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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hi BrittanyIvory!

    I've had a few dreams about Jay Z and Beyonce too. Sometimes we don't understand the dreams we dream or why we even have them. I've come to understand that sometimes the Lord allows us to see things in our dreams so that we can pray. When Daniel in the bible would have a dream that he didn't understand he would fast and pray for the understanding. I don't think we have to go to that extreme for these dreams lol!! But when you remember, just keep them in prayer. God knows what they need but places these people on our hearts to pray for them. Keep Kelly, Michelle and Mama Knowles in your prayers since they were all in your dream.

    Just my thoughts..


  2. Hi Destine,

    I don't have an interpretation, but I will share my thoughts. Please disregard what does not fit.

    I see the mansion as you being in a new place in life or some kind of positive change. Mansions are huge, could represent your growth or potential in the Lord. I see the designers as God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Maybe you were unpacking peace, joy, love etc. Marriage is a covenant/commitment. The name Tyler is an old english word that means "Door keeper of an Inn", it also means one who makes tiles. Tiles are used to cover things and they are strong. We know that Jesus is the door keeper and a tiler. I see the marriage as you being committed to Christ.

    I see this dream as a celebration of a new place or change in your life spiritually. The colors are good too. Green is life, purple is royalty. I would say orange and pink are good in this dream as well. Orange could mean power and pink, spiritual passion.

    Just my thoughts..


  3. Hi Everyone,


    We were in a house with Bikers (people that ride motorcycles). I was sitting on a couch with Pastor L. (IRL he is a pastor and teacher, I'm taking his class in apologetics). I said to him, "remember I was telling you about my arms"? He said yes enthusiastically. I began to show him how the skin on my arm starts out blotchy, then jewelry comes on it, like ivory, beads and shells. My right arm was covered with them. Every time I moved my arm it made noise like a charm bracelet. My left arm didn't have any yet but it was blotchy. Pastor L was just checking out my arms.

    Now Pastor L was zipping up my black leather dress from behind. I kept hoping my bra was clean Lol!! Then I realized I had on a black bra and it was clean. I felt more confident now.

    My mother comes in the house and asks to see me. I told her I was busy with Pastor L. She kept insisting that I come see her but I didn't. Finally she brought in a mannequin with a fuschia colored dress on it. The dress was pretty but I felt it was too churchy. Then she left.

    FYI, my mother usually symbolizes the church..


  4. Hello Everyone,


    Me and Joyce Meyer were out shopping. She was carrying my bags. When we finished shopping I apologized to Joyce for carrying my bags and I took them from her. Some how this big bottle of perfume appeared. Joyce said, "ok the next time I see you, you have to pay for this big bottle of perfume. I was like most definitely! No problem! It was like $38 or $48 dollars.


  5. Hi Shan,

    Thanks for responding to my dream. I thought the same thing about the cup. Lately I have been feeling like I'm not able to receive and I know why. I'm receiving more teaching from an Apologetics class that I'm taking and starting to realize that some of the teaching coming from the pulpit is incorrect.

    Windows are usually prophetic for me. Seeing that my husband and I were on a different van/bus from the other leaders and we were going in different directions, I'm wondering if the Lord is saying something.

    Thanks again for your thoughts.


  6. Hi Everyone:


    I was being driven to church in a van or bus. My husband was driving. I'm looking out the window and see Evangalist B and Evangelist S from my church on another van/bus but they were going in the opposite direction. We all saw each other through the windows and waved. I wondered why they were at the church so late. It was 10:45pm. Then I realized they were on the committee to plan something for Pastors Birthday.

    Now I'm in the church and I said hello to the Pastors wife. I was thirsty, so I grabbed a plastic cup. Then I lost the plastic cup. Pastors wife started talking to me about making more T-shirts for the church, I said ok (irl I print t-shirts for the church). I remember walking around with Evangalist S's black sandal, eventually I dropped it (irl she has a religious spirit).

