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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hi Everyone,


    I was in a church setting. This teenage girl seemed to hang around me. I was going to bless her with $50 by check but God challenged me to give her $100. Some how I seen a check someone gave the girl for $1,100. I began to struggle with giving her money. Then my inner voice said, "Don't you want breakthrough?" I was like yeah... I began to look for the girl but my sister told me the girl was gone. I felt I missed an opportunity.

    Next scene:

    Me and my daughter were in a school I believe. (My daughters name means hope and faith. Whenever she is in my dreams God is dealing with my faith). Me and my daughter are trying to clean our feet. We were standing in a small puddle of dirty water. She takes her shoes and socks off. The socks were white. I yelled at her like put your socks and shoes back on, this is dirty water! Then I dipped my sneakers (while they were still on my feet) in this container of liquid AJAX to clean them off. Any thoughts would be appreciated...


  2. Hi Everyone,

    Short vision:

    Had a vision of me leading worship at my church. When I opened my eyes, everyone in the church was bent backwards in worship. Their arms were extended but they were bent backwards like the matrix. I was amazed that the Lord used me to bring forth incredible worship. What could being bent backwards mean?


  3. Hi Everyone,


    I was being chased by this man. We both could fly very fast. We would fight and wrestle but I was not defeated. Sometimes I had trouble taking off. I would start off slow then pick up speed. This man chased me everywhere, in houses and buildings but I could go through walls like a superhero. There was a sense of fear because I wanted this man to stop chasing me and I felt I had no control to stop him.

    I remember flying above the clouds and kind of just hovering there. I had a sense of peace. It seemed as though he couldn't come up there but I knew I couldn't stay there. I had to go back down and face the man. Any thoughts?


  4. Hi Everyone,

    My 5 yr old daughter had this dream. Would like your thoughts.

    Dream in her words:

    Me and Auntie Kim and a baby were watching TV. Auntie Kim was sitting
    in a chair. Me and the baby were sitting on her lap. The baby was
    playing games on Auntie Kims cell phone. The baby knew how to play the
    games really good. On the TV I saw an eye on a soup spoon looking at a
    man and it made me laugh (irl I heard her laughing in her sleep). She
    said the eye was brown and purple. She said the baby was 2yrs.



  5. Hello Everyone,


    I was in an unfamiliar house with my Pastor and his wife (we call her First Lady) and a guy named Eddie (name means wealth protector). We were upstairs with children. We heard the alarm go off signifying that someone had come in. We waited a few minutes to see if the alarm would siren so that the police could come. Who ever came in new the code and turned the alarm off.

    We ran downstairs and saw 3 or 4 men. They were looking around for stuff to steal. I knew one of the guys. I said I'm not going to say a word (meaning to the police) but why are you doing this? I asked please don't do this. He went in another room with the other men. First Lady was sitting in a chair. She seemed worried but said that went well. I was about to sit down and sat on Eddie. I'm like Eddie move! First Lady and I chuckled..

    Now I'm sitting on a couch with Eddie and the kids. Pastor and First lady are sitting on another couch. The men never went upstairs. The Leader came in the room we were in and threw a big box at Pastor and said what is this? Pastor calmly explained it was a game and how it worked. The leader was sooo mad and said the game was stupid. He went back to the other guys. We started talking about the guy I knew. I said his name is Nicolas (name means victory of the people). Eddie was like its Nicolat with a T depending on how you know him.

    The Leader came back in the room. I guess they were finished. I heard the Lord say in my head, "you will not die". I said ok Lord I trust you. The Leader pulled out a big black gun and shot me in the stomach area. I did not feel anything but I saw blood splatter. He told the kids they could live. He pointed the gun at Pastor and First Lady. Not sure if they were shot or not. Not sure about Eddie either.


  6. Hi Everyone,

    In this dream I was on a road, on foot but the surrounding areas were wooded. It started to get dark and I could hardly see. I was sooo afraid. I started to follow the path as quickly as I could. I finally
    came to this lodge. I wanted to get transportation to get home. A young lady at the lodge told me to stay the night. She said she would give me a room.

    I went into my room and there were men sitting at a rectangle table having a meeting. There were tons of shoes in the corner of the room. The men left and the shoes were gone.

    Had this dream right after:

    I was in a supermarket getting ready to start work. This was a new position. A young lady in the store told me to get my smock (blue color). Then she told me to get a red bandana that is sitting in a bowl of vinegar. She said to get the biggest bandana and come back to her. I went and picked the biggest bandana. Any thoughts?


  7. Hi Everyone,


    I was in a mall. I was concerned about this young African American boy. I did not know him. He looked between 9-11 years of age. We were in an office in the mall. I think I was helping him get clothes. He got what he needed and we were saying goodbye. I was giving him a hug and kiss the same way I do my kids in real life. It was very loving and motherly, I had great concern for this young man.

    Scene changes...

    Now I'm in the office with three African American women. They were eating at a round table. It seemed like an event. The tables had white coverings on them. I apologetically interrupted them. One lady was annoyed with me. I asked if they had seen my black and cream checkered rain boot because I only had one of them (irl I have these boots). The women were so nonchalant. I noticed there were lots of bags around. It looked like a place to get clothes. One of the ladies who seemed like the boss said, "The boot may be in a bag or in a bag that already went out. We will keep an eye out for it if it comes back."

