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Everything posted by ilparo005

  1. Ok everybody I have been praying for my marriage to be restored and since then my daughter had a dream that my husband knocked on the door while we were praying, and apologize to me and in the dream I told my husband that it was alright. He even apologized to the children and walked over the house. My daughter told me that in the dream it was sunny and the sun was shining bright in the house. Now, I had the same dream she had on that same night. Then last night I had a dream that my husband came by and picked me and the children up and held my hands tightly and we were in the car together holding hands.....We went before a divorce judge and she gave me my divorce papers back in my hands and me and my husband walked out together...
  2. I totally agree. Just focus on what the Lord thinks of you,and no one else. Rejection hurts,however it is like a blessing in disguise. My husband of ten years just walked out on me ,and I see it as a opportunity to see the Lord in a total different way. I mean since he's been gone I am learning to see the blessing of the Lord through everything even this. There is a scripture that states anyone who rejects you rejects me, Jesus said this, so if someone rejects you just know that there is a blessing through it all. The Lord loves you and he will never ever reject you.
  3. Hi . I just wanted to tell everyone hello. Congratulations on your new position continue to be blessed!!!
  4. Hello every one. I decided to look up bibical dreams interpretation because my husband of ten years of marriage walked out on me and our children on Feb 4,2010. Lately I been having dreams that he is picking me up and I am driving with him in his new car that he just bought. I have dreams about me and him and our children living together again, however his actions are the total opposite. Can anyone please share any insight or is my mind just playing tricks on me? Thanks
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