    I started to look for a cup and found one, it looked kind of used but I was thirsty. I grabbed it and tried to find the water bubbler. I looked in the Pastors wife's office, nothing in there. I looked somewhere else, nothing in there. In this other room, Deacon L was leaving. Deacon B was sitting in the corner looking very aggravated. Minister J was mad she had to stay for a meeting. She said, she came tonight but will not be there tomorrow night for the next meeting. I saw the water bubbler but it had this bright orange thing with tassels on the nozzle. I kept trying to pull it back so that the orange tassels wouldn't get in my water. I never got any water. EOD

    FYI: everyone one I named is a Leader in my church including my husband and I. Wondering if there is a message here or just a soulish dream..


  7. Hi Everyone,


    Me and some others parked our cars in this outdoor parking lot. I saw Pastor L. getting out of his car with his two little grandkids, a boy and a girl.

    Now we are in this house (sort of seemed like a retreat). Pastor L. tells us to take our shoes off. My husband took his off immediately. I said, no. I didn't have any socks on with my sneakers. I kept thinking, my sneakers are stinky, I don't want to be embarressed!

    Now I'm sitting at a table in the kitchen of this house talking. Pastor L. was ready for the group to come together. When I got up my shoes were off. My sneakers were underneath the table. I kept thinking, how did my shoes come off?? We go into this room and Pastor L. explains he felt led of God for us to remove our shoes. He had us sit in a circle holding hands to pray. EOD

    FYI: My husband and I have been taking year long classes with Pastor L. He is a teacher of the word of God and we respect him greatly. We have never met his grandchildren and don't know if he has any.

    Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!


  8. Hi Steadygaze,

    These are my thoughts as well. I agree with what Shan posted. I would like to add that I see the friend as the Holy Spirit who is an encourager and confirming that you do have something to offer. People are waiting to get what you have to offer. Maybe it's your testimony, an encouraging word or something you've overcome. Whatever it is will a blessing to others.


  9. Hi Mark,

    I don't have an interp I'm just putting some thoughts out there. I looked up Muppet which is a combination of the word "marionette" and "puppet". A marionette is a manipulator. Kermit is a frog and from what I understand frogs can represent Demonic spirits or curses etc. Wondering if the television is revealing that there is someone who is speaking things in the name of the Lord but it's a false manipulating spirit. Just some thoughts. Please toss if it does not agree with your spirit.


  10. Hello Everyone,


    I was a maid or housekeeper for Floyd MayWeather (boxer). My mother was dating him. I stayed in their home. MayWeather was already gone and my mother was leaving to be with him. I was packing my things because I was leaving as well. I was not going with them. I was anxious to leave but nervous at the same time. Mom asked when was I leaving? I said when you leave. I could not believe she was dating MayWeather. She told me they had a gift for me and had a hard time deciding what to get me. It was a black hoody sweatshirt that said "Rocko" in big green letters.

    FYI: my mom usually symbolizes "the church" in my dreams. Wondering if MayWeather is a play on words for the month of May?

    Your thoughts are appreciated


  11. Hi Everyone!


    I was naked driving a suv/truck at night. I was trying to get to my destination because I needed to get something. I was driving fast and kind of reckless with no seatbelt on (irl I always wear my seatbelt). I realized I was going in the wrong direction so I turned around to head back.

    As I'm driving Im coming upon a blind spot. I could tell that the road ended there. A voice (the Lord) said," this is the enemy, he wants to kill you". God said drive straight no matter what! I did. I drove off the road and was high up like plunging to my death. I kept steering straight even though I was in mid air.

    I landed on a steel beam. The car was gone. Now my son is with me he is 5 yrs (name means God Fearing). We were extremely high up, seemed like clouds below. I was terrified. My son kept jumping from one side of a beam to another. I said stop before you fall! He did it again and he fell. OMG! I saw my son plunge. I was so hurt! Before I could even cry, this man who I believe was an Angel came up out of the clouds really fast with my son and placed him back on the beam safely. He was a Caucasian man with a buzz cut and jeans on. After he dropped my son off the angel turned into a teenage girl and went with some other young people that were higher up from where I was.

