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Posts posted by SisterinChrist

  1. hmmm.. cud the car represent ur life? Work that was getting done,.. sometimes u felt like it took you longer to get things done than most ppl?

    the car was tranformed to all white.. could that be what the Lord was doing in ur life? White = Holy?

    I know about waiting, sometimes i feel like its taking GOd a long time to get things fixed, but its all His appointed time, to make things perfect.. for you it seems late but for God.... its just the right time... (5 to me is Grace)

    also at the end, you think its going to cost you a great deal.. But remember God paid our debt... you woke up before u could get the bill...

    maybe Lord is saying that its time to take ur new white care ? ( new life)?

  2. No problem.

    When i see people of a different country, it reminds me of people unknown to me, or 'of a different state', Much older professor reminds me of Father God, (Older, Wiser, Full of Wisdom) maybe the Lord is showing you what He's doing and that you are of a different 'state' .....

    Im just thinking out loud here, but could it be just a way to show you what the Lord is currently doing? And that we should have patience for those that lack knowldege?

  3. hey rosebush...

    i agree with Chollete.. also wanted to add, walking sometimes takes longer than driving... also walking sometimes shows us the path we are taking...

    Also 1 more thing came to mind, (although im not sure the contxt of drm, this might not have to do with it) but figured id share anyway..

    sometimes when the lord is trying to show me that i've 'crossed over to the other side' I have to be walking.. i cnt really cross-over by driving, bc U r crossing the street.

  4. hi there..i dont have an interpretation.. and i didnt read anything above.. just wanted to share that sometimes in my dreams Couch represents a Relationship..

  5. hmmm interesting dream, really nice.

    Attic to me reminds me of spiritual realm or the mind, your thinking.
    Sounds like all together was a peaceful happy place, of great joy and beauty.

    Could it be that the Lord is taking you to a higher spiritual realm? MAybe the Husband is symbolic to the Lord? (FIsher of Men)

    Just my thoughts

  6. Fri, Apr 19, 2013 2:46 AM
    "Some Day's"

    Some days I walked on thorns
    Some days I walked alone,
    Some days I walked on burning coals,
    Some days I could not feel you near,
    No where were you to be found.

    Some days the voices were so Loud, they mocked me
    Then voices slowly disappeared, no one to be found.
    Some days I walked alone,
    Some days I walked on thorns.

    My seeds were on soily ground,
    But some days they felt like stone.
    Some days I searched you, but you were no where to be found.

    Some days swords pierced my heart,
    Some days sorrow was all to near.

    Some days I walked on Thorns
    Some days the pain was all too near.

    But i know that One day I will walk on streets of Gold,
    One day you will wipe my away every tear,
    their will be no more sorrow no more fear.
    One day I will receive my shining white Robe,
    One day i will sit with Jesus, and with His nail pierced hands He will show me,
    'daughter your home I prepared'.

    One day I will sit with Abraham and Joshua will tell stories of His Promised Land.
    Paul will ask me 'are they still reading my gospel?' He still cares.
    And Stephen will say, "come with me, lets show you the Living Tree", Its true what they say, His face is of an angel.
    One day Moses will stop by & tell me stories of how water came from a rock.
    He smiles & says Pharaoh finally let my people go.

    One day I will see my Dad, 'you're all grown up, lets catch up, so long its been, but now we have eternity'.

    Some days remind me I'm only passing by.

  7. Hi friends, just wanted to get some idea's on the following sybmol -

    i saw this guy (IRL he is on the christian TV, he use to be a muslim but converted to christian), he was putting on pants but they were too tight on him, i saw him trying to pull it up, but he was having a hard time putting them on b/c thy were too tight.

    also, i saw that the shirt he had on was really short... only covered their chest .. stomach was showing...

    i think the guy might be symbolic to someone in my life, not sure who? but i thought if i can understand this sybmol i might get some clues...
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