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Posts posted by SisterinChrist

  1. Cholette,, Thank u so much for stopping by

    Interesting.... thats a good point... i'm going through this 'resting period' so will pray about this some more... i get confused about things sometimes during my resting period...

  2. im in a classroom, ready to take an exam..the teacher is 'Secretary General' (IRL) ..he's passing out the exams..

    i am worried im not prepared enough b/c i have a bad memory.. although earlier i spent time at a cafe reading my notes which were on Economics on white paper/RED writing.trying to prepare...

    I get the exam,,,,then i wake up! ( so what wud this mean? i dont know if i passed or not??)

  3. Hi Daisy,

    I was going to say the same thing, i think your dream is about what is in your heart, the Lord many times gives me dreams to reveal the fears of my heart....

    I also agree w/Cholette, that you can turn your cares and worries to our Father in heaven, He cares for you and wants to help you through this situation... its a time to pour out your heart to the Lord

  4. TheWhiteShadow wrote:
    Then I'm thinking the same as D - that someone may be trying to get your attention. It may be the details (the veins) that get your attention - but not necessarily in a good way.

    You were considerate of how this person would feel, though. You didn't want him to feel weird about the veins popping out.

    Another thought is that the veins may be a side-effect of how he spends his time, while the large muscles are really the goal. Maybe there's something about him that he can't help as a result.
    wow that was really good....thanks so much for your points..they make sense to me

  5. It's strange u know I didn't feel much in dream....
    I think it looked like really big muscles ... But wasn't like I was feeling impressed or anything...

    I mean more than the muscle it was the veins that stood out to me& I guess I didnt want to make a big deal about it so I just said something to the affect oh yea u work out a lot. So he wouldn't feel weird about the veins popping out.

  6. Daisy wrote:
    Hi sis!! I have read that some muscle bound guys try desire to achieve this effect of the viens showing. In order to do this, they must have a low body fat percentage, and a high muscle mass percentage. This is accomlished by eating a VERY clean diet. Meaning avoiding carbs, bad fat, and sugar, and having a very high protien diet. Also of course a very disciplined work out routine...doing a lot of weights and cardio.

    Hope this helps somehow....
    Hey Daisy!
    why would they want their veins to show? It looks kinda ugly? & is this a good thing?

  7. really really muscular arms/biceps.... u knw like a real bodybuilder out of the ordinary muscles.. so big that the veins really pop out...

    in drm, guy stretched out his arm to show me how much he works out... i noticed the veins were really Popping out b/c of how much he worked out

    (P.S- i tried to attach a pic or even copy & paste but not having any luck? any ideas?)

  8. hey Destine...

    Could be literal, maybe someone will try and pressure you into doing something u know is not right.

    Jesus told Peter to pray that He would not fall under temptation, that's what comes to mind when i read your dream. Pray the Lord gives you strength at the hour of whatever temptation comes your way.

    Crow usually symbolizes an evil spirit.

    Just thoughts

  9. hey rose... these r my thoughts... moving to me represents change or transition...

    have to be careful about neighbor drms, as sometimes (for me at least) thy r symbolic to yourself...

    i guess the question is are you or someone u know praying for change or transition? i had a drm about a niegbhor moving in once and it was about a change coming into my life ..

    just thought id share my thoughts

    or it could just be literal for you...

  10. hey there... Interesting drm

    were you seeking the lord for your Life-partner? or a romantic relationship?

    usually when it comes to dreams such as this, i normally wait and see what happens... continue to pray and ask God for clarity and confirmation.

    It does sound like a deep connection with this person..

  11. i had a drm once i was in a house and realized its not my own.. in that drm the Lord was showing me im at a place i should not be..

    sometimes when we are not in Gods will we get attacked or get a distressing spirit... it happend to me,, but as soon as i said " Ok Lord I will not do this"... I had a peace come over me and i was not distressed anymore....

    Maybe your mind is going places you should not go? As in negative thoughts or you are thinking negative stuff due to stress? I do that sometimes and i get attacked when i do...

    But praise God you were able to speak forth "In Jesus Name" ...

    Jesus's name always sets you free...

    Just my thoughts

  12. wow Dee...

    that's so interesting that you had this dream, the other day i was watching a show called 'Its Supernatural", its a christian show..they talk about supernatural things of God.... the guest he had on the show talked about how he believed in these UFO (allien stuff) ...the Vatican apparently does a lot of research on this stuff...thy blve these things r going to hlp decieve the earth... etc...scary stuff..

    to be honest i didnt believe in the stuff but i didnt judge, i just was thinking about it...this guy did research for many yrs & also went to vatican to do more research..

    also - just a thought these 'aliens' might represent Demonic spirits.. Im not saying i blve in UFO type of Stuff.. i believe in the power of .... just thought its interesting u had this drm, right after i saw the show
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