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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hi Lola and Dreamster,

    Thank you for your responses. Both interpretations ministered to me.

    Lola your interp really opened my eyes. In my dreams the Lord has shown me moving in multiple areas of ministry. I realize the Lord shows us our future destinations but we have to go through seasons of training and preparation before our destiny is fulfilled. I believe First Lady represents herself in my dreams. She is usually confiding in me or speaking into my life. I'm one of First Lady's Armor Bearers. This particular ministry is humbling and challenging. I'm truly learning how to be a servant. I'm determined to serve her with excellence and a sincere heart and it's definitely a process. Before I can lead or be great for God I must learn to be a servant. Thank you!

    Dreamster I believe I will travel. I have dreamed of being in different cities. In a dream a man told me I was called to teach the word of God. I always thought my purpose was to sing. I'm beginning to realize that singing is part of my purpose. Thank you both for the insight and giving me more to think and pray about.


  2. Hi Promisedchild,

    I think so. Abraham was a righteous man and a man of faith. He was also very wealthy. How awesome is that for "God" to consider a person righteous and full of faith. On top of that to be blessed or entrusted with wealth is a wonderful gift.

    Joel was a prophet to the nation of Judah. His primary call was to urge this group of people to repentance. I think its an awesome call and responsibility to speak forth the words of God.

    These are just my thoughts.


  3. Hello Everyone,

    I would like your thoughts on this dream.

    I was upstairs in my home laying in the bed. I kept hearing this noise. I went downstairs to turn my home alarm off but It was already off. Actually it was broken. I panicked because I thought someone was in my house. I look out the window and the street that I live on was jam packed with cars. I look out the door that leads to my garage and my garage door was open. There were cars in my garage and in my drive way. I also saw a couple of bicycles in my garage. My car was not there. I got mad and thought how dare these people! A Caucasian woman and a man in a wheelchair were coming to get in their car. I said, "why would you do that"? The woman just shrugged her shoulders not having an answer. Any thoughts?


  4. Thank you ladies for your responses. Both of you have given me something to think about. I have been told that I can be trusted with wealth. Thank you again.


  5. Hi Everyone,

    I've had two dreams that I was a cashier in a drug store (cvs or walmart) and in a grocery store. Any ideas on what being a cashier may symbolize?


  6. Hello Everyone,

    Had this dream this morning.

    I was at a family function. My 3 year old son took off driving a dark blue car down the street! :huh2: I screamed and took off on foot trying to catch up to him. I couldn't keep up and I lost him. I ran into my husband and he told me to look in a different direction. I did, but I was frantic.

    I saw this young girl who told me where he was. She said, "I couldn't let them do that to him". Then she said, "Your son has such morals!" I said thank you. Then she said, "but he is conceited". I kind of chuckled.

    We ended up in this place where there seemed to be lost children and some teens. The children around my sons age were sitting in shopping carts. I looked at one boy and said no that's not my son. I kept looking and saw my husband with our son. My son was sitting in a shopping cart also. He looked tired. He just stared at me like he was relieved to see me. Any thoughts?


  7. Hi UsemeLord,

    Thank you for responding. We love our pastor. We are in totally agreement with the vision for our church. Our church is growing rapidly. We are only a year old with close to 200 members. Yes, my husband and I are called to minister but we are not sure in what capacity. Thank you for sharing your thoughts..


  8. Hello Everyone,

    I have been dreaming of transit buses lately. Would like your thoughts on this vision.

    My husband and I are on a crowded transit bus. I look out the window and see our pastor on another crowded transit bus. Both buses are parallel heading in the same direction. I said to my husband, look there goes pastor. End of vision.


  9. Hi tracytho,

    I agree with Desiree. My thoughts are, because you were watching this, you are a witness to the change that God will bring about in your husband. God moves in His time and not ours. Many times the Lord will give us a word in our present for the future. That word is for you to hold onto so that when the enemy comes to make you doubt and think this person will never change, you can call the enemy a liar because the Lord is faithful to his word. Hang in there and keep praying for your husband. Gods word can not return to him void.

