord will lead and guide my foot steps during this time. I know in my heart what I desire to do, but I want the will of the Father for my life. Thank you for your prayers.


  4. Hey Jen,

    They made half the class stand in a line with their eyes closed. The other half had to walk up to a person with their eyes closed and place their hand on the persons shoulder. The person with their eyes closed had to prophecy a word or words that they felt lead to say to the person that placed their hands on them. The lady that I had totally read me. wow

    We did an excercise called "when I look at you". We were placed in groups of 6. We had to go in a circle and everyone in the group would say to the person, When I look at you I see Favor or Miracles or a Teacher etc. It was about going off of first impressions and getting you comfortable with speaking into someone's life. Someone would take notes for each person that the group was speaking to, so at the end you could refer to your notes and see all of the wonderful things that were spoken into your life. I enjoyed that.

    At the end of the last class, if the teachers have a word for you they give it to you. They also did impartations at the end of the last class. It was fun and interactive.


  5. Wow Jen,

    That's cool. That was definitely a God thing. Yes, I enjoyed the class. It was a 2 day class from 9am to 9pm. Yeah, long days. In between the teachings we had to do some group excercises in regards to moving in the prophetic. It was a good experience. I would take another class through his ministry. Thanks for asking..


  6. Hello,

    Im curious as to what the rules and regulations are for this site. I noticed a couple of e-mails that I posted were deleted. It contained names of books and the authors. I just wanted to know for future reference if that kind of content is not acceptable on this site. flower


  7. Hello Everyone,

    Had this dream 10/18/08

    I went to my old high school to pick up my daughter from her pre-school class. (irl my daughter is in pre-school). My high school looked completely different in the dream. The school was huge and beautiful. Very modern with the latest technology. There were many levels. All of the walls and railings were a beautiful blue (not to dark and not to light). I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful the school was. I walked around to see if any of my old teachers were there, I didn't see any of them.

    I decided to make my way down to my daughters pre-school class. I took the elevator down with some other folks. They were not to friendly. I walk into the class and spot my daughter. She looked at me but ignored me because she was so busy running around the class with her friend. as I made my way over to her teachers and the sign out book, a little boy who I did not see said, "that's difficult". I said, "what's difficult?" then I woke up.

    10-21-08 IRL I went to pick up my daughter from pre-school. When I walked in she looked at me and ignored me because she was jumping on a bouncy ball around the room with her friend. I signed the sign out sheet but no one said "that's difficult". I spoke with my daughters teacher very briefly about something and she was not friendly.

    Any thoughts on this dream are appreciated. Seeing that the part about my daughter was prophetic. What could my old high school looking very modern mean?


  8. Hey Jen,

    Thank you for the info on those books. I am definitely interested in reading Jim Goll's books. I recently read Understanding Prophetic People by Loren Sandford. I thought it was a very good book. Right now im reading Humble is the Way by David Jones and Kathryn Kuhlman's autobiography Daughters of Destiny. Both interesting so far. I just took a class called the "Art of Hearing God" through Streams Ministries. I wish John Paul Jackson taught the class, but it was still very good. I will check out the other books you've mentioned. Thanks Jen!


  9. Hi Jen,

    I appreciate you even responding to this post. We will forever be learning and growing in this area of ministry. I love to read! What is the name of the book your reading? Right now I'm reading "Humble is the Way". Its about walking in humility.

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