    My heart was racing. I cried out thank you's to God. It was so overwhelming. This man was there. Seemed like he was talking to God. He said, "wow, only one other person in the world has had this experience, now she is the 2nd. That says a lot about this young lady." It was like a big deal.. Then I woke up.

    Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.


  12. Hi Everyone,


    I was with this caucasian girl. She seemed like a hustler. She cleaned peoples homes but the people didn't know she was in their homes. I went with her to clean this woman's home. I needed to make the bed. I started quickly making the bed. It was an adult sized bed. By the time I finished, it was a child's bed and it was dirty. It had dirt on it and some kicked up on my lips. I was so disgusted. Then I saw a pair of little boys underwear. I ran downstairs, quickly grabbed my stuff and told the girl I was done! She didn't want me to go.

    Next, we end up at the woman's office. She was with her kids, like 5 or 6 of them boys and girls all different ages. The woman was african american. She had a short haircut reddish in color with little patches of gray on each side of her head. Her children's hair was the same way, even the little ones. She lived in the Fenway in Boston. The caucasian girl asked me if I knew where the Fenway was. I knew where it was but I said no because she was up to her hustling and scheming again.

    Somehow the caucasian girl ended up with a lot of money to go on a shopping spree. I was waiting for her and she was gone a long time. It pissed me off. When she came out of the store I told her I was seriously done! She was going to do some cleaning again at the woman's house but it was all a hustle. I wanted nothing to do with it.
    Any thoughts would be appreciated..


  13. Hi Everyone,


    Some how my parents set up this meeting with me and Trinity 5:7 (the singing group). We were supposed to work with each other in some capacity. The meeting was being held at my parents house. I came in and my parents told me they could not open the blinds or the curtain to a particular window in their living room. All of the other windows were receiving light. I tried but nothing happened. They said my sister tried to open it to receive light but she couldn't either.

    I started to walk were the meeting was being held. I felt confident in who I was. I could hear my shoes walking with confidence on the wood floor. I walk into this big room like a meeting hall and everyone is sitting at a meeting table. I said, "hello ladies!" and they said hello reluctantly. I gave each one a hug (3 of them) and said, "I'm Ty". Even the hug was fake. It seemed like they thought they were better than me. Everyone had a piece of white paper for notes. My dad tells me I need paper for notes too! I start to dig in my bag for a piece of paper. I notice standing and walking in the background are my parents friends that go to their church.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  14. Hi Everyone,


    I was in a hotel. My hotel room was my bedroom IRL. Beyonce was brought into my room because she wanted her hair braided. I was honored. Beyonce sat down on my bed and I started to braid the left side of her head. The lights started to flicker, then went out. When Beyonce moved from her spot, she left an oil stain on my bed.

    Now I'm sitting on the floor on the opposite side of my bed working to get the lights on. Beyonce laid across my bed in her pajamas. I said, I'm sorry my room is so messy. I tried to clear stuff from off the floor. Beyonce was like, "please, that's ok". She came down on the floor with me. In my mind, I was thinking does she see how dirty this carpet is? The lights came back on. I noticed a tv was on in the corner of the room. Beyonce left another stain on my bed.

    Now Beyonce is under my covers. Her assistant was telling her about all of this stuff that she has coming up. Beyonce began to cry. She didn't want to. She wanted to relax and chill. Seemed like she wanted to be normal. Now her assistant is lying across my bed. We had words, she offended me by saying "they would leave". I said well leave then! Beyonce's hair was not done. I told the assistant that I loved Beyonce and would never act funny toward her.

    New scene

    Now I'm braiding the left side of my hair. I'm in this wooded area at a stand. I wanted to pay for me to do my own hair! The man behind the stand took my credit card and charged me $150. I realized I paid to do my own hair and I began to argue with the man to give me my money back. He just walked away. I was so upset. I kept asking who his boss was, but no one would answer.

    Any thoughts?

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