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Posts posted by SisterinChrist

  1. Im about to leave for church. ill write more later but just my quick 2cents...

    I use to fast to kill the flesh & come closer by the spirit... its to hear from the Lord.  Even Jesus fasted.  I dont think it's the Law.
    Also.. fasting can also mean = ok lord im not spending the day doing anything that i love, i rather sacrfice that and give you that time (e.g. watching tv, listening to music, eating fun stuff, meeting friends ) etc...

    also its only the Law if you did it bc you feel that you are suppose to & if u dnt u feel God wont like u or something like that. 

    just my quick thoughts hee hee

  2. i was at a furntire store with my mom & sis. The lady shows an expensive dinning table $15,000. im like thats too expensive! im telling them no we need to look at less-expensive tables... i remind my sis that we have a glass dining table and another 1.. (IRL its true) why spend $ (both my sis & I r not working IRL).

    i am leaving building that my mom & sis currently live(I grew up there&im alwys visiting them IRL), thy r suppose to come after me... i have my stuff im taking out of elevator. the door closes.. i left a bag in there.. it opens.... a guy & girl r in there.... my bag was wide open! my wallet out in open.. they didnt take anything... the guy walks out of elevator. My stuff was near the elevator he push's it w/foot, then says to me 'oh sorry"...

    i take my stuff out start to walk.. i notice moving guys r there to help someone move.. lots of furniture in hallway... i walk out of building, notice someone is giving that guy directions on how to leave from his car.

  3. dreamster wrote:
    🤓i drmt i was headed down a country road,,gravel surface, it was dark late nite ,,then i came upon about 4 ppl, they said 2 me go bak,i dont wanna be down here, i hadda strong sense a woman had been murdered, somw wer nearby, ,,i turned around,,,,
    I think that maybe this is a call to pray... you can change events by prayer...

  4. You're welcome. It truly is an amazing dream, ( I believe it should be in the prophetic section).

    I think its scary that many ppl will be deceived.
    Yes i believe you can rest in the Lord, but also be aware of the times we live in, which im sure you are.
    Key part of the dream was that you called out to Jesus & he put that
    disregard in your heart - like not to worry no matter what you will not be deceived if you continue to abide in Him.
    Im sure if you continue to pray that the Lord reveal Satan's tactics during that period He will.

    Just my thoughts...
    Interesting, im wondering something like a major distraction is on it's way to try & deceive ppl..

  5. Hi Mark,
    Very interesting dream, these are just my thoughts & not an actual interpretation. Do you think the 'beings' that looked human but were used by the Devil?
    They are to make a lot of noise.. it reminds me of the bible verse when God said dont be fooled.. actually 2 verses come to mind.. You were smart, you realized what was going on and went back 'HOME" a place of safety.

    Mathew 7:15 (NIV) "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

    Mat 16: 3 (NIV) and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and
    overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you
    cannot interpret the signs of the times.

    This to me sounds like a very prophetic dream.... thanks for sharing this. I think it really tells of what the Lord wants to protect us from.
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