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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hello Everyone,

    All thoughts are appreciated. I was an observer in this quick dream.

    I was watching a group of men. A co-worker of these men was sharing his testimony. He started a ministry for men. They were standing outside listening to him speak and these men began to weep. I was writing FRANCE on each of their foreheads. any thoughts?


  2. Hello Everyone,

    Would like your thoughts on this dream.

    Me, my husband and a group of people were sitting in my kitchen listening to a man speak (I didn't know these people). I remember a lion was in the kitchen with us. He was just laying on the floor looking around. I felt uncomfortable.

    My 4 year old daughter went upstairs. I asked one of the people in the group if my daughter went upstairs with the lion, they said yes. Then my daughter came down the stairs moving quickly. I was afraid her fast movement was going to upset the lion or make him chase her but it did not come after her. I grabbed her and comforted her but I was scared.


  3. Hi Desiree,

    Hope all is well with you. I thought I would throw my Two Cents in.... I agree with unaday too! These are some thoughts.

    I agree the iron represents correcting or ironing something out. I see the cord as being tied to something that may be a hindrance. The uncoiling of the rope may represent untying or disconnecting from that hindrance. I'm seeing the nose as representing discernment. Maybe the Lord wants you to recognize or be aware of some things that need to be corrected and or disconnected from your life. I think the roaches and grasshoppers could represent something or someones that are unclean (spiritually) and could cause trouble in your life; but is being perceived to be innocent and unharmful represented by the animation.

    Please disregard if this bears no witness...


  4. Hi aaweekes2,

    Are these prices what you would actually sell your house for? This is not an interp just thoughts. Maybe this dream is prophetic. You said you were thinking about placing it on the market this year. What you dreamed may really happen. Only the Father has the true interpretation. Pray and ask the Lord to give you understanding of this dream.


  5. Hi Hisbeauty4ashes,

    Congrats on the moderator position. flower Please disregard if this bears no witness.

    Could the warehouse represent a place where these ministiries/churches (gardens) are being stored away for a time to develop their ministries? The green plushness may represent the life and the spirit of God in these ministries that are in obscurity. Maybe the Lord is allowing you to to see in the spirit realm (attic) what he is developing in secret and to keep these ministries in prayer.


  6. Hi Danny,

    These are my thoughts on your dream:

    I dreamt that my head was full of lice that were looking like ticks amd they were meroun colored.
    I feel your head (in this dream) represents your thoughts or mind. The lice may represent conviction, shame or guilt. The ticks may represent something thats hidden regarding yourself (maybe your not aware).
    i took headbath and was combing my hair and all the lice were being cleared off my head.
    Taking a bath represents cleansing/repentance/sanctification. The lice being cleared off may represent your mind being free from the guilt or shame you may be feeling/thinking.
    they were falling off when i was combing all sizes small, medium and large.
    i could see apart of my scalp through the hair i had. and i woke up.

    Again being free from the guilt or shame whether great or small.

    I could be totally off here and If I am please forgive me. Feel free to disregard. Im thinking two scenerios here:

    1. This could be a warning dream letting you know that there may be some hidden issues that need to be dealt with by going before the Lord and asking him to sanctify you.
    2. Maybe you have already been cleansed and have already brought the issues to the Lord and now God is confirming that you are cleansed and have been set free.


  7. Hi Glad,

    This is not an interp just my thoughts.

    I feel your Pastor may represent the Lord. I feel you holding the anointing bottle represents the anointing that rests on you. I feel you being next in line could represent the Lords grace and favor on you to begin making an impact in peoples lives with your giftings or whatever your ministry is. Please disregard if this bears no witness to you.


  8. Hi Jeanie,

    Thank you for responding to my post. You are right. I do feel like im hanging on or trying to keep up with what the Lord is doing. I have gone through a period of high school dreams. In my college dreams I either cant get into the college or I don't stay in the class room, then I end up going back to the high school dreams. I can't figure out what im doing wrong and I feel like im forcing it because I dont want to be left behind spiritually. I dunno.. Thank you for the insight, I appreciate it.


  9. Hi Everyone,

    I had this short dream/vision last night. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

    I was hanging on to the wing of an airplane flying high in the air. It was night time and I'm just hanging on with my hands. I was very afraid and thought I was going to fall.


  10. Hi Dreamster,

    Yes. A new company will be taking over. Me and my co-workers are not sure whether the new company will keep us or not. I'm not happy at my job anyways but I need the income. I dread looking for another job. I am sooo not a 9-5 person. I thought when I finally left this job I would be doing my hearts desire, singing, writing running my business. Everything is at a standstill and I feel frustrated. Thank you for responding dreamster..


