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How Often do you Fast?

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I've been really doing a study on fasting and it is really blowing my mind. I've fasted in the past, but I just did it because it was a corporate thing to do with my church. Then I was "caught up" in the revelation of Grace and I heard different people say that fasting is under law...so in my quest to not be a "Pharisee", I didn't pay any more attention to fasting.
Now I see it differently...the law was basically for people to follow in order to please God and fasting isn't about PLEASING God, it's about putting ourselves in position to hear from God and for God to have the room within us to do different things in our lives.

I just wanted to get a poll of all of you here on how often you fast and what types of fasts do you do?
I also wanted to know, if you fast, how did it change your life? Did you see God move in unusual ways?

I'm so interested, so I really hope I get a lot of responses here...

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In my early days as a believer, I fasted because someone I was in relationship with would be fasting. It'd usually be for a day, and no food at all. I was a baby in Christ at the time, so I didn't quite know what to expect. In retrospect, those early years were very powerful and full of rapid growth, so I don't doubt that fasting contributed to that.

We weren't necessarily seeking God on any particular thing - not an answer or for direction. It was just because - but, it wasn't to keep a rule/law. It also helped to establish some discipline early on. Oh, and just so I don't forget to say it: It was easier fasting with someone else.

Nowadays, I rarely fast. It's been on and off my mind within the past month, but I haven't acted on it. Not long ago, I attempted a single day fast during the work-week, and it just wasn't wise since I have a very physical job. Can't afford to get light-headed around heavy machinery. :)

One more story: I once wondered if I OUGHT to fast. I was in a spiritual drought, I guess. I thought that fasting might shake that. However, I just wasn't sure if God truly wanted me to fast at that time. Well, I ended up having a dream where I was eating a tack (thumbtack). I woke up and understood it to mean "Eating Attack" - and that I was not being called to fast at that time. I had peace about it after the dream.

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Thanks Mark. This is why I started studying about dating because it was on my mind to fast or a long time. I'm one of those people who dislikes doing something unless I understand the purpose of it. What I mean is, I never o something just to do it...or believe traditions jut because everyone else is doing it. So just because my church as fasted in the past and currently,I need to know more about it Biblically...and I do.

I'm actually beginning one today for a week. And like you, I've noticed some real growth in my life from oming it before and I can sense a shift is taking place in my life and I'm ready to remove the distractions so I can hear God more clearly.
I normally do natural juices and water .

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That's good to be practical like Mark said on not getting light headed at work because of fasting.

I try to fast once a week on Sunday my day off. I do not always do it, but have been able to keep a Sunday fast pretty consistent. I work 6 days a week and my job too, is physical and not real wise to fast during working days.

I did have a weeks vacation coming to me, and and went on a 7 day fast in mid March. I did receive a refreshing and break through because of it.

My commitment to fast is based on Jesus telling the disciples that this type of demon goes out by prayer and fasting. I just want to make sure I have taken the necessary preparations in dealing with anything the devil brings my way. I do not want to hear this could not come out because of not fasting.

Do not have complete revelation of exactly what fasting does and I am learning always about its significant. So I just do it by faith knowing the bible tells us to.

Lot of people find comfort in food and the affairs of life. So when a person puts food aside and the affairs of life and seeks comfort only in God and His Spirit and Word. Then it disciplines and trains the soul to constantly find comfort in doing God's will even when you are eating and engaged in the affairs of this life.

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GreatFulServant wrote:
Then it disciplines and trains the soul to constantly find comfort in doing God's will even when you are eating and engaged in the affairs of this life.

I love this!! Thanks for sharing your experience. The Bible doesn't say a whole lot about fasting, but one of the things I noticed is that each person that fasted, it was right before something HUGE. It was like there was a shift in their walk and in their life afterwards. I even think about Jesus when he fasted 40 days. The devil came to tempt him and once the attack was over, the angels ministered to him. It was after those 40 days that His ministry began.

God has really been speaking to me about fasting and I notice that not any Christians fast. Fasting doesn't change God, it changes us and puts us in position to hear from God. It also does some really great supernatural things inside of us and in our lives. I have a friend that fasted for the first time. She went to work and the company found out they had a huge profit. She was one of three people who received a $7000 bonus. She's not even in management like the other two were. She needed it...she was behind on her rent and her car payment...GOD IS GOOD!!!! happy dance
The one thing I'm learning is that we don't fast to get from God because that would be works...we fast to take away anything that is blocking our ability to hear from God. We seek Him FIRST and He will cause all of the other stuff to be added to us.

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GreatFulServant wrote:
I do not want to hear this could not come out because of not fasting.

Thanks for all you said, GreatFulServant. This line, especially, has echoed through my mind the past few days...

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I never really got the idea for why people fasted, thanks for the information

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can I fast to just spend time with god just focusing my mind on him and why did jesus say to anoint your head with oil before fasting. because I do that and I don't really know why im suppose to

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Im about to leave for church. ill write more later but just my quick 2cents...

I use to fast to kill the flesh & come closer by the spirit... its to hear from the Lord.  Even Jesus fasted.  I dont think it's the Law.
Also.. fasting can also mean = ok lord im not spending the day doing anything that i love, i rather sacrfice that and give you that time (e.g. watching tv, listening to music, eating fun stuff, meeting friends ) etc...

also its only the Law if you did it bc you feel that you are suppose to & if u dnt u feel God wont like u or something like that. 

just my quick thoughts hee hee

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