    Again these are my thoughts and if im off, I pray the Lord would give you the true interpretation of this dream.


  10. Hi Peter and Lola,

    Thank you for responding to my dream.

    I'm in a period of transition in my life and I'm tired of being in this place. My job closed so I am not working. I'm using this time to draw closer to the Lord but I have gifts and talents the Lord has given me and I'm ready to use them. When I step out in the gifts, doors are just closed and it's frustrating.

    I have noticed that when I just rest in the Lord he brings the opportunities to me. Just recently a couple of opportunities have been presented to me that I didn't even seek out. I agree that I need to just relax and trust God to open the doors.

    Peter it's so God that you posted Phil 4:6. I already have that scripture taped to my wall so when I wake up in the mornings I can speak that word. I guess I need to take it more to heart 😄.

    Thank you guys for your feedback and encouragement.


  11. Hi Everyone,

    I was going around causing air planes to take off when not ready. These planes were sitting on different levels. The first plane was on level 3. I would go underneath the plane and push a green button and the plane would take off without warning. It was successful that time. I waited a couple of months and did it again. This plane was on level 5. I went underneath the plane and pressed the green button but nothing happened. I kept pressing the button but the plane would not go. I pressed it one last time and it took off without warning. This time I felt bad. I started thinking about the people who were not secured in their seats. They were not prepared and could be seriously hurt. Later that day I got a phone call that the plane on level 5 had fell or crashed and 2 people were hurt. I was terrified of being caught. Any thoughts?


  12. Hi Misspriss,

    Thank you for the encouragement and the tips!! Yes, I let them bring little toys. My son is 3 and he was fine. My daughter was off the hook. It was something about this particular Sunday (I can go deeper but it would take to long to write) that made me question if this dream may have been prophetic.

    My daughter loves to draw, so I will bring a little pad of paper and some colored pencils and see how that goes. You're right, it is frustrating but I do understand they are still young.. aauugh

    Thank you again Misspriss!


  13. Hi Everyone,

    My husband and I were in the house (not my real house). I got up to turn the house alarm on. The alarm was disconnected. I told my husband but I felt really uneasy about this. We started looking out the windows. We walked out the front door and saw a group of young men being arrested. I looked to my left and saw some young men coming from behind the house trying to hide behind trees. Before we could even tell the police they started chasing them. We ran to the back of the house and saw they were being arrested and another group of young men were being arrested also. These young men were black and latino.

    There was an open field area behind the house. I said to my husband, "we can come out here and saturate this area with prayer". He agreed. I felt good about the arrests. We went back in the house to put our kids to bed. I was a bit nervous because the kids rooms were on the bottom floor far away from us. IRL all our rooms are on the top floor. Any thoughts?


  14. Hi Misspriss,

    I agree those were good thoughts. Similiar to what Desiree said with a different spin. I like how you pointed out the Lion was lying on the floor. If it was Christ, I don't think he would be lying on the floor. I also like how you pointed out I was distracted.

    I wonder if this dream was prophetic. This Sunday in church, I could not engage in the service. It was difficult for me to receive from the man of God because my daughter was being such a distraction. I had to keep scolding her and telling her to be quiet. We had to leave service for a few minutes so she could use the bathroom. I felt like I missed out on service, I was in tears. My daughter is 4. I wonder if the enemy was using my daughter as a distraction to upset my spirit.

    Anyways, thank you ladies for your time and thoughts on my dream.


  15. Hey Cholette,

    Thanks for your response to my dream. I'm not sure what it means either but your comment, "when someone has a mark on their forehead, they are set apart for something" is very interesting to me. In the dream I felt compassion for the men but I also questioned why I was writing this word on their foreheads..

    Thank you again!!

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