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introducing my self

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Hi my name is Robert Manly Martin and I just wanted to introduce my self to everyone. Sometimes im not in the right state of mind so if I post something that seems off please dont think of me as weird.(just saying that for future reference). I am 23 years old. I play electric guitar for hobbys and internet video games. I a very kind person and not judgemental at all really but if I do I repent immedietally. I take god very serious in my life. not a day goes by that I think about him. right now Im getting out of a slump of laziness and im seeking god more. ive been a Christian since a child but really started getting to know god about 3 years ago. Things that I like to hear are testamonies  of what god as done to people so if u have any post em here if you want to. and i just wanted to say that ive experienced a lot of fire in my life ive been through just about everything negative and im still standing god has not delivered me into the hand of the enemy and im thankfull. so if anyone is going through anything especially mental turmoil that's what i would specialize in if anything. post hear if you want and i can tell you how i delt with situations similar to what your going through and please don't be afraid because i wont think bad thoughts about anyone i just want to help people who go through mental turmoil. because i went through a lot and i know how to deal with certain situations. well anyways another hobby of mine is that i like to collect rocks. And the reason why i act strange sometimes is because i have been diagnosed with schizophrenia but i don't think of my self as one. i just hope peope don't shun me because of my diagnoses. but im not really worried because we all are Christians here and im not that worried about it. i love this web site just wanted to say that. i don't get outside that much or go anywhere so i will probly be using this fourm to socialize probly. and i hope to get to know everyone that's a regular user on this fourm because u all seem really kind and cool. so that's all i have to say.

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hee hee👋hi r/m,,,i hate typeg:type:,,,so i abrev werds an spell kinda funni as u may hav seen, :lordhelpus:..so :welcome:to the site,, ,,,,

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