  11. Hi Renewed,

    Thank you for responding to my post. I welcome different thoughts on my dreams. I am aware of the child support situation with J Moss and it is unfortunate, I think we should all keep him lifted in prayer. The feelings I had in the dream made me feel like this was a call to get in a place of worship and praise and to get prepared for what the Lord has been gently speaking to me about over the past few weeks.

    In a dream book I have by James Goll, he talks about people in our dreams like evangelists, musicians, etc. He said that the identity of that person is not as important as what he or she represents meaning the kind of ministry associated with that person. Overall I felt like J Moss could have represented the ministry associated with him or me taking on some of that confidence (Ive been asking God for more confidence and boldness) or He could have represented Christ.

    I didn't see the meat as negative at all. That was a sandwich I would actually eat made the way that I like it. It looked and smelled good to me and I remember it was hot. I didnt eat it because I was nervous.

    Thank you again for your thoughts, I appreciate them. Because of the way I felt about different things in the dream I didnt sense a call to intercessory prayer for J Moss although he could use our prayers.. flower


  12. Hi Desiree,

    Gurl.. I love the Clark Sisters too! Do you sing in church? Do you write? Thank you for responding to my dream. I have been pondering this dream all day long. I swear, every single thing you said in your post, I pondered today. Thank you so much for the confirmation and encouraging words. I feel excited and nervous but I'm looking forward to what the Lord is going to do. Yes, the Lord wants me to Praise him with my voice. Your words have confirmed what the Lord has been speaking to me over the last couple of weeks.

    Desiree, thank you for being such a blessing.


  13. Hello Everyone,

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this dream.

    I was in a recording studio with J Moss (I believe). He had this air of confidence about him. He told me to come back and sing his song. He wanted to hear me sing. I left for a bit to prepare myself. I felt like this is a great opportunity. I was nervous and confident at the same time.

    I remember being with this lady who was J Moss's sister. I was riding with her in her pickup truck. There was snow on the ground. She parked the truck and we got out. She pulls a baby from the back seat and said it was her baby brother.

    We go back into the studio and I hear J Moss running the track (music). In the dream I got the impression that my father IRL kept asking me if I was going to sing. I sat down with J Moss and took this sandwich out of a brown bag. It was a ham and cheese melt on toasted bread and it was cut in half. It looked and smelled so delicious! 😄 J Moss ate a little bit of my sandwich but I was to nervous to eat. I was thinking this guy is pretty bold and confident to be eating a piece of my sandwich without asking. I told him I was ready to sing.

    In the dream we started watching a video reel of him being interviewed and telling a funny story. I remember people laughing and he was laughing at his own story. I thought to myself, he is a star. I woke up to the lyrics of his song "No matter who or what we are we must Praise". IRL I am a singer.


  14. Hi Everyone,

    What does it mean when your vehicle is missing? I have had two dreams where my vehicle was gone. The first time I was looking out of a window at the parking lot to my job. My car was not there in its usual spot, it was gone. The second time I came out of a church service (not my own) and my car was not in the spot I left it. It was gone and I was so upset. Any thoughts?


  15. Hello Everyone,

    I had this dream about 4 years ago. I knew it was from the Lord but I never received the interpretation until this year.

    I was in a conference hall working as an usher for Juanita Bynum's (televangelist) conference. Im standing in front of the podium along with another usher. My husband is seated in the audience behind me. Juanita starts walking up and down the isles preaching the word of God with power and anointing. As she is walking back down the isle towards the podium, I felt this heavy presence and it scared me. I turned to run away and it hit me. I fell face down on the ground and I could not talk or move. I began to levitate and float in the air. There were other people floating also and we were all bumping into each other. I felt peace and love.

    I floated to the other side of the hall and ended up on my back. From the pit of my stomache I was screaming out praises and worship to God like never before. I felt possesed by the spirit of God (in a good way of course). Juanita walked over to me but when she saw me screaming like a maniac she walked away like it scared her.

    When I woke up I cried for the next two days because I still felt that presence or anointing.

    Since receiving the interpretation, the Lord has definitely taken me to new heights and levels in him. I do feel that there was an impartation or an anointing that rested on me to fulfill the purpose that God intended for my life.


  16. Hi Everyone,

    I had this dream about my husband. Its a little strange and I have my thoughts but i'd like your thoughts on it.

    My husband was working a job sort of like a garbage man but he was a gift man. He would collect peoples gifts off the streets, they were left out like garbage. It was the end of his work day and we were driving down the street (I was driving). He noticed he forgot a few gifts on the street. They were in a sheer green covering. Sort of like a garbage bag but it was a sheer covering. The gifts were fabulous. I remember seeing a pick up truck in one. My husband was stressed about forgetting these gifts. I said, "It's not your fault the gifts were not left out earlier." He still felt responsible for these peoples gifts. I don't know what was done with the gifts once he picked them up..... irl my husband is a fireman. Any thoughts are welcomed..

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