    Any thoughts??


  8. Hello Everyone,


    I was looking at Pastor A through a glass window. He was standing in the stairwell of a building with two little boys. Pastor A went up the stairs out of sight. The boys were following behind him. I could still see the boys. I went in the building to the stairwell and said, "Are you hiding?" Pastor A came down the stairs. I said, "Hi Pastor A and we hugged. The boys were gone.

    Now we are outside the building. Pastor A said, "I can't wait to go back to Atlanta, it's to cold here in Boston". (IRL Pastor A is from Boston but has a growing church in NC.) Pastor A jumped in a dark colored mini van with a clock on top of it. It reminded me of a cab. Pastor A drove the mini van backwards up a one way street with his head looking back. No cars were coming. Any thoughts?


  9. Hi Halo, I'm glad my dream lifted your spirit.

    Love's Child, thank you for responding to my dream. I will definitely take what you have said to the Lord. I have actually been in prayer and consecration before I had this dream. Maybe the Lord is requiring more of me. You mentioned that I may be trying to move in my own abilities and this is true. Thank you for your insight, I will be praying about this dream.


  10. Hello Everyone,


    I'm sitting in the pew of this church. Its kind of empty. One by one old Caucasian ladies were going up to pray or be prayed for. Then this old lady is waving for me to come on. I see Mother Johnson (a prayer warrior in my church, older woman) sitting in a pew to my right. I get up to make my way to the old lady but I'm very hesitant. She moves me along by hitting me hard on my left arm and I fall down. I stayed down on the ground crying. Mother Johnson came over to comfort and encourage me. Any thoughts?


  11. Hi One Door,

    Thank you for your response. What you have said witnesses with my spirit. Yes the enemy has tried to keep me in a state of confusion regarding ministry and my purpose in life. I have recently taken a stand against the enemy and I'm not allowing myself to be confused any longer. I know he wants me back in that state but I refuse. Thanks for your insight.


  12. Hi Everyone,


    I was in a supermarket pushing an empty cart. This man who seemed shady to me started telling me how the carts are different now. I noticed they did look different. The man spun me and the cart around. I started to get dizzy. Seemed like I elevated a bit. I started rebuking the man in the name of Jesus.
    I was still a bit dizzy but I ran into Courtney Mcbath (Bishop over a mega church in Norfolk Virginia)
    in one of the isles. I said, "Courtney McBath"! I was so happy to see him. I hugged him and asked him to pray for me. Any thoughts?

    Wondering why Bishop Mcbath appeared in my dream. I have not been following his ministry. I watch him every now and again.


  13. Hi Sunshine and Delight68,

    Thank you for your responses to my dream. I definitely agree that a change is coming in my life. It has been a difficult season for me. I have been out of work for eight months. As you mentioned Delight, my journey with the Lord during this season has been amazing. I do feel reborn and renewed. I will continue to enjoy my time with the Lord but I am also, so looking forward to being in a better place financially. Hopefully this dreams meaning is two fold. Thank you again for your insight.


  14. Hi Dove,

    Are you teaching now? Do you teach in any capacity? If so then disregard my thoughts on your dream.

    Do you think the Lord is calling you to teach. You know how Paul talks about some are to be pastors and teachers etc. When you ended the dream by saying, "I took the call" it made me think the Lord was calling you to teach and you accepted the "call".

    Please disregard if this bears no witness. May the Lord give you the correct understanding of this dream.


  15. Hi Rhossum,

    My older sister and I were walking/standing at the very edge of the top
    of a mountain of sand. We were standing on the rim of the mountain
    which was made of steal.

    Your sister may represent herself, a sister in Christ or someone you know. The mountain seems to represent an obstacle or a difficult place in your life right now or a waiting period. Sand is weak and has an improper foundation which can represent us moving in the flesh. Steal is strong and because you are standing on it I believe you are "standing" and trusting in God.

    We wanted to get to the bottom but as we were about to step down, I
    first tested the sand to see if it was firm enough for us to walk down
    on, but it was not so I didn't move; my sister, on-the-other-hand, just
    stepped right into the sand and she tumbled all the way down to the

    Wanting to get to the bottom may represent wanting to get rid of the obstacle, move foreward or get out of this difficult place. Before you moved in the flesh and tried to make something happen for yourself you checked to see if it was ok to move and realized it wasn't. The other person was impatient and moved in the flesh and fell. Meaning it's a difficult road when you step out of the will of God.

    Continue to stand and trust God even in the hard place and let Him direct your steps. You'll know when it's time to move.

    If this bears no witness please disregard. May the Lord give you the true interpretation of this dream.


  16. Hi Everyone,

    Quick dream:

    I was laying in bed in my old room in my parents house. My cell phone rings and the name Rene comes up on my phone. She tells me the song list for praise and worship is difficult. As she is talking I hear coins falling to the floor. I look and realize a big green storage bin full of coins (quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies) that I had (not IRL) was hanging from the top of my bedroom door and was going to burst if I didn't take it down. Any thoughts..

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