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Posts posted by SisterinChrist

  1. As u know it's major heat, humidity, hotness..agh! My A/C's been broken for a long time.. My frnd came over like many many mnths ago.. couldnt fix it.. took it out of window for me was so heavy been sitting on the ground for long time now...i needed to throw it out.
    it became so hot.. i had a fan but it didnt do anything.. couldnt sleep, my poor puppy was so hot... but since i dnt hve job an getting an A/c is tuff b/c i hve to get someon to help me buy it an install it and evryone's so buzy. Was really stressig out..also i didnt hve the $$

    but my GOD was soooo goood!! Last wk my heart said to "try it". I tell u that baby started working!!! i didnt do anything...!!! That a/c was broken to the bone!!! was ready to throw it in garbage!!!
    Trust in the Lord He will supply ALL YOUR NEEDS. Trust in Him to provide in the hour of need. You might suffer at first, u might go thru some fire, some heat.. but He will bring u thru it and make a way where there was no way..Dont walk by sight..GOd wants us to see through our spiritual eyes..what seems "unfixable" is easy for the Lord to fix.. PTL We have to learn to believe... belive that He will do for us what seems impossible...

  2. wow!! D that's awesome!!!!!!! I'm so proud of u.. praise the Lord Good for u... Im sure ur testimny was so powerful... I agree w/Cholette... keep goin where the spirit leads u... God is makin a way... ptl

  3. Hello..
    yes i didnt find anything in the Bible that was exactly that #....

    was a dream ... was in a classroom... we had desks assigned to us.. couldnt just sit anywhere.. my desk # ( I THINk, if i Remeber correctly) was 336... Oh! and this guy who was of a diff religion i use to know back in collage was there.. When i was not in a relationship w/Christ. Was my freind. He was sitting n the bak..stud up and said some silly stuff an looked like he was walking away..not sitting but leaving the classroom...

    thnks for helping... im unsure of what it cud mean... 12 disciples..12 tribes? but that sound right.. it's an imp # an divisible by 3...

  4. I dreampt that I am outdoors, sitting on the ground with my Cousin.

    (Mycousin in Natural is of a different faith. She is not a Christian. But she is a nice girl.)

    She wants to pray.So I go ahead and start praying. She copies what I say. I'm surprised. Then I pray in
    tongues she repeats what i say. I make some comment about that. Im surprised she repeated what I said in tongues.

    Then i see a bible ( i dont remember what i was doing with it)

    She just wants to copy what I'm saying in prayer. I was surprised she was copying my praying in spirit.

    About my cousin- she is not christian. She has her own life, husband and is pregnant. Nice girl but we are not that close. I don't understand why the Lord used this cousin in my dream?

  5. hey lola. .sorry i deleted it.. but yea was a dream.. i wasns't awake..no visual... the Lord said my name and i woke up... was saying real evil thngs.. like im gonna wish i was never born, lol... Devil is a Liar an i dont fear it one bit.. So i deleted what i wrote sorry....but yes that's what happend....

    i also deleted this visual dream.. was on my bed ..this thing, like a person in disguise..cudn't see face... did not touch me..but put his hands above my face an tried to i guess supernatually move me out of my bed...i was tryng to mve but cudn't.. i tried to stop but couldn't.. i saw black lightning on the wall... i felt in my dreams my legs were coming off the bed. but then i think i woke up...

    Felt the enemy was tryng to stop by intimacy w/Christ...

  6. interesting.. my sis had a dream similar to urs... she got 2mil and said wow all my probs r gone.. etc..

    i feel like u were the same way.. like thinking about how u can do so much with all that money...
    ur gonna be blessed in a major way... u will be able to do the things u want/need to do.. 2 mil is a huge sum...w/that kinda money all ur problems can disappear... that says a lot...

  7. dreamster wrote:
    im at mi old church,im at the bak of the building wher the sound mixa is,,i hava nu dark suit on,,i turn up the wireless mike volume,,2 half,,an proceed 2 the front of the building thers a service goin on,, i begin 2 teach/preach onm the ppl.. talkin about giveing an the struggles i been thru,, an that how god is wiv us,,

    my thoughts.. didnt take test... sorry i didnt read all the posts..apologzie if its a repeat.

    Old church but new suite.. U get a lot of dreams w/new suites..the Lord i thnk is trying to tell u that u r a new person, new covering a new mantle .. u r not what u were in the past..U have a testimony to give.. u were telling ppl of what u went thru and how God is w/them..the struggles etc...
    The Lord might be trying to tell u that what u went thru in the past is ur testimony which will help u preach or teach in time to come.. Most of ur dreams seem to be telling u that u have some sort of spiritual authority.. leader.. preachr in u..

  8. God encourages us.. to Him alll the Glory. I was beaming in joy not even for the $$ but b/c of How faithful He is.. ( altho the $ was a bonus )... He know's our hearts an how we want to do the right thing and smtimes we cant.. but if we r faithful with a little He returns w/much favor... Its so true....

  9. The Lord usually guides me where I should give my tithes and offerings...Currently i'm out of a job so I cant give too much... I give offereings.
    I like to watch this religious channel a lot.. i liked this pastors preaching a lot..it really hit me hard

    I had a drm. That pastor called me and i was excited..I said wow i watch u on that channel I luvd ur teachin.. Pls pray for my job situation. He said " if you liked it so much did you give ?"
    I realized the Lord wanted me to give to this place for blessing me and many others. Took me a couple of weeks to give ( no job).. So i donated $50 and thought well i dont have much, this is a lot for me. Hopefully i can give when i get job..

    The next day or so I got a check in the mail from this old bank i use to work in 08' for $50 h ahahaha... I was not expecting, they sent no reason for the $$. Just a check. I was so excited just b/c how the Lord worked it all out... lol Be Obedient to the Lordmy friends!!! It's not about the money, it's about being obedient I learned. PTL.. Just luved how He worked this out.. i know my JOb is on the way also.. PTL..God is good.
    So give to the Lord ..He proves Himself faithful... He will give back always!!! PTL He's been so good to me while i've been out of a job. PTL....

  10. hi happiness... i understand what u mean.. i get discouraged as well.. it's hard sometimes when u dont see the rainbow at the end but ur just walking w/faith not by sight.. thats when u just cling on to His word...

    Even Jesus was discouraged..when He prayed and sweated drops of blood- " Lord take away this cup if possible..not my will but urs..."
    also on the Cross He thought the Father looked away and said " why hve u forsaken me.."

    God understands discouragement and stress.. He had gone thru it as well..so go to Him with an honest heart and let Him know how u feel... Just happens sometimes... thats when God steps in and helps u more...


    But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

  11. oh and sometimes the Name also means something... God uses a person w/a certain name and the meaning of name means something.. not sure if it has to do w/ur dream.. but i know that the lord does that as well...

  12. Didnt take test..my thoughts.. i read the 1st dream over and over again... i find it quite powerful..

    Isaiah 35:8 And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The
    unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that
    Way; wicked fools will not go about on it.

    doctors/nurses are in a place of healing.. the House i blve represented the Church.. The Lord gave u charge it seems.. ppl were glad u were there... The House, which i belive is the Church,body of Christ, was put on the Highway..the Lord said the unclean will not follow on it...

    u were cleaning/healing at that House..ex. the Dr's and Nurses...
    U will be a leader.....
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